Saturday, January 31, 2015

Are We Done With "Muslim No-Go Zones" Yet?

Fox "News" recently had to apologize for their idiotic support of the the idea that "Muslim No-Go zones" were flourishing: places where white people couldn't enter because they'd be killed by the scary Allah-worshippers.

In a reasonable world, when you're shown to be totally wrong on a subject, you shouldn't be called an expert. (And when the Prime Minister of England calls you an idiot, your career should be over.) But Fox "News" would not exist in a reasonable world.

It wasn't just that isolated incident, either. The concept was repeated multiple times, with one guest even expanding on the idea, to say that we should put razor wire around these mythical "no-go zones" and turn off the water, to drive them out and register them.

In Paris, at least one popular TV show (and much of social media) roundly mocked Fox "News."

The mayor of Paris didn't take it in such good humor: she considered suing them.

The myth of "no-go zones" is nothing new. They started cropping up after the 9/11 terrorist attack in 2001; you can even find maps of supposed "no-go" zones in America. These tend to be less common, though - it's too easy debunk. A simple road trip will show you the truth, so American racists prefer to place their scary "no-go zones" in far away places where their ignorant audience will never visit, like England or France.

It's just when they accidentally get quoted on the international stage, and those pesky Limeys and Frenchies point out that you're an idiot, that this strategy backfires on them.

So then, career racists like Mark Steyn desperately try to justify their lies, despite the fact that these are all questions that were settled years ago.

All of which leads to Bobby Jindal, apparently aware that his election requires him to mobilize the brain-dead racist wing of the party, doubling down on the racist myth, even though he can't substantiate it when confronted with facts.

Of course, will the bigots and low-information voters be willing to vote for a dark-skinned son of Punjab like Bobby Jindal? That's a tricky question, and one that Jindal might want to consider before he goes too far into the weeds on this.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Mega Donors Buying Politicians and Influence...

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Thinking pro business and pro growth makes sense for everybody; after all economic growth, or an expanding economy (added demand)creates jobs which are in turn filled by folks looking for work, and it gives businesses the opportunity to increase their income (the result of increased demand for goods or services)and provide those extra jobs that get filled by folks looking for work.

All that makes sense; right? It does if viewed from the perspective that all businesses are, to a great extent, concerned with the importance of a growing vibrant middle class. But we all know this is not the case and mega wealthy corporations spend mega millions financing political campaigns of candidates they believe will be most favorable to their interests, not yours or the country's at large.

Very wealthy individuals and corporations spend the millions they do on political campaigns for one purpose and one purpose only, TO BUY INFLUENCE and CONTROL POLIT0ICIANS who make laws and regulations. In short they are attempting to insure their own special interests are protected. Whether that has a positive or negative impact on the larger picture is really of little consequence to the wealthy corporations or wealthy individuals.

So, in looking out for your own self interests be sure to do the research and learn if mega dollar donors are supporting a candidate you are considering voting for, whether they be a congressional, senate, or presidential candidate. Because if they are being bankrolled by big money the chances are the candidate will be looking out after the interests of the corporation or individual(s) whose money bought them.
POLIICO - The Koch brothers’ conservative network is still debating whether it will spend any of its massive $889 million budget in the Republican presidential primaries, but the prospect of choosing a GOP nominee loomed over the network’s just-concluded donor conference in the California desert. 
In an informal straw poll of some conference donors, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida came out ahead of four other would-be GOP presidential candidates who had been invited, according to an attendee familiar with the results. The poll was conducted by Frank Luntz, a veteran GOP pollster, during a break-out session of the conference, which wrapped up Tuesday after a long weekend of presentations and discussions at the Ritz-Carlton in Rancho Mirage, Calif.  
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul — who received the least enthusiastic response from donors during a Sunday night forum of prospective candidates that also featured Rubio and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz — finished last in Luntz’s poll, the source told POLITICO.  
The poll is by no means a definitive assessment of the feelings of the hundreds of wealthy business leaders who comprise the vaunted network created by billionaire industrialist brothers Charles and David Koch. But it does provide an early glimpse into the leanings of a pool of megadonors who are being hotly courted by the field of would-be candidates, and whose checkbooks could go a long way toward determining who emerges with the GOP nomination — regardless of whether the Koch network decides to formally back a candidate.  
The network has thus far steered clear of endorsing specific candidates in primaries, but it is coming under internal and external pressures to do so. It hopes to raise $889 million from wealthy backers like those who gathered in Rancho Mirage to push its agenda in 2015 and 2016, more than double what it spent in the 2012 election cycle.  
In addition to Cruz, Paul and Rubio, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker paid a visit to the Ritz meeting, though he was not present for the forum.  
The three-day conference was organized by Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, a nonprofit outfit that oversees the vast political and policy network created by the Koch brothers.

Via: Memeorandum

Friday, January 16, 2015


Just when you thought news of the world could not possibly be any worse, this report today in the Washington Post caught my attention, Human activity has pushed Earth beyond four of nine ‘planetary boundaries’:
At the rate things are going, the Earth in the coming decades could cease to be a “safe operating space” for human beings. That is the conclusion of a new paper published Thursday in the journal Science by 18 researchers trying to gauge the breaking points in the natural world.
The paper contends that we have already crossed four “planetary boundaries.” They include the extinction rate; deforestation; the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; and the flow of nitrogen and phosphorous (used on land as fertilizer) into the ocean [my bold].
“What the science has shown is that human activities — economic growth, technology, consumption – are destabilizing the global environment,” said Will Steffen, who is the lead author of the paper.
These are not future problems, but rather urgent matters, according to Steffen, who said that the economic boom since 1950 and the globalized economy have accelerated the transgression of the boundaries. No one knows exactly when push will come to shove, but he said the possible destabilization of the “Earth System” as a whole could occur in a time frame of “decades out to a century.”
Today, the National Climate Data Center released this finding: 2014 was the hottest year on record. Global land temperatures reached 1.80 F above average, while ocean surface temperatures were 1.03 F above average. Land temperatures alone were the fourth warmest on record, but ocean temperatures were the warmest, which made 2014 the warmest - and the worst - year to date. Furthermore, the rate of sea level rise is approximately 25% higher than previous estimates, according to this reassessment reported in Nature.

In other news this week, the anti-science, anti-climate change senator from Texas, Ted Cruz, was named chair of the Senate Subcommittee on Space, Science and Competitiveness, which oversees NASA and all science programs. Fellow climate change denier Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) will chair the Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and the Coast Guard

Ecce Homo!  Behold the most destructive species that has ever walked on Earth.  And behold the new stewards of science - emperors without clothes.  Humanoids are determined to doom themselves ... and cephalopods shall inherit the Earth.

Also sprach der Krakken.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


I refer to this commentary by Jake Tapper, billed as CNN’s “Chief Washington Correspondent” …
I say this as an American -- not as a journalist, not as a representative of CNN -- but as an American: I was ashamed … [skip] … I find it hard to believe that collectively President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and Attorney General Eric Holder -- who was actually in France that day for a conference on counterterrorism -- just had no time in their schedules on Sunday.”
Here is another manufactured controversy - sensationalized and repeated ad nauseam - that neither informs nor uplifts the public at a time when positive back-stories are needed most.  Who gives a damn what Jake Tapper thinks … as an American (he does not speak for me), as a journalist (petty sniping is not journalism), or as a representative of CNN (which fails to rise above the Faux News caricature).

The headline of President Obama as a no-show is the one that sticks in the mind.  Yet, imbedded within his commentary is Jake Tapper’s half-assed stab at appearing 'fair and balanced' ...
I find it hard to believe that Speaker of the House John Boehner and new Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had more worthy pursuits on Sunday than standing side-by-side with our French brothers and sisters … [skip] … I'm frankly floored that not one of the people who is contemplating running for president in 2016 has yet to even tweet on the subject … [skip] … Chris Christie, Scott Walker and Paul Ryan attended the Green Bay-Dallas football game Sunday … [skip] … And Jeb? Mitt? Crickets.”
Why headline the Commander-in-Chief as Deadbeat-in-Chief when our entire political establishment appears vapidly unexceptional at street theater.  Perhaps the President is busy at the moment - along with the rest of the administration.  The story that should have made headlines is this one:  MUSLIM MAN HAILED FOR LIFE-SAVING COURAGE DURING PARIS SIEGE:
In the days after the bloody end of twin French hostage crises Friday, stories of life-saving courage are beginning to filter out. One of the most striking is the story of Lassana Bathily, a young immigrant from Mali who literally provided police with the key to ending the hostage crisis at the supermarket.
Bathily was in the store's underground stockroom when gunman Amedy Coulibaly burst in upstairs, according to accounts given to French media and to a friend of Bathily's who spoke to The Associated Press. Bathily turned off the stockroom's freezer and hid a group of frightened shoppers inside before sneaking out through a fire escape to speak to police. Initially confused for the attacker, he was forced to the ground and handcuffed.
Once police realized their mistake, he provided them with the key they needed to open the supermarket's metal blinds and mount their assault.
Here is the story of a Muslim immigrant who put aside ethnocentric tribalism to save lives - Jewish lives.  More than ever, we need this story to counter bigotry, to help prevent a backlash against Muslim communities, and to stop the endless cycles of recrimination and revenge.  Now is not the time for self-serving narratives steeped in nationalism, exceptionalism and narcissism.  We need stories about heroes and positive role models such as Lassana Bathily - and less Jake Tapper claptrap.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.

South Pacific

When I read about resurgent antisemitism in America, my emotions are mixed.  On one hand the Klan, the people who read Jew Watch with swastikas tattooed on their necks -- and as Octopus suggests, the mainstream of the new GOP don't scare me personally. On the other hand the similarity of rhetoric with that fire hose of filth coming from Islamists worldwide does.  I'm suggesting that Europe and other parts of the world are no longer safe for Jews -- if in fact, they ever were.  Jewish exodus from France is escalating --doubling in 2014.
"There is no future for Jews in France as long as Europeans refuse to confront the tacit acceptance of violence by many of the continent’s Muslims."
Writes James Kirchick in The Daily Beast. If he's right that Europeans have trouble admitting or discussing it, perhaps it's true of us as well. From my personal experience it's quite impolitic to bring up anti-Semitism when discussing racism or bigotry with those insisting that there is no diminution of racism in America, yet just before I fled the North for Florida my town, a recent home of a Muslim community Center was enduring a well funded siege of its school board by irate Muslim parents insisting that neither events of European antisemitism nor the events some call the Holocaust should be taught in schools. Virtually all of those good folks were refugees from the Balkans seeking safety here while insisting we become just like the Balkans.

During the events in Paris far more was made of the attack on cartoonists than the innocent Jews murdered in a Kosher Grocery, killed for no apparent reason other than Islamic antisemitism.  French journalist Marc Weitzmann wrote from the scene of the grocery store siege:

“I spoke to a person who teaches history in a high school in one of the suburban Cités, He told me that this is a complete disaster. Teachers are afraid to mention the events. He told me that in his school, students are asking to debate the massacre—and they are justifying it. Thirteen-year-olds, 14-year-olds saying, ‘You shouldn’t insult the Prophet. The killing is justified.”
As per affluent Muslims in an affluent Chicago suburb raging against teaching the Holocaust 15 years ago, teachers in France are being made afraid to talk about this pathological hatred of Jews being preached from Mosques and Madrassas in Paris and all over Europe. According to Pew polls 72 percent of Frenchmen have favorable impressions of Islam and we see quite easily how one is automatically accused of "Islamophobia" by moderates and Liberals when connecting this weekend's events with massive outrages by Islamists all over the world.

You have to be carefully taught, goes the old song and yet we're all so reluctant to look for the teacher because it might seem that we're "profiling" or being otherwise illiberal. We'll say irrelevant things like "most Muslims are good" when that's hardly the point, or we'll blame it on poverty when that's hardly the case.  It isn't the poor or unemployed behind these attacks or preaching sermons and quoting scripture. It isn't the poor training and housing and funding terrorists, rapists and slaughterers of the innocent.  Is our "niceness" our open-mindedness" our very liberal principles greasing the ways as civilization slides back to the dark ages?

Perhaps France is not afraid of terrorists, but the question, I think, is whether they're too afraid to offend innocent moderate Muslims to protect innocent Jews, cartoonists or in some way only understandable to psychopathic Jihadists -- anyone who "insults the prophet?"

Friday, January 9, 2015

Vive la France!

Well, they're dead and I'm glad, but I have two regrets. One of course is that some Jewish hostages have been killed and the other that the murderers of God didn't have to endure an endlessly agonizing and humiliating death.  Jews and cartoonists. Just the sort of people Islamic leaders like to vilify and Islamic devotees like to kill.  God you see is very insecure and can't abide anyone doubting the words of the prophets as set down and interpreted by generations of Mullahs and Ayatollahs.  He also doesn't like Jews, or at least that's what his myriad mouthpieces say.

He has much in common with the American radical right who must feel frustrated that not everyone agrees just how dangerous those Jews are, how hated of God and how they control everything and oppose family values. Not that either of these tribes would admit their commonality, but both will be relieved that a few more of these evil Christ killers, stock market riggers, media propagandists and insulters of Allah are dead on a grocery store floor.

In Saudi Arabia, our moderate Islamic friends and members of the UN Human Rights Council, so intimate with our former president:  In Saudi Arabia where terrorists are doubtlessly protested against when I'm not looking, a blogger got a savage beating for insulting Islam. The Website Free Saudi Liberals, sounds just like the sort of place those locals with "I Am Not A Liberal"  and "Liberalism is a mental disease" bumper stickers would find repugnant too, if only they could read at an adequate level to peruse them.

50 lashes, in case you don't know, is a severe punishment, effectively removing your skin.  Not severe enough for our "moderate Muslim" friends pandered to by the US though, so he's going to get another one every week for 20 weeks.  That's a thousand! I doubt he will survive, but hey!  God will not be insulted.

But wait, there's more!  He gets to pay over a quarter million dollars in fines too, but they'd better get it up front.  As I said, I doubt he will survive.  Will there be a million protesters in the streets of Riad?  Of course not. Will the Saudi's rise up in arms and overthrow a murderous tyranny?  Will we rage against them at the UN? Am I asking rhetorical questions?  At best there will be some faint damnation somewhere and Americans will be too busy decrying Obama's tyranny to give a damn what goes on in the lives of a billion, two hundred million suffering human beings.  It's not good to criticize religion and next thing you know someone will be insulting Jesus  or religion in general and we can't allow that.  Religion doesn't kill people -- people kill people and since we're all people, who's to blame but us?

As liberals, we have to be tolerant of course and we always have to be conscious of how the guilt is really ours and no one else is really to blame but the actual perpetrators and even then, we have to remember they have issues and be sympathetic.  We can't assign any part in it to the preachers, the prelates, the prophets and all the people who assist, facilitate, coach, train, feed and comfort the murders of children. We can't blame those who look the other way, saying nothing, who hide fugitives, who make heroes of  suicide bombers and plane hijackers and gang rapists -- who slice up little girls and hang homosexuals and murder novelists and cartoonists in the name of God.

Sure, technically they could do something, but those silk robes stain so easily and why should we bother when after all the Christians sacked Jerusalem in 1099 and partitioned the Ottoman Empire a hundred years ago. It's our own fault and it's natural to take it our on some grocery shopper in Paris.

Guilt and innocence -- do those words mean anything?  What after all is truth but what we're told to believe?  What is truth if it erodes our piety? Can there be guilt when someone has some grievance against someone else or against society or against infidels or Liberals or Jews?  How can we even accuse when it would make us a bigot, a racist, a heretic?

It's over so lets get back to the game or to the missing airplane or to making fun of Republicans or Democrats according to our habits.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Living With Terrorism: My Life in Paris (1995-1999)


The terrorist attack on Charlie Hedbo yesterday recalled my life in France during the 1990s. This brutal event is especially ironic for me:  It was virtually twenty years ago this week when I boarded a flight to Paris to begin life as an American expatriate for the next four years.  Six months after my arrival, a series of bottle bombs placed by Algerian terrorists menaced the city.

To put this story into context, a new and unknown terrorist cell called al-Qaeda had not yet made headlines. The attack on 9/11 would not occur for another six years.  Yet, the 1990s were by no means safe and carefree.  There were terrorist groups everywhere - combatants of the Bosnian conflict, the IRA, and the PLO - but none of these represented an imminent threat to life in Paris.  A civil war raging in Algeria had crossed the Mediterranean into France.

In July of 1995, the first terrorist bombing struck Saint-Michel Station during the evening rush hour. A gas-filled bottle bomb caused eight fatalities; 80 victims suffered serious injuries including loss of limbs.  It was summer, a season for vacations and family visitors from the United States.  My daughter and I passed through Saint-Michel Station literally hours before the first attack. For my family, it was our closest brush with terrorism until years later when my cousin Ruthie perished in the twin towers on 9/11.

Terrorists detonated a second bottle bomb near Arc de Triomphe wounding 17 people, followed by an explosive device tossed into a trash bin on Avenue des Champs Elysées.  Thereafter, all trash bins in the City of Paris were bolted shut, and litter filled the streets.  A French military unit encamped at Champs de Mars; gendarmes armed with automatic weapons patrolled streets and Métro stations; France had become a country under siege.

In late August, a large bomb was discovered on a high-speed rail line near Lyon, followed by an attack on a Jewish school that claimed 14 victims.  Finally, September brought a break in the case.  Fingerprints left on unexploded bombs identified the ringleader, who was apprehended and killed by gendarmes.  Yet, the bombings continued into October of that year. Another bottle bomb wounded 13 at Métro Maison Blanche. The last bombing occurred on October 17th in the RER train station at Musée d'Orsay - leaving 29 casualties.

Unbeknownst to terrorists, terrorism did not terrify us or intimidate us or preoccupy our thoughts. Living in a city such as Paris, the constant threat of terrorism had as little impact as any event of low probability – death by crossing the street, or death by falling into an open elevator shaft. Random life-altering events can happen in any city at any moment – in the next arrondissement or a continent away. We did not hide nor tremble in fear. We lived day to day attending to the routines of modern life: Waking, working, shopping, cooking, eating, sleeping … routines that impacted daily life far more than any act of terror ever could.

Acts of terror become sensationalized media events (and parenthetically a burden borne by authorities who neither eat nor sleep until the villains are brought to justice). The actual loss of innocent life, the sheer brutality, the carnage … these do not matter to the depraved persons who commit such crimes.  What matters is the message inside the bottle bombs.

If anything, it was ‘Le Grève’ that impacted my life in Paris far more than any terrorist act.  Le Grève, or grievance, refers to the labor strikes staged each year in December by public transport workers just before the Christmas holiday rush. All air and ground transportation in France came to halt. With no buses, planes or trains to move people, private vehicles clogged every street and turned the entire city into a veritable parking lot. Tempers flared in the heavy smog-laden air. That year, I booked passage on the last Channel Tunnel train to Waterloo Station in London where I waited out Le Grève.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

David Duke, Steve Scalise, and Resurgent Anti-Semitism

When is a racist no longer a racist?  How do you revise history and turn past lies into plausibly deniable claims?  How do you spin the words of a self-avowed Nazi sympathizer and turn him into a defender of the Faith and the American way?

Simple!  Just say it.  Words alone have the power to change reality and turn dross into gold.  Heated denials can make a tasty reduction sauce.  Throw in some red meat to feed hungry lynch mobs.  Add a pinch of tribalism.  And presto!  The Devil has become your Savior:

Anyone who doubted that the American government, media and “culture” has not been completely colonized and taken over by Jewish Supremacists and their sick ideological worldview, need look no further than …
In other words, look no further than David Duke, Steve Scalise, and their Zio-Apologist and Zio-Revisionist-in-Chief, John Boehner.  How ironic!  The GOP has chosen Steve Scalise (R, La) to hold the same position formerly held by Eric Cantor. Since it is no longer fashionable to be a racist (and since David Duke claims he is not nor has he ever been a racist), you can trade in your old bigotry for a real collectors’ item - the oldest scapegoat of them all - anti-Semitism.  Which reminds me.  Here is a comment from a notorious blogger who no longer plies the waters of civilized society:
Yes, indeed!  But they he failed to mention the nearly absolute control Jews exert upon A) the ENEMEDIA, B) the Entertainment Industry, and C) the Educational Establishment, and the hugely disproportionate influence Jews enjoy over The Courts, The Law in general, and their ever-growing numbers in the U.S. Congress. (Schumer, Boxer, Feinstein, Franken, Sanders, et al.)
No need to name names - the memes and themes should be recognizable to all.  David Duke and this voice from the Cringe Fringe appear to be reading off the same page, and you can still smell the stench of Zio-Protocols and Zio-taunts beneath their words.

Happy New Year (and welcome to the new GOP Congressional majority).  BTW, someone should inform former Texas Governor, Rick Perry, that the proper greeting during Hanukkah is ‘Mazel Tov,’ not ‘Molotov.’

Monday, December 29, 2014

Everything is going to Hell

Says the Devil.

A plane crashes in a storm on the other side of the world. For days afterward it's "breaking News!" on CNN and their website asks us if flying is getting more dangerous. Yes, of course it's a pattern. It's twice in one year out of only 36 million flights!  Someone gets shot by a psychotic in a theater and we're told, or rather CNN arranges for us to hear someone ask if it's safe to go to the movies any more.

As humans we're famously deficient when it comes to comparing relative risk and of course a very well funded industry is based on exploiting our irrational nature and steadfast unwillingness to do the math. How many of us will switch off the round the clock babble and endless pictures of airplanes and people looking out the window to make a graph of fatalities per passenger mile?  Basically none.

We don't know if police brutality is on the increase, whether it centers on a certain minority, on several minorities or whether it's random or whether factors not being discussed enter into the picture. Why should there be, the people upon whom we depend to inform us are as much a part of the entertainment industry as Disney or Sony Pictures. What we do is select opinions and fears and things to gloat about from the buffet and all according to our personalities and chosen affiliations -- and today's technology makes it possible for manipulators and exploiters to target us with things that we will buy into without question and that much of it is designed to scare and to outrage is no coincidence.

It doesn't have to be about politics or law or current events. It doesn't have to be real  They can scare you with fructose or gluten or lactose or fluoride or electric meters or preservatives and imaginary toxins and they can cash in as easily as collecting maple syrup from a tree.

Obviously X is rampant and getting worse and of course we won't stand for it any more and here are two or three incidents to prove it if we don't stop to think or look too close or ask too many questions.
And here's what we need to do and never mind the cost because there's no time to waste and no time for the niceties of due process. What do we want? ZEAL.  When do we want it?  Before you cool off.

Don't we love to tell stories about how the other guys are idiots, neurotics, liars and infinitely malevolent?  Of course we do and the result is to strengthen our commitment to "our side" and lessen the possibility of questioning ourselves and what we believe -- whether our nebulous remedies will work or make things worse. If we're against demons and monsters, what are the odds we're wrong?   If some court finds differently from our convictions, why they must be corrupt and we need to attack.  If there's the appearance of a cluster or a pattern in random events, of course it's a trend and we need to make noise and search for someone to punish, even if the apparent trend is the opposite to the statistical one. I mean how many kids have to die before we replace fruit sugar with cane sugar?  How may kids have to get "grain brain?"  How many kids will get fat if we don't ban slurpees and never mind the double bacon cheese chiliburgers with extra fries and special sauce?  Our solutions will work because the other guys are evil.

 Why bother to look it up?  Our side is right because the other side is wrong. If we make a mistake and lives are lost or ruined we shouldn't be worried unnecessarily, we're the good guys after all and it's better that all crimes are punished and all danger eliminated than that a few innocents are punished.  Just look at how bad the other side is! Just look at how dangerous life is these days.

Everything is going to hell because it needs to be for certain influences to do what they want to us. A building is blown up in New York, so we have to assume it's a trend and before long Caspar Wyoming will be in flames.  There goes our 4th amendment protection.  Drugs are killing our youth so oops there goes any protection from searches and seizures without probable cause or due process. Welcome swat teams with or without warrants crashing through your front door. Crime is on the increase so let's equip and train our police as Storm Troopers and let's stop "coddling" criminals and allowing judges some discretion and start trying 14 year olds as adults. Our schools are danger zones so let's make our kids criminals if they have a nail clipper or an aspirin. Our "rape culture" is on the rise so let's suspend any benefit of the doubt and of course racism is so rampant no white people should be trusted. And worst of all, the Devil is out there with his facts and figures and quoting scripture so we can't trust anyone.

And of course we wouldn't dare challenge any of it because that would just prove we're agents for the other side -- and did I mention just how bad they are?