Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Sagebrush Rebellion

Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but YHWH pondereth the hearts.

Proverbs 21:2

It seems a bit pretentious to call it a rebellion or to call the participants patriots for participating in an armed sit-in as we used to call it back in the day.  "Highfalutin' " you might call it: rhapsodizing about sleeping under the stars and saddlin' up your horse, since one is still quite welcome to do that. Indeed I've done that myself although the horse was iron and didn't need saddling. The event that precipitated the Malheur occupation had more to do with arson of Federal Property than a camping trip or the right to enjoy the great outdoors.  It has more to do with the perceived right to exploit common resources for individual profit.

LaVoy Finicum, said by his family to be a gentle and kind man was killed yesterday in an armed confrontation with FBI agents. Although I don't know the details, I'm rather certain he died in vain, defending a nostalgic idea of freedom drawn from romantic fiction but also drawn from a relic of the days of anti-Communist hysteria. Strutting around with firearms on Federal property is more like something extracted from a Zane Fray novel that a political statement. Fiction, romance, free-range nostalgia and maybe a bit of the Bible thrown it to remind us of a time before government and "every man did that which was right in his own eyes."

You might see it as paranoia, the assertion that our government must by nature abridge our freedom continuously if not wantonly, and that there is no process for addressing grievances except in the old way, the frontier way, the fantasy way of the gun and by pretending that the legitimacy of government is an individual choice and not that of  the voting population.  The sovereign citizen is not part of our law and never was.  The idea of continuous revolution that "speaks from the muzzle of a gun"  is an argument found in the little red books the Red Guard used to carry,  not in our Constitution, but I'm used to seeing the words of Marx and Mao supported by people who think they're opposing Communism and seeing it everywhere.

But attaching noble purpose to the banal and even to the ridiculous is the stuff  of religion and politics, from terrorists "protecting' their almighty God to the claim of immunity to the law conveyed by "belief."  That noble purpose behind the Oregon occupation seems to be supported by a strange edition of the US constitution annotated by one W. Cleon Skousen, an anti-Communist crusader supported it seems by Glenn Beck which makes all kinds of  claims about whom the law pertains to and what the constitution allows and doesn't. You may be old enough to remember that Cleon was one of those loonies claiming Dwight Eisenhower was a Communist agent.  It's a book that's been distributed through Mormon sources and printed by the millions. It's a book carried by Cliven Bundy and others of his ilk

This madness lives on, lures people into a Quixotic epic including heroes with tin-pot helmets making suicidal attacks on the entire concept of Government.  That the United states was never intended to be for anyone but Christians who live as they please and do no more than what is right in his own eyes is at the heart of this "rebellion" and I would sooner call it a fugue, a fantasy and a fraud.  At heart though it's also religion and supported by a religion with separatism as it's legacy and hostility toward "gentiles" as it's heritage. 

Perhaps YHWH will weigh some hearts here, perhaps not, but the law will certainly weigh actions

Friday, January 22, 2016

Sarah's Choice

Responding to a domestic violence report last week, police officers arrested a 26-year old suspect for punching his girlfriend in the face and brandishing a firearm while intoxicated. Is this your typical crime blotter from Any Town USA? Not this time! The alleged offender was Track Palin, oldest son of Sarah Palin.

Whether Son of Sarah ends up in lockup, or receives a slap on his affluenza, is beside the point. Where was Mamma Pit Bull with Lipstick one day later? Was she arranging bail to spring her son from jail? Retaining legal counsel or family counsel?

On Tuesday, the former half-term governor of Alaska had flown to Ames, Iowa, to stump for Trump. Her signature voice screeching of chalk on blackboard, the family values mom betrayed no hint of the family mess back home.

Not until Wednesday, during a campaign stop in Tulsa, Oklahoma, did she finally speak of the elephant in the room:

“That starts from the top. It’s a shame that our military personnel even have to wonder, if they have to question, if they’re respected anymore. It starts from the top,” she insisted.

Indeed! Accountability starts from the top, but was the POTUS deserving her spite? Did PTSD derail her hapless Track, or perhaps some other pre-existing condition long ignored?  Let’s take a Tripp (no pun intended) down Memory Lane:
December 6, 2005 — Four teens stopped at a liquor store and stole a bottle of vodka before vandalizing 44 school buses. Although courts do not release the names of juvenile offenders, one of the four teens is believed to be Track Palin. 
September 11, 2007 — Son of Sarah enlists in the U.S. Army (presumably to ‘straighten up and fly right’). In the year Track Palin deployed to Iraq, his CIC was President George W. Bush.
September 2, 2008 — On the same day John McCain named Sarah Palin as his VP running mate, tabloids broke this news: Teenage daughter Bristol was pregnant.
September 6, 2014 — Let us recall the infamous Palin Family Brawl starring Papa Todd, Mama Grizzly, bristling Bristol, and punch-drunk Track.
June 27, 2015 — After earning $262,500 as teen pregnancy ambassador for the Candie Foundation (an abstinence awareness charity), Bristol announced her second pregnancy — again out of wedlock.
No doubt, tabloid journalism opens windows on the private lives of famous people but rarely delves into more meaningful clues. Are Palin family values behind closed doors the same as they appear in public?

Ask any mental health professional. Patterns of underage drinking, teen pregnancy, and trouble with the law are signs and symptoms of disconsolate teens — and of absentee parents who are inattentive to their needs. Here is the portrait of a distressed family repeatedly mired in controversy and drama.

Of course, Mamma Grizzly does what grizzlies do best: Shift blame. Accuse. Denounce. Ridicule. Play the victim card. And avoid mirrors. Blame the POTUS for the elephant in the room, but never admit responsibility. Perhaps the public scold has revealed the caustic side of her parenting style.

If Sarah Palin has achieved anything in life, she has raised denial and self-affirming victimhood to a fine art, and her firebrand populism appeals to millions of like-minded followers. At least there is this point of agreement between lawyers and mental health professionals: Negligent parents are good for business.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


In Principio et Nunc. . .

Now as in the beginning, the End has always been nigh. At least for Obama and Hillary.  Ever since Nixon slithered out of office, some scandal "bigger than Watergate" has been waiting in the wings to upstage any Democratic President.  Always just about to appear like Jesus and the Hidden Imam or Maitraya, the Buddha yet to come. We're still waiting or at least they are

Obama and Hillary. Those are the names the rebels have chosen for the current and would-be presidents and I'm seeing them treated in their propaganda as an entity of some sorts.  In the deranged minds of the microcephalic right these  are but just two faces of the apocalyptic beast featured in the continuing Republican Revelation played out every day on the web.

New Obama Scandal May Cost Hillary the White House!

That title appears in my mailbox almost every morning and has for months. Similarly dire warnings have been appearing for years under similar titles about some Obama Scandal about to break that just going to run him out of Washington on a rail, covered with tar and feathers. Somehow this time the long awaited Obama Scandal  "may just" transfer to candidate Clinton by some magic process. From experience I'm assuming that "may just"
really means " in our dreams" because there is no scandal of that sort and it's never going to happen and lest you think it's exclusively about Democrats, no, I'm still waiting for Dwight Eisenhower to turn the Army over to the Communists and the Zionist conspiracy and for Kennedy to relinquish power to the Pope as well as to the Kremlin.  Faith abides and the bullshit never stops.

I'm not going to click on the link of course, as it leads to a long tedious tirade on some web site I'm just not going to visit, but of course these scandals never appear.  They're just tuned up from time to time and the perpetrators know the lust for scandal is so great the intended audience will never dare question the warnings lest they have to return to the grim reality of a Democrat in the White House.

Navy SEAL Ben Smith Drops Massive Bombshell. . . Says Obama is Ready to Impose MARTIAL LAW

This appeared while my morning coffee was warm.  I'm still waiting for any of the  warnings that flooded the Web years ago about Bill Clinton declaring martial law and turning the armed forces and our nuclear arsenal over to UN control, But the psychotic Right has adjustable memory so that it's now Obama who is about to do this. According to America's Freedom Fighters's blog a Navy Seal
has revealed Obama's plan to -- you guessed it -- declare martial law.  It's not going to happen, nor does he have any reason to do so, but paranoids, or Republicans as they're sometimes called will believe anything that feeds the fear and they'll go out and buy more fake military weapons to protect themselves against "jack booted" Obamatroopers. That's what it's really about: gun sales and revolution.

Former Seal Ben Smith appeared in a film a few years ago claiming Obama gave away information that could get Americans killed while taking sole credit for the operation that killed bin Laden, but of course the corroborating film clip was edited into the opposite of what was really said. You can look it up if you like, but I'm not going to provide a link to traitors and that's what they are.

So you can wait for that Obama scandal that will blow up Clinton's candidacy and you can read fiction designed to undermine the democratic process and destabilize a duly elected government, and in the process you'll doubtless uncover a veritable hell of lies, distortions, bogus accusations and predictions made by traitors and haters of  civilization and decency.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Some Conversation on Dr. King's Socialist Vision

 One feels compelled to make note of the day and of the man himself, but the risk these days is less about the ire of the people who loathe him than about the ire of those whose "conversation" demands submission.  Reading this morning that 62 people own half the wealth of the world, I'm prompted to remember some of King's comments, and that like Jesus of Nazareth, he was a bit of a socialist and an economist.

I read this morning that according to an OXFAM report today,  the wealthiest one percent of the world now owns more than the remaining 99% and that 62 individuals own more than the poorest half of the world's population. That number was 388 only five years ago.  Unless you think that's a good thing, you might want to reconsider the blind worship of  laissz faire Capitalism which seems intertwined with the kind of Patriotism we dare not question.

Of course it can be argued that if the poorest half is somehow sufficiently well-off  to free us of concern, there really is no problem in this best of all Pareto efficient Capitalist worlds, but money is power and great wealth is great power. In our kind of Republic, economic power must take political power away from the less wealthy and depart ever more from Democratic principle.  There certainly are those who recognize that great wealth and power confer -- indeed demand great responsibility, but fewer are those who want that responsibility to be legally required, so that great power is so often used primarily to protect itself and the way of life it feels entitled to. Can there be anyone who does not recognize the connection between wealth and political, moral and  military power?  Certainly Jesus did, and as a Christian, so did Doctor King.

“And one day we must ask the question, ‘Why are there forty million poor people in America? And when you begin to ask that question, you are raising questions about the economic system, about a broader distribution of wealth.’ When you ask that question, you begin to question the capitalistic economy. And I’m simply saying that more and more, we’ve got to begin to ask questions about the whole society…”  *

Indeed we do. Do we understand the need of power to terrify and brutalize minorities as racism or do we recognize the need to keep them out of participation and away from political power? Keeping poor whites afraid of poor blacks diverts attention from the rich whites who want to get richer.  I'm just asking.  Is racism just the legacy of slavery or does it serve some purpose in a greater scheme?
Sure Black Lives Matter, but recognizing that or shouting it in the street does not deal with the causes or offer hope for improvement.  In a way, racism makes economic sense if preservation of wealth and power is the goal, and we don't fight it without recognizing that.

Capitalism alone will not create or maintain a society in which political power is not dominated by the rich, nor will more than an enlightened few philanthropic individuals be motivated to want a society where they can allow more than a minimum of political power and control to the 99%. Racism, I think King would agree is not a temporary thing or reserved for one race only, it's an economic requirement needed to limit political/economic power . When it's successful in doing so, it proliferates. Perhaps that's where King and I vary from the scripted conversation. If the need and ability to maintain the weakness of the public is thwarted, so is racism and of course, even if  most of the wealth is at the very top, those many rungs down on the ladder want equally as much to preserve their standing and keep the lower ranks down.

“We must recognize that we can’t solve our problem now until there is a radical redistribution of economic and political power… this means a revolution of values and other things. We must see now that the evils of racism, economic exploitation and militarism are all tied together… you can’t really get rid of one without getting rid of the others… the whole structure of American life must be changed. America is a hypocritical nation and [we] must put [our] own house in order.”**

How we do that is the question.  King was no friend of Communism, but in today's America fear of Marxism is always with us and almost always irrational.  We fear reform of any kind and we fear having to pay for it even if it benefits us and repays our cost with a profit.  To that one percent, it's tempting, if not inevitable to think of the lower orders as the enemy.  I can offer no magic solution and certainly those who have done so have led us into one disaster or another.  I see no solution in the most vocal and demanding zealots today. I'm staying away from that "conversation" as being narrow and naive and divisive.  I'm only trying to call attention to what I think King believed: that racism, tribalism, greed and lust for power are as intertwined and inextricable from each other as Mass and energy and all these things must be considered as part of the equation if we want a better, kinder gentler world.


*–Speech to Southern Christian Leadership Conference Atlanta, Georgia, August 16, 1967.

**- Report to SCLC Staff, May 1967.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Tyranny of Big Numbers

Now they want to grow it on the moon and eat it raw. 
I can see the day coming when even your home garden
 is gonna be against the law.
-Bob Dylan-


The problem with living on a planet with 7 billion other people is that the tiniest of things become consequential.  Something that costs me less money than I would be willing to bend down to pick up translates to obscenely vast amounts of money and resources just because there are so many humans infesting our world who might just reach for that penny too..

The things we hear from environmentalists may make them seem like out of control Luddites and haters of technology, but in the kind of crazy way the flap of a butterfly wing may cause hurricanes, plugging your cell phone into a charger in your car is the equivalent of burning almost a billion pounds of coal. Or so we're told by credible sources. How then can we justify having hot water in our homes or eating toast for breakfast or refrigerating our food?  How soon before we live in the dark and cold and eat raw potatoes just to keep life from going extinct?

The need to save energy seems like it's going to choke the life out of us and bring civilization to the point of collapse if you read the warnings, and a Kategorischer Imperativ hangs over our heads like a sword. Costs a penny to make a slice of toast? What ef everyone did it -- the world would go dark and trillions and trillions of Watts would be used and mountains of coal would burn and the sky would turn black as night.  Light a candle against the dark and you destroy the world by adding umpteen gazillions of pounds of Carbon Dioxide to the air. Don't ring the doorbell which uses a microwatt second -- just knock.  Make a pot of coffee and some island sinks beneath the waves. Stand away from that car, the dome light alone would use megawatts per second if everyone did it.

7 billion people!  If we all face West and fart, the planet will stop turning.  We need to ban beans but how soon before it's 10 billion -- 20 billion people?  Kind of suggests that the "lets produce food like we did 200 years ago"  people may become food for the starving billions and all the "save the planet" schemes and products will fade away with the power mower when we start to eat our lawns because there's no more agriculture.

But of course you're environmentally conscious and so you didn't read this because it would take enough power to move Everest to Idaho if you all did and so you'll just go ahead and act like you're not the planet-killing consumer you are and you will just go on making phone calls and flushing the toilet and eating a hot breakfast until it all blows up.  Me?  I don't give a damn so batten your hatches and stock up on bottled water. My phone needs charging and I'm gonna plug it into my great big V8 automobile and do it right now!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Whites Only -- Like When America Was Great.

The myth of past greatness has been part of western culture for thousands of years in the fantasy of Eden and it's handmaiden myths of a messiah who will restore past bliss -- or worse, past glory.

But some kind of glorious America of the past is found in most political rhetoric today and particularly that of the Right and it can't help but to remind me of  the speeches of Mussolini and Hitler and previous would-be Roman Emperors seeking to restore a totalitarian empire.  I do have to wonder what grand utopia the Republicans want to restore us to.  Every rightist I've talked to or heard from gets evasive when questioned but I suspect it was some magical time before the Emancipation Proclamation if not before the establishment of the United States itself.

For those of us who would rather not return to the glory days of the Civil War, yet who continue to espouse the fundamentals of the Confederacy it must be difficult to be specific.  I'd love to ask Texas Governor Abbott if he sees a difference between having 50 semi-independent States and a United States with the sort of constitution he proposes to replace the existing one where any state is able to ignore any laws or court rulings they please.  Is he proposing that Texas revert to an independent Republic?  OK by me, but apparently not with the mainstream GOP. I doubt enough of the rest of the country will go along with it, but perhaps he'd like to nullify the requirements  before the liberty to do so is voted down, or perhaps he envisions another Fort Sumter or armed uprising of beer-bellied good old boys led by Ted Nugent.

Others are more honest about the ideal America, one where everyone is of Western European ancestry and preferably of the blonde "Aryan" variety. Jared Taylor, editor of the supremacist magazine American Renaissance has been annoying Iowans with robo-calls in support of Donald Trump by saying:

 “We don’t need Muslims. We need smart, well-educated white people who will assimilate to our culture,”  

Now there's a statement that assumes that such people are of the same mind as mindless racists like him.  Smart and Educated are a couple of terms that seem a bit out of place to say the least.  And of course the phrase "our culture" is evidently a rather personal and racist one as well as ignorant since many European whites are  Muslim.  One suspects that Mr. Taylor would have problems with White European Jews or even Catholics as well, but I don't want to deprive him of the opportunity to tell us who might be eligible to remain after Donald Trump is elected.

Taylor's party calls itself the American Freedom Party, predictable when you notice how much people out to replace the United States with a racist confederacy of  race and religion based political entities tend to use the term "freedom." And also, of course the epithet "Patriot" which is usually defined as someone with a lot of guns, but getting back to getting back to when "America was great" which is Donald Trump's stated ambition and one he shares with the Nazis and other radical nitwits:  is anyone stupid enough not to see the agenda?  Is Trump's idea of  past greatness remotely similar to ours?  Is it the same Eden as advocated by Lester Maddox, George Wallace or any of the unreconstructed, die-hard rebels and secessionists waiting for the South to rise again?

Why aren't the media asking?  Why aren't we taking time out from the squabbling about gun shows and police brutality and calling ourselves racists -- why can't we put aside the petty witch hunts and ask if a vote for Trump or Cruz a vote for Jefferson Davis, is a vote for racism, anarchy and a Second Civil War?

I'm afraid not.  I'm afraid our narcissistic self-righteousness will prevail and we son't vote and we'll hand our future over to the ugly past because we think Hillary's e-mails were, like Benghazi and Whitewater and Hot Lips Lewinsky, much more important.

Monday, January 4, 2016

The Last Shall be First

It's a distinctive phenomenon of our century that the morons always have the last word. Were God to descend on a cloud and give us all the answers, you can be sure there would be live blogging and a Twitter crawl at the bottom of the screen.

Is there some greater meaning to the fact that advances in technology have made it possible to add new elements to the periodic table?  One can infer that science is still marching on in our ability to see existence as it is while the twits twitter about their superstitions about nature, but reading comments on the announcement that the 7th row of the table is now complete, it seems that the sort of people who love to lecture us on the power of crystals and mysterious energies and what the "universe" is telling them about our personal relationships feel that it's an indication of how imperfect science is when compared to ignorance.  Of course they don't call it ignorance.They call it "alternative" or "new age" but what the game is, is to assert that because science does not have all the answers, ignorance is an equivalent. Conjecture is as valid as science and fallacy can be sufficient support for any conclusion.

"I love this sort of thing as yet again science has to be changed. They love to claim that science is so exact and accurate and teach the periodic table as if that's it, there's no more and oh, whoops yes there is. 
It makes those scientists who claim certain things are totally impossible and then proved wrong to be the big headed fools they are"

writes someone on Facebook in response to the addition of 4 new trans-Uranium elements, which of course don't occur in the narrow segment of nature we can observe with our senses, but in massive particle accelerators and only for nanoseconds. One might consider them as phenomena rather than things one can use as a heavy paperweight or something heavy to throw at the posturing idiots who write such things.  Of course he has no idea what science is or what scientists say or do and sadly, he's not alone.. I hear people compare science to common sense, to conjecture, to imagination and to closed-mindedness in the same way Church men vilify the infidel.  

The reverse is true:  adding things to the body of knowledge that can be experimentally and repeatedly confirmed illustrates that science continues to be useful. 

I have to wonder about people who are desperate to show that scientists are blind, stubborn defenders of outmoded ideas. Are they blind stubborn defenders of fakery, shamanism, superstition and the empty mysticism that makes up popular religion?  Certainly people who sell bogus health and nutrition products tend to misrepresent and denounce any process that would require them to prove that copper bracelets tuned to "natural frequencies" do anything but make them wealthy. But people, many of them pretenders to Liberal thought, are less scientifically literate than can be attributed to lack of education. There's something more to the people who will ignore overwhelming contradictory evidence yet will believe something without any evidence at all because they read it in an advertisement or on a website.

the faith of people who believe vaccines don't work, Neil Armstrong never went to the moon, the Boston Marathon Bombing didn't happen, Aluminum pots cause Alzheimers, pyramids sharpen razors and a measureless array of fraud, hoax, scam and baseless rumor is almost always unshakable. So of course, science is laughable because some putz thinks Element 113 was right there on the lab bench and nobody noticed or that some guy in a white coat insisted there were no elements past Lawrencium.

It's not ignorance, it's madness -- one of those communicable mental conditions that infest our culture. That culture is filled with belief systems that strengthen the ignorant in their convictions, that flatter and sooth the people who fall into the trap. Anything that makes the left-behind, the unfit refuse of progress feel good about what they are is bound to succeed in an age where knowledge is rapidly expanding. I see it as something filling the niches abandoned by the shrinkage in traditional religions -- a kind of pure land transcendentalism promising transport to a "natural," spiritual and pure existence where believing is seeing and we don't need to show you no stinking science.

Sunday, January 3, 2016


One of the results of the degradation of language and of journalistic laziness in America is the inability to find words that accurately describe things, and consequently conversation tends to become trapped in the struggle to describe what's going on with a limited choice of words rather than to discuss what to do about it.

"What do we call this" asks the Press.  Is the armed occupation of a Federal building by a group attempting to force the Federal Government to give in to their wishes and to stop due process at gunpoint "terrorism?"  It's hard to answer the question -- as hard as it is to find it relevant.  The question of whether anyone in the isolated and vacant building, or indeed in Washington feels a sense of terror is moot.  The question of whether it's armed insurrection cries out for an answer even if all the journalists lack the vocabulary to give one.

Are these "good guys with guns" "protesting"  unfair actions and policies of the Government or are they an ad hoc and illegitimate militia staging an armed attack on the United States?  The story may be too complex for simple minds, but it includes misappropriation of public resources, arson and destruction of evidence,  and although no shots have as yet been  fired: Rebellion.  We've seen it before: the Whisky RebellionShay's rebellion, the Wilmington Rebellion of 1898 and others are blemishes on the face of democracy and constitutional government, some of which were factors in the drafting of the Second Amendment. Was the attack on Fort Sumter an act of domestic terrorism or an act of war?  Did it suggest the use of policemen or of the Military?

All the rifle rattling of recent years, promoted and praised by various right-wing movements and their lackeys in Congress and the Press has allowed enemies of  civilization to hide behind a screen of misleading rhetoric as the Klansmen hide behind sheets while bypassing law and order for personal gain.  The idea has been promoted that continual rebellion is progress and that revolution, as Mao Zedong told us, speaks from the muzzle of a gun.  "We don't like the results of that election, so warm up the Winchester Bubba, we're gonna take over the courthouse." That's just the kind of patriotism the Founding Fathers had in mind, say the guys in camouflage while the ghosts of the Bolsheviks smile down in Hell.

There's a word for this when the guns are in the hands of a foreign entity:  War.  There are words for it when "sovereign" citizens confront our government with force of arms: Rebellion, Treason, Insurrection, revolution. Choose one, choose them all, but none of them are patriotic. All are enemies of the basic premises of  our government. All of it assumes that the laws that ensure our freedom are the enemies of freedom and that only the armed are free.  It's time to face facts, to stop whimpering, to identify the enemy and deal with him harshly.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

So is the new Like

So I've been trying to get attention with my observation that younger Americans are beginning their sentences with the word "So" ad nauseam.  So no one wants to hear it.  So we have a new year now and so perhaps with the release of the annual  "List of Words Banished from the Queen's English for Mis-Use,Over-Use or General Uselessness" by Lake Superior State University in Michigan, my readers will stop ignoring me.   "So" is at the top of the list.

LSSU has been issuing the list since 1976 and although it usually makes me smile in agreement and makes me feel validated as a curmudgeon of worth, nothing really changes.  Americans are so infatuated with baby-talk and with sounding like the other illiterates trying to seem hip or educated or even oneness with the masses  they're not easily persuaded that working "selfie" or cray-cray into every line is just plain stupid or that it's time to stop demanding that we "have a conversation" as a euphemism for "shut up and listen."

Of course these little infatuations do fade eventually.  Starting a sentence with so will go the way of starting a sentence with "say" and fewer sentences will be larded with "like" as they were in the 1990's. But you cant be sure. Both affect and effect are gone forever it seems, and no one sends invitations any more.  It's nearly certain however, that words that sound similar will continue to undergo a kind of syncretism. Our grandchildren will tell us to "annunciate" our words and to assault our ears with other false congnates while English Teachers nod approvingly and the American vocabulary will continue to swell like cheap sausage with inert ingredients and other stuffing. It's just Cray-Cray.

But not all of us will go gently into that confused darkness. LSSU and I, like Quixote and Panza will go on as America hashtags and twerks itself into an epic fail.