Monday, September 29, 2008

Barney Frank's Rejoinder to Whining by Republicans in the House

Just wanted to pass along this link from HuffPo, which I think says a great deal about the current crop of Republicans in the Congress. It's probable that a lot of Congresspeople voted "nay" to provide themselves with some cover, as in, "I voted the original bill down and only voted for it subsequently when it was further improved." They've got to know that if they do nothing, we're all losers: essentially, Wall Street has a gun to our heads. If they go down, so do we. I only know a bit about economics, but I think it's pretty obvious that if the credit system is ruined, the rest of the economy will follow suit in short order. This situation in unsustainable; it isn't something that the current congress can put off and leave as a mess for the new congress to clean up. I think it will be way too late at that point.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Bloggingdino, and thank you, Barney Frank. Gee, we just lost $1.2 trillion of the national wealth, and here I am saying "thank you" to all my friends as we face disaster en masse.

    It seems Fogg and I have songs in our heads these days. Here's another:

    In the mean time,
    In between time,
    Ain't we got fun.


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