Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Our Mutual Enemy.

I'm now convinced that this is the time. This is the time for all of us to come to the aid of our country, to stand up for civilization, for what is right and true; for our way of life, for our future, for our families, our homes and our fortune. This is my call to revolution.

The time to break the bonds imposed up us by an arrogant and assumed oppressor; a power that has made the truth its enemy, democracy its victim and the American people its hostage, is now. Indeed the time is now or the time will never be. Let us declare undying enmity toward Fox News.

Not to change the subject, but I have to ask "what do we know about Cindy McCain?" Not much really. Michelle Obama has been chopped up and re-assembled as a Terrorist, an opportunist, an elitist and many other silly things, but Cindy is an enigma. When the New York Times ran a long and somewhat sympathetic article about her and her unusual life with John, our mutual enemy, Fox News, decided without evidence that it was a "dirt Digging" article and opened the gates of hell in the direction of Barak Obama. Glenn Greenwald at Salon found it to be no more than
"just generally dissecting her private and emotional sphere for no apparent reason beyond idle voyeurism,"
but it's not partisan, he says. They did worse to the Clintons. That's true, but the idea that Presidents are entitled to secrecy when Republican is Fox policy, not the Liberal Press stereotype they peddle. She has become a public figure and thus has waived the right to privacy of a private citizen just as everyone does. "what do we know about Cindy" is as a legitimate question as is "what do we know about Sarah Palin, or Michelle Obama or the "first Dude" and his secessionist, anti-American "pals."

Because Mrs. McCain was said to have suffered from Migraines and took pills to ease the suffering, Fox News has decided that Barak Obama is a drug addicted criminal and has launched a crusade to find his "drug dealers" and search out anyone who may have bought "drugs" and hence can be associated with him. This is more than idle voyeurism, this is an attempt to twist the truth, to mold truth from the clay and animate it by blowing the breath of ignorance into its nostrils -- and for no reason other than to destroy anyone running against a Republican. Were this not obviously so, they would not have rolled their eyes and chanted Liberaliberal when George Bush's adult drug and alcohol problems, including a DUI conviction, was discussed.
"It is worth noting that you have not employed your investigative assets looking into Michelle Obama. You have not tried to find Barack Obama's drug dealer that he wrote about in his book"
said Fox and Friends. Oh really? The New York Times should inquire as to who passed Barry the joint at some party 25 years ago? Perhaps when Fox stops suggesting mob ties and terrorist ties of the Obamas; perhaps when they stop suggesting that his education was paid for by shadowy jihadists, that he was trained at terrorist training camps, that he supports the bombing of government property, that he's a disciple of Karl Marx and all the other foul things that issue from the anus of Fox - perhaps then.

Will we as patriotic Americans permit the quiet destruction of our country by the world's foremost propagator of terror, fear, hate and propaganda, or will we turn these bastards off? Will we sit idly by as associates, friends and others present Fox Facts as truth? Or will we do what we need to do to prevent our country from sinking into the cesspit from which nations never emerge whole?

Death to the Fox!


  1. OK, count me in ... but first a little background music:

    You say you'll change the constitution
    Well you know
    We all want to change your head
    You tell me it's the institution
    Well you know
    You better free your mind instead ...

    Don't you know it's gonna be alright
    Alright, alright ...

  2. Hey now its time for you and me
    Got a revolution got to revolution
    Come on now were marching to the sea
    Got a revolution got to revolution
    Who will take it from you
    We will and who are we
    We are volunteers of America

  3. Shooby doo waa....

    I suppose FOX is still influential, but it is also a byword among millions for propaganda. I only watch FOX (with lurid fascination and in short spurts) when I'm staying at a hotel for a conference. In other words, not very often.

  4. Fogg, I like those lyrics. March on ...

  5. Yes, but think Fox is still in the number one spot.

    "March on"

    Aux armes, citoyens,
    Formez vos bataillons,
    Marchons, marchons !
    Qu'un sang impur
    Abreuve nos sillons !

  6. It is number one? That's unfortunate. My worst FOX moment ever was hearing some "man in the street" interview on another network, in which a very kindly, mature-looking chap said that he got his news from FOX because "they're fair and balanced." It is depressing to see such a decent person repeating a wicked propaganda line in the most oblivious, chirpy, childlike manner. I suppose a lot of wingers watch FOX to get their fair and balanced share of hate-talk--in other words, they probably know damn well what they're getting, and they enjoy it, the bastards. I mean, that's sort of why people like us read HuffPo, isnt' it? Not that they don't have some fine stuff there that we wouldn't find elsewhere, but let's face it, it's fun to sip your morning coffee whilst scanning huge headlines such as "Palin a Flaming Dolt" or "McCain Caught Lying through His Little Baked-Bean Teeth--Again!!" Okay, I made those up, but HuffPo's are at times almost as silly. And besides, as Colbert says, "truth has a liberal bias," dammit.

  7. Fox Folk are a species unto themselves. One of them insisted that Obama and Ayers worked for a Muslim organization. I told them to check FactCheck.org because the Annenberg Foundation was anything but. They replied that FactCheck had a Liberal Bias. I replied with the suggestion that they look up Walter Annenberg and his foundation - they replied that Wikipedia and most online sources had a Liberal Bias.

    Both Annenberg and his buddy Reagan must be rolling in their graves.

  8. Captain: As you know, unlike Libby, I like trolls. I give them to my catfish who likes to play with them before feeding. A good octopus always takes care of the pod.

    Yes, I admit to being a bottom feeder, but are not all good captains also pirates at heart? I could use my camouflage to lure one here. And you can hold the troll for ransom and then make him walk the plank. Tick, tock.

  9. Apologies, Fogg. Your last comment deserved a more serious, less snarky reply.

    Obama's exploration of black American culture was an attempt to adopt an identity during his younger years, given confusion from his mixed race origin. It worked to his advantage to position himself as an Afro-American candidate in part to solidify a base to counter the Republican right wing.

    But what got lost along the way is that Obama's cultural roots are essentially middle-class white American, i.e., those who raised and influenced him the most - his mother and grandparents. Actually, this makes him the perfect fusion candidate.

    Given a chosen identity, it nevertheless makes him an easy target for derision. None of this will change a winger's perception of Obama. Wingers will smear anyone who oppose them ... whether white, black, or mixed.

    In some ways, it is unfortunate the chosen identity theme dominated the cultural roots theme, but I don't think it would have made any difference. Wingers are a nasty, bigoted lot; defamation and slander is their norm.

    Assuming Obama wins the election (and it certainly appears this way), I anticipate a paradigm shift that will make gutter politics more difficult in the future.

    I believe Obama will turn out to be a great President, and this will help discredit extremist concepts about government. In some respects, I would interpret the current noise and clamor as the last gasp of a dying faction. The wingers are losing power; they know it; and they are pissed. They will embrace any lie and angrily deny any fact that gets in their way.

  10. One of the attractions Obama has for me is that he will sorely piss off people I don't like. I agree, he seems to have the makings of a great president, but he's going to be under fire every day he's in office. I foresee investigations galore and fake scandals and oceans of phony outrage. He's also going to have a major recession and perhaps a minor depression to deal with and people will expect it all to get better by late January and it won't.

  11. http://phobizone.blogspot.com/search?q=fox+666


We welcome civil discourse from all people but express no obligation to allow contributors and readers to be trolled. Any comment that sinks to the level of bigotry, defamation, personal insults, off-topic rants, and profanity will be deleted without notice.