Friday, October 31, 2008

Palin Strikes Again, and Prop 8 in California

Don't have much energy just now since I am dealing with a cold, but this article contains quotations that positively cry out for mention: evidently, Governor Palin thinks people who criticize her are trampling on her constitutional right to talk foolishness. She really seems to have no idea what the First Amendment is for. She thinks it exists to prevent people from criticizing others--especially from saying mean things about her ignorant pronunciamentos. Well three more days of this gibberish, and then it's time for us to have our say. I already voted a while back.

Here in California, the only excitement, so far as I can tell, is about the gay-bashing Prop. 8, which designs to take away gay and lesbian couples' right to marry in the state. It appears, so far, to be headed for a narrow defeat, if the latest Field Poll is accurate--but the gap has closed significantly in recent weeks thanks to a slimy ad campaign (theme: them wicked homos is gonna teach homo-marriage in the schools and turn your kids into raging perverts), so it's not a sure bet either way. The "Yes on 8" campaign is better funded than the "No" campaign; I keep seeing annoying signs everywhere saying "protect marriage" and suchlike drivel. It seems to have had a strong effect on the numbers. But Barack is up over twenty points here.


  1. Dino, please accept my wishes for a speedy recovery. This bug business is getting to me too.

    I am sad to report that there is a similar amendment on the ballot in the state of Florida. I am more optimistic for a defeat in California than here, where there are a scary bunch of conservative loonies. Of course, I will be doing my part to vote it down, but this is a very reactionary state with real sheet heads.

    Just last night, for instance, I was wearing my Obama T-Shirt when I was confronted in a 7-11 store. “What is that?” threatened the pinhead pointing to my T-Shirt. “My business and my right,” was my terse reply. Damned if I was going to let him intimidate me.

  2. Thank you Octo. A cold is no fun when one has a three-and-a-half foot snout. May you recover speedily as well. Didn't know about the Florida prop -- yep, I imagine they'll pass it out there. Forgot to mention that we also have a fine proposition (#2, I believe) that says farm animals have to be given some time to stretch freely. It seems destined to win.

  3. My suggested solution to the problem of displaying Obama support where the Floridipshits can see it: I wear an UZI DOES IT T-shirt with an Obama button. Nobody says a damn thing.

    Revolution speaks from the barrel of a gun, as the Chairman used to say.

  4. You're a funny Captain Fogg!

    Actually, I was thinking of turning tables on them ... literally ... watching their drinks slither into their laps.


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