Thursday, October 9, 2008

Reading the riot act

The riot act - although I've had it read to me many times in a metaphorical sense, I really don't know if Sarah Palin can be prosecuted for inciting people to riot when she stands there and smiles as someone in her audience calls for the Murder of Barak Obama after listening to her call him a terrorist. I do know that the cornered animal metaphor seems more of a literal thing now that the Republicans are facing the prospect that the revolution may soon be over. The mad blood is stirring all over moron America.

I've only heard of a few examples of threatened violence, but I can't get through 10 minutes without hearing accusations that Obama is a Terrorist and that Chriss Dodd and the socialist, commieliberal Democrats are solely responsible for the credit crisis. The animals are angry and they are angry at the targets they are given by the Republican lie campaign. "Joe sixpack" as Sarah likes to call her supporters, really doesn't know who the players are - or doesn't want to know the guilty parties. He wants to blame the bogeyman.

He never heard of Bill Ayers and the group that tried unsuccessfully to stop our last fraudulent war using violence back when Obama was a little kid. He has no idea that the Annenberg Foundation, founded by a right wing Republican is about funding the arts and improving schools, not about Islamic Jihad or about running Obama for president. He would poke his eyes out before reading a list of nefarious characters nearly every candidate including McCain has been linked to. Basically, the issue which in the last couple of days has become the central argument - or perhaps the central distraction is a distorted fabrication of no importance. This disgusting insanity, worthy of the most disgusting dictators and tyrants of history, is effective enough that I fear Obama's life is in danger. I know our country is in danger.

Whether or not anyone would contemplate an assassination if they hadn't listened to Palin's hate session, it certainly doesn't speak well for a prospective leader to stand by and smile while it happens rather than take a stand for decency and the law. Then again, what do you expect from someone who idolizes a man who had an innocent woman shot at and run out of town for being a witch? It doesn't speak well for the "uniter" image the bitter and angry old McCain wants to project. That he didn't comment, that he hasn't given us a glimpse of leadership during this financial catastrophe, no calm voice, no steady hand on the helm, but only snarling, whining and petulant accusations, speaks very poorly for him and his character. That he won't admit that the policies that got us here have been the main mission of the Republicans for decades and won't admit his part in it; that he won't admonish Palin for raising a lynch mob are more damning than his empty promises of "I know how to fix it."

If there is any consolation in the collapse of America, it has to be that it will take these evil trolls down with it; bloody hands and forked tongues and all.

Cross posted from Human Voices


  1. Captain Fogg, I have been following these reports too and they are so damn disturbing, it makes my blood boil. Let there be no mistake: The McCain/Palin campaign is morally bankrupt in every respect for failing to condemn this behavior.

    I agree absolutely: Palin’s rally constitutes an incitement to riot and commit an act of murder, and they should be prosecuted.

    Worst still, assuming Obama wins as currently projected, the risk of his assassination has increased by quantum leaps. This is not merely about one isolated psychotic Hinckley-type, but legions of sick Republicans who are nothing more than Jihadists hell-bent on one party rule and red state domination. Given the multiple crisis facing the new president, our country has just become ungovernable.

  2. I am disgusted, appalled &, as an American, embarrassed by my "fellow Americans" in that video. Disagreeing is one thing - aggressive meanness is another.

    I just watched a news clip on Maddow's show that showed the INSIDE of a McCain rally. Just as scary. Volatile hostility in the air.

    This terrorism nonsense proves that Bin Laden won. He has successfully poisoned us from within, fueling our increasingly volatile paranoia.

    America at it's worst.

    Cloud Cuckoo Land looks better & better.

  3. You're absolutely right - bin Laden won.

  4. Dawn of the Undead Republicans: In response to the post by Capt. Fogg (and comments) on Repub Rallies, yes, I've seen a few of the clips you reference. Disturbing and un-American stuff, to say the least. Palin has no shame – she is a demagogue who knows her small-minded supporters well. When I see them, scenes from the B-movie Dawn of the Dead pop into my mind, with all those zombies feasting on the flesh of the living. I suppose such Palinista types have always made up the core of the worst political movements -- brazen dullards who need an excuse for their own mediocrity and who just want to "belong." For decades, the only program the Republicans have followed can be summed up in the phrase, "turning back the clock." When this agenda is threatened, it shouldn't be too surprising that their thoughts turn violent. What else do the worst among them really have going but "out of good still to find means of evil," like Milton's Devil?

  5. "turning back the clock" would describe the anachronistic sounding rhetoric on the video clip Octopus posted. There were people shouting nonsense like "commie lover" & shouts about Russia. Has SP stirred up the cold war again with her implications about having had to keep the Reds from amassing on Alaska's border?

    The clip of the INSIDE of a McCain rally I saw was not only disturbing because of the audience but because of McCain & his sucking up to it. Angry people in the crown with microphones in hand - one in particular exhorting him to call Obama out on Rev. Wright & McCain approaching the man & assuring him he would. Etc.

  6. Turning back the clock yes, until it comes to discussing what they did and said previously.

    The appeal to a mythological yesterday is frightening when applied to an audience that has no idea at all what yesterday was like.

    Again, I hate to bring up Hitler, but he essentially wrote the book on how to take over a government and he was a master at creating a mythological yesterday to which the clock had to be reset. Whether she's a natural or a student of the Nazis, that's just what she and Mickey are doing.


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