It's a picture of Barak Obama holding a copy of Fareed Zakaria's latest best seller The Post American World. For fans of Zakaria, amongst whom I count myself, it isn't necessary to mention that he is not a Muslim extremist, or an extremist of any kind. He was

The viral slimebucket now circulating tells us that the book is about "A Muslim's view of a defeated America" and that Obama is the "most liberal nominee to run for President in American History. Neither statement of course, is true.
will anything stop this treasonous, anti-American and indecent attempt to portray Barak Obama as an Islamic radical? Will it take an armed insurrection, mass executions and deportations? Perhaps not. Perhaps all it will take is the resounding defeat at the polls these miserable bastards deserve.
What do you do if you get one of these? Don't just delete it with a sigh - forward it back and tell the senders they are participating in a crime, aiding an illegal takeover of the United States by deceit - use "reply all" to embarrass the sender in from of his friends. Do your part; it's your country under attack.
Do we really know who Obama is? Pretty much. Do we really know who McCain and Palin are? Absoultely: liars, slanderers and libelers by proxy and inciters to riot with no evidence of integrety or conscience by only a burning rage to win, win, win control of our country.
Cross posted from Human Voices
Fine post, Capt. Fogg. If McCain is so sure, as he indicated a day or so back, that Barack Obama is "a decent family man," why was he so intent on asking his paranoid audiences, "Who IS this Barack Obama?" Sounds like he already knew, so why was the wretched little man asking the question? Even a dinosaur knows the answer to that. "Mischief, thou art afoot. Do thou what thou wilt," as Mark Antony says in the Shakespeare play.
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling the terrorists have terrified themselves and so they're trying to make us even more terrified than they are. Fake News is going to run another fake investigation into Obama's "mysterious" background tonight.
Is McCain gagging on his own deceit? Who knows, he may occasionally mention that Obama is not an Arab or that he is a decent family man, but these are only smal print footnotes to a text that reads like something Hitler wrote.
More proof that Bin Laden has MORE than won. We are not just unleashing our fear of terrorism abroad but at home against ourselves.
ReplyDeleteDare I ask the question - when the election is over and Barak has won, will this go the way of past election mud slinging & gurgle down the campaign drain or will it continue to dangerously fester, gurgle & bubble within our midst?
Well, now Say-ruh is crowing about how the Branchflower report cleared her of any wrongdoing or anything like that there un-mavericky sort of thing, ya know. Yep, they said she's a heckuva fine gal!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I saved one of those messages from during the primary season, and responded in a fairly detailed way. It hits the receiver with a litany of silly claims: Obama's a Muslim extremist pretending to be Christian, won't say the pledge and in fact slouches whenever he hears it uttered, took the oath of office for senator using a Koran, and so forth. But of course they forgot to mention that the nefarious B. Hussein has UBL's number stored in his cellphone--on speed dial, no less! And did you know this dangerous impostor also likes arugula? Please! Consider our nation's future! Pass this important message along to everyone you know!!!
ReplyDeleteI think "gurgle & bubble" is the apt description.
ReplyDeleteI live in a closed community for well healed heals (similar neighbors about whom Fogg complains), and we have our own private clubhouse where the heals get loose and drop their shoes. One such heal got carried away last night … he went sheet head (a slant rhyme for "shit head" with KKK overtones) over heals about the Clintons and how the meltdown is the fault of Blacks and Jews (as my blood boiled with ancestral rage). Under such circumstances, there is only one response for a civilized person: Tell the sheet head why his remark offended me and promptly leave the table.
I rarely encounter examples of extreme bigotry, but then I remind myself that, even in 2008 America, bigotry and scapegoating is always there along with the potential to follow the same path as 1930s Germany.
How I will meet my fate …
You Know Charlotte too?
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid my social life is suffering now that I've begun to tell these smugly giggling patriots they are traitors and should be shot.
So be it.
By the way, this trope about the most liberal candidate in history seems to be repeated by the few Republicans whose memories work well enough to remember Walter Mondale and Gene McCarthy - and even happy Hubert Humphrey. Johnson was far more liberal of course, than Obama. But hey - if it sounds good, repeat it.
capt. fogg, it probably wasn't that much fun hanging with them anyway.
ReplyDeleteAren't we all glad to know where we all stand?
So much better than all that surface schmooze.
They won't go without a fight.
Glad to see this blog stepping into the fray.
There are times when I feel I've stepped in something
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice if fractious America would unite behind something decent for once.
Gergen's comment tonight: These public outbursts at McCain-Palin rallies are expressions of fear and anxiety knowing their candidate and their party will lose in 3 weeks.
ReplyDeleteGee, that was awfully generous of Gurgle. I was ready to eradicate them with bug spray.