Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Hatemonger leftists

Well The Swash Zone has made the cut. We're finally the target of the Psychotic Right, who think that sentimental reminiscences about Christmas in Austria and cynicism about the way our nations affairs have been carried out makes us "hatemonger leftists."

My post about how Christmas has become too much about angry denunciations of those who prefer to put their own interpretation on it and demands for government mandated observance, merited the attention of American Power, the site hosted by a Community College instructor from California and which is, according to him, all about power, victory and mindless support for whatever the military chooses to do.

Donald Douglass says that getting angry about enemies of freedom invalidates my distaste for the irrational anger of the religious right. Of course if that were true, the raison d'etre of the American Revolution would evaporate, but that's right wing dementia.

We have arrived.


  1. Fogg - ignoring the trolls usually takes the wind out of their sails. You guys need to learn to not take the bait - ignore them, ignore them, ignore them...

  2. Um - where exactly have we arrived?! And is there a return ticket? (she asks in a nervously squidly . . . )

  3. No need to fear, mudsquiggly is here!

    Fogg’s argument involving Donald Douglas, who is humorless, relentless, and Duckless, is not about politics. There are conservative bloggers whom I consider friends. Duckless is neither conservative nor friendly; he has a narcissist and stalker.

    I may have inadvertently aroused the stalker when I left a comment recently at Repsac3’s blog. First a quick backgrounder: My friend, Repsac3, has an addiction disorder … an adrenaline junky … by engaging in constant combat with Duckless. Various friends of Repsac, myself included, have tried to break Repsac of the habit. In other words, INTERVENTION. So here is the comment I left at Repsac's blog:

    I am incredulous that this dialogue with Donald Douglas has gone as far it has …

    For a so-called professor of political science to lay claim to moral absolutes and label any/all who disagree as nihilists and traitors should be a clue to all of you ... the man lacks academic integrity.

    His self-congratulatory statements punctuated with ad hom attacks on others ... should be another clue ... the man has a pathological personality disorder. One might as well argue with a psychotic or sociopath or a self-appointed tyrant …

    Worst of all, in caving to his penchant for attention, you are supplying the ego food to nourish his narcissism. Do you really want to do that ... and continue subjecting yourself to his kind of sicko stuff?

    And here is Repsac’s response:

    You're right, you're right, & I know you're right ... But yes, as we've discussed before ... I am Repsac3, and I am addicted to the crazy ... I'll do what I can ...

    One of Repsac’s friends chimed in:

    DLB: Repsac3, glad to hear that you're taking the pledge and getting on the wagon.

    Even one of Repsac’s conservative friends came to his rescue by offering a non-addictive venue:

    Critical Thinker: You and I talked many moons ago, it was reasonable commentary. So, please feel free to stop by anytime …

    What I am trying to say, fellow Swash Zoners, is that it all started with an intervention to break our friend, Repsac, of an atrocious addiction.

    The response of Duckless is actually quite typical for a garden-variety narcissist: A rage reaction, also known as an “abreaction.” When one takes away toys from a narcissist, or blows his cover, the result is a temper tantrum and lashing out. Typical and predictable!

    Duckless sent me a private e-mail. I responded with a terse reply that banned him from The Swash Zone along with a warning. Thus stripped of his feathers, the flightless Duckless started stalking Libby and Captain Fogg.

    No need to worry, fellow Swash Zoners. Duckless has been duly gang-plucked and exposed, and your faithful 8pus is watching …

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I see your are ever vigilant as always 8pus! LOL!


We welcome civil discourse from all people but express no obligation to allow contributors and readers to be trolled. Any comment that sinks to the level of bigotry, defamation, personal insults, off-topic rants, and profanity will be deleted without notice.