My friend Marc Catone (author of The Giant’s Chair and As I Write This Letter: An American Generation Remembers The Beatles), always good for an interesting and informational email several times a year has sent me a report that essentially says that the signs recorded in the famous 5th Dimension song of the same name as my title will happen on:
Feb. 14, 2009 – Valentine’s Day!
The Moon will be in Libra (the seventh house of the Zodiac) and Jupiter and Mars will be aligned (conjunct) in Aquarius along with the Sun, Neptune and Chiron also in Aquarius.

“When the moon is in the Seventh House And Jupiter aligns with Mars Then peace will guide the planets And love will steer the stars This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius..." (song lyrics)
This is apparently a very rare cosmic occurrence and, we did come close to a similar alignment in the 1960s, but the one happening this year is more so (or something like that).
There is a whole article of metaphysical explanations here by Jude Currivan, PhD if you are into that sort of thing. Me, I just love the appeal of 18 minutes of universal consciousness based on peace and love so I will reprint this invitation:
At 7.25am on 14th February and for the 18 minutes of the alignment, I invite you, in the universal heart, to add your own intention for love and peace and to co-create the dawning of the Age of Aquarius to that of the Cosmos. In whatever way feels appropriate for you, you may choose to align with 7.25am (UT) or 7.25am your own local time energizing a wave of intention that will surge around the Earth.
(Now I know that SOME of you will think it appropriate to be asleep but for those who WANT to participate, you can find a time conversion chart here).
Let the sunshine in!
Peace and Love, Rocky
Jupiter has regularly been aligning with Mars for close to 4 billion years. The constellations haven't been where the astronomers pretend they are for nearly 2000 years, there never was a saint valentine and the only significance of the 14th of February worth getting up in the morning for is that it's my birthday -- and at that hour, anyone who expects consciousness of any kind on my part can kiss my Pisces unless they hand me a cup of coffee first.
ReplyDeleteIf the Babylonian pantheon wants to party like it's 99, they can eat cake for all I care -- but not mine!
LOL! Fogg! I knew you would be the first to comment and that it would be scathing!
ReplyDeleteAnd as I'm dancing in the moonlight for my 18 minutes, toasting the world, I'll lift my glass to you also and wish you a resounding HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Even if you are hundreds of miles away AND alseep!
Happy birthday, Captain Fogg! But that doesn't make you a Pisces. Before anyone kisses your Pisces, please bear in mind that the first cup of coffee in the morning is brewed with water ... and people born between January 20 - February 18 fall within the Aquarius sign. I am one of those too. My birthday was the day before groundhog day.
ReplyDeleteHow apt. Two water signs within The Swash Zone. TAO also has a birthday. So happy birthday TAO and Captain Fogg. Any others out there?
I'll toss another Happy b-day to you Captain Fogg, and I will definitely be sleeping the morning away. I'm mean seriously, it's Saturday.
ReplyDeleteRocky - I absolutely loathe Valentine's Day. Always have, always will. It began when as a little ugly duckling, awkward girl when I never received as many valentines as my classmates. Now - things are a bit more pc - my son is required to give one to every classmate so no one feels unwanted. Progress.
ReplyDeleteAnd now as an ugly duckling woman I still loathe the day! Besides - I hate the color pink & the pinkish nonsense that is on display everywhere for a week of valentines marketing. (ok - so I'm a grouch)
Having said that - I guess your astrological thing is a reason to acknowledge the 14th of Feb. And now Fogg's b-day. Otherwise I would give the whole thing a miss as usual.
Well, happy birthday to all!
ReplyDeleteSquid - I'm not the sentimental type and have never really cared much about Valentine's day except it had bright colors associated with it and broke up the monotony of winter.
On my fridge I keep a picture of a much younger, skinnier me (gee, I'd like to be her again) all dressed up and standing next to a distinguished gentleman who is also all spiffed up. I was a young married woman with four children and he was old enough to be my grandfather but I still said yes when he asked me to go to the Valentine's Day dance at the nursing home where he lived and I worked.
We laughed and ate and danced the night away. He didn't live more than a year after that night but he talked of it nearly every day!
So, there is a small, warm spot in my heart when I remember Valentine's Day!
Fun post Rocky. Valentine's Day is the birthday of my dear, now departed friend Roy Warren. So please hoist a glass for him too, in case I fall asleep.
ReplyDeleteFogg, 8pud, Tao and now Roy. Geez, I'm going to need a bigger bottle...
ReplyDeleteLets see, 7.25 am UT would be 1.25 PM CST? Am I doing that right?
ReplyDeleteWe need the Age of Aquarius....we need vision, unothodoxy, and a whole lotta of free love....
I have always believed that was Ann Coulter's free love.
Now I have to go and change my whole playlist.....
I feel a deep desire to return to my socialist roots! :)
Tao, according to the chart it's supposed to be 2:25 am ET so I guess that's right.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise, I'm going to feel pretty stupid in the morning!
I feel a deep desire to dance in the moonlight, but I think I'll keep my clothes on this time - it's kind of cold and I'm kind of old...
Well, If I was as old as Gilgamesh's daddy, I would have been an Aquarius but of course I'm a couple of years younger and the charts are thousands of years out of date.
ReplyDeleteOf course "Kiss my Aquarius" lacks comedic value, so I chose Pisces.
Not being a Babylonian pagan I don't care where their various gods dwell from week to week and I have my own theories about what forces shape one's destiny and personality.
My sign is Chevrolet.