Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It's not fraud when we do it

We've certainly seen and heard plenty of haughty harumphment aver the tax problems of Tim Geithner. We've had more of the "more of the same" from the same folks who gave us, or tried to give us Sarah Palin as a Joan of Arc reformer and an upholder of the kind of ethics Republicans like to talk about while trying to keep us from examining their own failings.

We're not seeing a hell of a lot about Sarah Palin's tax problems. It seems that it hadn't occurred to her that the additional "travel related" money she was being paid for staying at home in Wasilla ( since her home isn't in the capitol, Juneau) was taxable income. Of course we learned a long time ago that the State of Alaska has been paying for all kinds of family expenses like tickets to basketball games, and sled races, but these things are "private matters" according to her spokeswoman. That's because she's a Republican in a Red State. otherwise any personal detail would be a public matter and could and would be used against her by her party's scandal machine. I'm still waiting for the "Liberal Press" to make a fuss about it. I'm still waiting to hear why everything we do or say on the phone or in our mail: why everything we buy and everywhere we go is no longer a private matter as far as the Government is concerned.

Next time they tell me what a bad break Sarah got from the mean old media, I might just have to mention this, as well as to relate my litany of her other lies.

Of course Alaska is in for some hard times, since 90% of its revenue comes from soaking the oil companies, hard as that might be to explain to laissez faire lovers who supported her anti-Tax rhetoric. " living within our means and putting money aside for a rainier day" is something, like ethics, that Sarah likes to give lip service to while running up debt like a mainstream Republican.

But they're still talking about her as a Presidential Candidate, which is fine with me. Let her select Joe the Plumber as VP too and maybe the accountant she used to hide her expense account shenanigans for Secretary of the Treasury as well. The country's going to hell anyway and we might just as well get it over with. You betcha!


  1. Heh. I was just going to write about this on my blog after reading about it on the HuffPost.

    Yeah. I wonder how many conservatives will call her a tax cheat the way they so quickly used that to describe Obama's cabinet choices.

    Truly. One has to stand in awe of the Right's choking hypocrisy.

  2. Tax cheat and an outright thief. She has the state paying for nearly everything her family does for recreation.

    It's true, the immensity of their monuments to hypocrisy is beyond description - but they can't see it.

  3. Republicans aren't big on logic.

  4. No, nor fact, nor sanity, nor morality.

  5. When the front seat passenger is wretchedly drunk, it’s no fun being in the backseat. The blowback gets kinda messy as was the case yesterday when Greta Van Susteren interviewed Bristol Palin.

    Of all possible windblown hypocrisies, here is this hesitant high school age mother saying what most sensible folks already know … how her life is no longer her own since giving birth. How she wishes she had waited 10 years. How abstinence is unrealistic.

    Not to forget the questions our ace reporter from Fox News did not ask: Do you now support sex education in schools? Giving out birth control pills? The right to choose an abortion?

    Never ride in the backseat with a Palin. Very messy indeed!

  6. Alaska, Louisiana, and California. What do these three states have in common? All of them have a Republican governor the GOP's base would like to see in the White House (granted that one of them would need a pesky Constitutional Amendment). All three states are in budget crisis and will get bailed out by H.R. 1, the un-American stimulus bill.

    Oh, the hypocrisy!

  7. I'm really starting to think Sarah Palin might not be a good person to run in 2012.

    Matt: All of them have a Republican governor the GOP's base would like to see in the White House

    Uh, the best thing about the Governator is that he can't run. It brings joy to the the conservative base's heart. You guys want him in the Democrat party?


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