Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Obamas' Marriage

Andrew Romano has an article in Newsweek describing how millennials are enthralled with Barack and Michelle’s relationship. He writes:

It’s unlikely that anyone watching last month’s Youth Inaugural Ball on TV noticed much difference between how the crowd of millennials welcomed the Louis Vuitton don and how they reacted, a few minutes later, when Barack and Michelle Obama took the stage. But if you were actually in the audience—like me, and my eardrums—the change was impossible to ignore. The young people screamed. The young people sighed. Several young people even began to weep.


At the time, I attributed the scene to inauguration-induced hysteria. But since Jan. 20, a dozen peers have confirmed that what I witnessed in Washington wasn’t a fluke.

He goes on to wax eloquent about why my generation feels this way:

My hunch is that millennials are going gaga over Barack and Michelle because they want to be Barack and Michelle. It’s not that other generations can’t admire the Obamas’ bond; their marriage—a union of self-sufficient equals—embodies the post-’60s ideal. But unlike their elders, most millennials have yet to experience marriage firsthand, and what they’ve experienced by proxy hasn’t been particularly encouraging: a 50 percent divorce rate, a steep rise in single parenthood, a culture captivated by cheap celebrity hookups.

But now the Obamas—two independent individuals who also appear to be (surprise!) in love—have filled the void. For young people who have rejected the tired “wife in the kitchen” template but resolved not to follow their parents to divorce court, it’s a relief to see that the sort of marriage they hope to have—equal and devoted—can actually exist.

One point I thought Andrew could have stressed more was regarding Barack and Michelle’s parenting. Anyone who watches, even briefly, either parent interact with - or just look at - one of their daughters can see that they care about those girls in a way that few parents do. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that Barack and Michelle are outstanding parents, though I obviously don’t have much to base that assertion on. It makes me think their girls will grow up as normally as humanly possible - they deserve it for the sacrifices they’re making.

In any case, the article is worth a read. It does a great job capturing how people my age feel - at least I know it’s how I feel. There is something so real about the Obamas’ relationship. They are clearly excellent role models for this up-and-coming generation. The subtle influence their relationship will have on the nation may prove to have an immense impact down the road.


This article is cross-posted at The Political Panorama.


  1. Great article, Brian on a subject I've heard many comments about but have seen little in the way of posts.
    They do appear to be very much in love and very devoted, not just to their marriage but to their children and extended family as well.
    I think for young people they usher in a new Camelot Era which some of us older folk remember from our youth with the Kennedys. And I hope they have lots of positive influence on future relationships among the Millennial Generation.

  2. Brian, this is a special treat. Considering all the grim news lately (i.e. recession, depression, corruption, obstruction), an uplifting article is very welcome indeed.

    Of course, being a great role model is an extra dividend. I voted for him because I believe he will turn out to be a great leader ... at a time when we need one most of all.


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