Monday, February 9, 2009

Odds and endings

Sometimes I'm overwhelmed with despair. Sometimes I don't believe the United States of America has any future in any way similar to what was envisioned in 1776. Sometimes I think civilization itself has reached the top of its arc and has begun to accelerate downward.

I was scanning around 20 meters yesterday afternoon, hoping to work KC4USV at McMurdo Station in Antarctica who was reported to be at 14.243 -- and as you might expect in this period between sunspot cycle 23 and 24, I couldn't hear a whisper from Ross Island. I did catch one Midwestern ham telling another that he'd heard thatBarak Obama had gone "over there" and told "the Muslims" that he thought it was patriotic for them to fight against infidels. " If any of that is true, this country is doomed" said the man whose call I won't repeat. Tempted as I was to have words with him, I just shut the rig down and found other things to do. Of course, none of that is or was or likely ever will be true. But this is America. Over where? What Muslims? Failure to ask is failure to think. Failure to think and the hunger to believe fills the endless cornucopia of American political dialog.

My New York Bureau chief informs me that Alabama, in the name of protecting academic freedom and science itself, has passed legislation allowing teachers to teach religious mythology or apparently, any idiotic fairy tale they damn well please about the origin of species. The Bible is now called science in Alabama. And we fought a bloody war to keep them part of our country: and we dare to talk about optimism. How can we even say the word hope.

The end of the world makes strange bedfellows though. I stumbled into Coulterwatch this morning after reading that the shrieking harpy herself has become the subject of a formal probe by Connecticut’s Elections Enforcement Commission; moving her closer to being charged with felony fraud. Can she slither out of this one as she did in Palm Beach by having one of her familiars intimidate a Commissioner into dropping the charges? Probably, but the existence of bloggers calling themselves Conservative and yet actually dedicated to bringing about justice for Ann Coulter is heartwarming. blogger Dan Borchers has filed a formal complaint in Connecticut.
“For over 10 years, Ann Coulter has gotten away with illegal, immoral and unethical behavior, ranging from plagiarism to defamation, perjury to voter fraud,”
says Borcher. No, it's not a glimmer of hope. He and I may disagree on most things, but at least it's comforting to think we might all hold hands for a brief moment as the ship sinks into the abyss.


  1. Fogg - I guess it's all about balance; two guys spreading rumors over the radio waves - Coulter getting outted.
    Hey, it's the best we have. I tell everyone the same thing, "I woke up this morning and took a deep breath; I'm alive and, considering the alternative, today is a good day."

  2. Its not just the rumors and lies...

    We cannot not even have a civil consversation anymore with people who do not share our beliefs.

    No facts, no discourse, it all hate, anger, vile...

    We would rather believe the worse regardless of how absurd....

    I remember my first week teaching Political Science back 28 years ago at the University of Oklahoma...we were having an open discussion and one kid stands up and starts off on this rant about some book he was reading about WWIII between us and Russia and how we had to support Reagan so that we could win the next all out war.

    That was the very first time I ever saw blind rage.

    Of course all 65 of the folks in class looked at me to respond and I just asked the young man,

    "This WWIII that the author proposes to be five years away between us and Russia will be a nuclear war right?"

    The young man says, "Yeah..."

    Then I followed up with, "Then the author claims that we can WIN this nuclear war right? Let me ask you, if after a nuclear war between the two superpowers what would actually be left of the world to 'win' "

    It would seem to me that in a nuclear war the 'winner' might actually be the loser in the real sense of the word....

    People just seem to say things without thinking.....

  3. Oh, had a another thought....

    Imagine trying to right the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution today?

    Can you imagine what the Federalist and Anti Federalists Papers would read like if they were written today?

  4. Last night in a dream, I saw a school of angelfish pass before my eyes. Suddenly I awoke and saw there really WAS a school of angelfish, and they were towing a banner that read: “Repent! There is still time, brother.”

  5. Now Alabama? Wasn't creationism-Kansas enough?

    Don't scientists' keep muttering something about by-gone water on Mars? I vote we move the waters of our earthly SwashZone to the remnant waters of Mars.

    Oh wait - never mind - sceintists are fools - silly me - I forgot.

  6. Hate has become an industry. Perhaps it always has been, but what exists today has been industrialized on a scale unimaginable and uses technology and techniques unimaginable to previous generations of demagogues.

    I wonder what kind of constitution we would cobble together today if we were forced to. I'm sure it would center on things like homosexuality and flag burning and "christian values" and would put security against perceived (or fabricated) enemies far above anything I might call freedom.


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