We are not so unlike those radical rascals back in 1776 who became increasing dissatisfied with an unresponsive government and finally decided to take matters into their own hands, which started a grassroots movement, which started a revolution, which formed a country.
Myself, I have been increasing dissatisfied and frustrated by progressive administrations and congresses since 1970. Somewhere along the way, there was a total disconnect from the actual PEOPLE who, in fact, ARE America.
While I still believe President Obama sincerely has this country’s best interests at heart, I’m disappointed with the stimulus package. It seems to me a lot of money is being strewn all over the ground with no real strategy as to how it will all come together to stop the bleeding and reverse the depression. While I think programs like tattoo removal for gang members wishing to improve their lot in life is admirable and that STD treatment and education is a big plus, do they belong in the stimulus package?
Here’s another example: My own state of North Carolina plans on using part of the money to rehab a low income housing project that has fallen into shameful disrepair from years of neglect by the state. Yes, short term, it will provide some jobs and after viewing the pictures, the place seriously needs attention, but is that the best use of the stimulus money? Should the state be able to use stimulus money to make up for their irresponsibility? Don’t get me wrong, I want them to improve that housing complex because no child should have to come home to that, but it should be state funds paying for the work.
OK, Rocky, so how do YOU think we should be using the stimulus? Let me first acknowledge that I have no special experience or education in economics, a little in finance and none whatsoever in politics, but it seems to me first you need a list of priorities:
Create jobs, bring in businesses – why can’t the money be used to bring back manufacturers with low interest loans and other incentives, but only those willing to commit contractually to staying in the US. And there are a lot of bright, young minds with great ideas and no cash. Why not pair them with experienced business owners to develop their ideas, create a business plan and a financial strategy and, if their plans look viable and profitable, give them loans with a grace period so they can build their business. More business, more workers, more consumers. Put money into R&D and into market development. And let’s make sure agriculture is included under “industry.” We need cleaner, cheaper, better food production and we need to support research into alternative growing methods, etc.
How about getting a fair trade agreement on the table that’s actually fair to US businesses so they can compete. Bring Canada to the table because they are our closest neighbor and we would progress much further with them as our ally. Once the economy is on an upsweep, we can work on other problems.
Forget wasting money on border walls, etc. Want to solve the illegal immigration problem? Make it more economically feasible for them to stay home! Once we build a solid industry, why not work with Mexico on agreements to allow certain manufacturing processes to go south of the border. Cooperative agreements that are a two way street and benefit everyone. Mexico will have to clean up its act and its streets and improve their infrastructure. We need to start looking at a cooperative union of the Americas much like the EU because that is the future in this globalized society. (I’m sure that’s going to raise some blood pressures!) But I think we can form a mutually beneficial consortium without sacrificing our respective national identities and it may just help to stem the burgeoning illegal immigration problem.
Don’t think my ideas will work? Good, go to the comments and tell me so, but include in your comments why not and what YOU think would work! I want this one post to be constructive and interactive, so please, try to keep the snark to a minimum. But, if you had control over the stimulus money, what would you do with it?

Some weeks ago, I left a comment somewhere (and I can't remember where right now) that compared the effects of stimulus spending versus tax cuts.
ReplyDeleteIn principle, the idea is to get maximum bang for the buck. For every stimulus dollar spent, how much do we get back in terms of economic benefit?
The chart showed an overwhelming benefit from spending compared with tax cuts (50% or more). So the next question is "WHERE" or on "WHAT" to spend the money?
And the answer is: "What do you value in life?" That is where the actual line items get political. Infrastructure, renewable energy, health, and education ... these are worthwhile expenditures in my opinion.
Our infrastructure has long been neglected, and $ trillions will be needed. Renewable energy ... imagine a world without dependence on foreign resources. Our balance of payments deficit and military expenditures would drop dramatically.
I am in favor of a nationalized healthcare system; Without the burden of healthcare borne by American business, our manufactured products would be more cost competitive in overseas markets.
Investing in education yields both short-term and long-term benefits.
Finally, we need a "smart" electrical grid ... very important for generating wind and solar power. Suppose, for instance, you have a an electric hybrid car in your garage. At current electrical prices, you can commute to work on the equivalent of $2.40 per gallon of gas. At night, your car serves as a storage device for electrical energy that currently goes to waste, and you can actually sell that energy back to grid when you are not using your vehicle.
Just some ideas from an undersea creature who really doesn't need this stuff. Its late and I am hungry. Hmm ... clams or crustaceans?
Very thoughtful post, Rocky. Thank you for it.
ReplyDeleteTo address what you said about low income housing Rocky, I would much rather see low income housing torn down and the money spent on it used to assist the poor in buying or renting homes in established neighborhoods. Low income housing, high rises, all that crap was started as a cost effective way to keep minorities in one place. These projects are breeding grounds for gang and other unsavory activity. The kids that grow up in these places are given a basketball court. I'd rather they had their own yard.
ReplyDeleteYou ideas are great Rocky. It took Bush a while to wreck the economy. It's going to take Obama time to fix it.
Great ideas all around.
ReplyDeleteI don't have much of a problem with the money being somewhat indiscriminately spread around. It's not hard to envision programs like the tattoo removal program having a stimulative effect on the economy. Plus, that's just how Washington works. It's awfully hard to get 535 members of congress to agree on something that's streamlined and efficient, disappointing as that may be.
As for my stimulus wish list, I would love to see a nation-wide high speed rail system. Our transportation network is straight out of the dark ages. Super-fast internet should be another priority. Healthcare, a smart electric grid, greater pursuance of solar and wind power, tax incentives for green energy companies, a 100 foot tall monument to Homer Simpson - the list goes on.
wow! Some great ideas! Why do we have all these political hacks running congress? :)
ReplyDeleteBrian, I would love to see new train system and since the old system is pretty dated and nonexistent in some place, why not an elevated system which would avoid road crossings, etc? It'd be safer and with development of newer energy technologies it might end being cheaper.
I also really love light rail systems. I was in Denver a couple of years ago, staying in a suburbian town and we used the light rail to go into the city - it was great.
Thank you, Squid.
8pus, sharp as ever. Infrastructure and new energy sources are key I think in attracting and retaining industry. If we could offer cheap energy that didn't require EPA restrictions that prove so expensive we would definitely have an edge. Healthcare and education I thought I'd tackle separately as parts 2 and 3.
TRUTH - It is amazing I have never thought of that but you are so right! The projects are a breeding ground for dispair and criminal activity. And it is like keeping them all rounded up in one place. How can we ever convince these kids that there's a better world out there if they work hard, get good grades and do the right thing when they spend their days and their nights in a living nightmare? So, we could move these people to their own homes, tear down the ghetto and then give the land free to any developer who will build on it to bring in an industry and all those who had lived in that project get training so they can compete for jobs there. Reduce crime, reduce the wealfare rolls and create jobs.
You know, I think when this is finished, we should put together a paper and present it here on the 'net, to the newpapers, etc. This is America and our voices should be heard.
BTW - TRUTH, I'm givving Obama time, I'm just worried that the same old tired political machine in Washington will stall and obstruct and make it that much harder.
BTW, I forgot to mention stimulus spending on clams and crustaceans.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, one more thing. I DEAMND all cephalopods held illegally in aquariums and other rendition sites around the world be released IMMEDIATELY, and all sashimi outlawed.
ReplyDeleteCivil disobedience! Protest! Now, that's what I'm tslkin' about!
ReplyDeleteRocky, you go girl! I applaud what you are trying to do here as it is the same thing I am trying to do over at Thinking Out Loud, and I treasure your comments over there. Health care is my next topic ...it should be interesting. What we are doing is what will save the future of the country whether others can see it or not!!!!
ReplyDeleteI like Octo's suggestions. Energy is definitely a project that I think the money well spent on. While like you, I don't have a lot of technical information on some things, green is our future and it would not go wasted in that effort. Health care I am still undecided on. National Health Care I am totally against, politicians in control of health care scares me, but I am not sure the system can be fixed without getting the government involved at some point. So maybe meeting in the middle somewhere might be the way to go.
I'm not going to get into education in great detail because that's my next post....LOL but with "No Child Left Behind" I am leery of government involvement in that either.
I think the greatest use of the money would be to use it to help build up small businesses. With the economy the way it is, we need something that is going to help people get back on their feet. Help those that have jobs that are day to day. Help those that by no fault of their own is getting pounded by the economic crisis.
Oh an the idea of Homer Simpson....priceless!
The power is with the people, but the people have to recognize that power in order to use it!
ReplyDeleteGovernment should not dictate what happens, we should! But politicians have become complacent and self serving and we have become sheeple, being herded up and kept in order.
Right now, we are nothing like our founding fathers. They were radicals and rebels, independent and full of hope and optimism. And they had opposition from those that thought there was nothing they could do, so best to leave the colonies in servitude to the king.
This last election was about people wanting radical change but we are not finished. Obama keeps saying he can't do this alone, he needs us to stand up and be counted.
That's why I wanted to keep pushing this format of discussion. This is our country and we must be responsible for it.
Do the people that voted for Obama know what's going on, or don't they know any better
ReplyDeleteObama was elected by a bunch of brain-washed naive college students, emotional soccer moms, stupid union workers, the leftist media, and the blacks seeking revenge for slavery. The stock market could be down to 2,000 and his poll numbers would still be high. If we had another election next month, he’d still win.
As soon as I get out of class, drop the kids off at the field,put in my union vote, salute Karl Marx and attend the next NAACP rally, I'll get back to you on that, Right.
ReplyDeleteI think my vote has to go to greening our energy system as a big priority: people are at their best when future-oriented; if you gotta spend lots of money on things, I say spend it on things that help ordinary people. Energy, health care and access thereto, and education. Better yet, just give all your money to the dinosaurs: they were good stewards of the planet....
ReplyDeleteAs for Right is Wrong, that's the silliest thing I've read lately: sure, all those Wall Streeters are deep-dyed realists who know what's best for America. Let's just allow untrammeled capitalism to do its thing. Right. That's why we're broke--the fools who believe they know how capitalism works haven't a clue about either its strengths or its weaknesses. They just think the whole affair is one big Ponzi Scheme meant to benefit them personally. Ahistorical as squirrels, they are, and nowhere near as cute.
I kind of hate to disappoint you Rocky. I'm a political hack. Not as hacky as I was till two years ago when some more important political hacks grew weary of my brand of hackery. But nonetheless, should I see an opportunity to regain what I once enjoyed, I'd most likely do it again. In case any of my former hack higher ups are spying, Martin Luther King Drive in Quincy was the right thing to do.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the forum Swash Zoners.
Jennifer: "with "No Child Left Behind" I am leery of government involvement"
ReplyDeleteOctopods are not well versed on the subject of education; so if my remarks come across as naïve, please forgive. You see, Octopods know just as much about survival in their infancy as full-grown Octopods know in their adultery.
Thus, we have no need of education. From what I know of human offspring, they are completely helpless at birth (although the little ones think they know everything). And from what I know of human civilization, adults are hapless (because big humans still think they know everything). Given what I know of the human condition, one can never spend enough on education.
I must admit, “No Child’s Left Behind" is a strange idea to me. Since we have 8 arms, “left” and “right” are alien concepts to us. Why would anyone lavish more attention on the right buttocks and ignore the left? Why not spank or wipe both? Is this why human beings argue all the time?
Truth, you are not a hack; a nihilist maybe but not a hack! You have some great insights and I'm learning all the time.
ReplyDeleteDino, energy should be included in the infrastructure and you are right, without being able to produce and transport product cheaper, cleaner and faster, we have little hope of attracting business.
An the focus should not only be on roads but development of a new rail system designed for the super trains.
Jennifer, I take back what I said about not agreeing with you on much as I now find my foot in my mouth! We do seem to agree on more all the time.
No Child Left Behind is a disaster! I guess we both agree on that so what do we want from our schools? That will also be my part 3, I think.
8pus, your imaginative satire is always a welcome break.