Friday, March 27, 2009

War with the Newt

"Prophets are always disappointed, dear Nostradamus. That's why new ones are always in the wings updating the catastrophes."

-Andre Codrescu-

One of the reasons that I changed my major away from Psychology many years ago had to do with some films showing real mental patients, including schizophrenics, in the days of straight jackets and padded cells. The mental state of these poor people wasn't what I wanted to be immersed in for the rest of my life. Little did I know. I haven't thought about it for 45 years, but recently, listening to the barking of Newt, St. Rush, Ann, Michelle and Laura, the wild-eyed ravings of hysterical madmen come to mind again.

The latest is from the would-be-relevant Newt Gingrich, who is seeking to fill the power vacuum caused by the collapse of the Bush administration by issuing vacuous proclamations with reckless disregard to what his words mean. Seeking the authority of amplitude, Newt squeals out that Barak Obama, currently disappointing his most liberal supporters by being a centrist and a pragmatist, is leading us toward a dictatorship and "Liberal Fascism."

Analyzing such speech is probably pointless, since only those in a true fugue state need to have the ironic irrationality explained. Of course Newt isn't really schizophrenic and so isn't deserving of sympathy. He's just a witch hunter and like all of them, he invents the witches he uses to elevate himself to the powers he attributes to them.

Of course he'd like to make you think it's all about those vaunted "conservative principles" he pays lip service to while supporting bloated authoritarian government in the pocket of industry, (fascism) but as I've said many times, "principles" are what we call our most unworkable ideas. In the case of Newt, they're not even ideas he believes in. What he does believe in is the Big Lie and the oft repeated lie, knowing that the more outrageous his claim, the more it will be believed and that nothing is too ridiculous, unfounded, impossible or meaningless to be claimed. Hence terms like "liberal fascist" that combine contradictory words, yet even more ridiculous coming from a source that has more successfully promoted incestuous collusion between a military industrial complex and news media using false data, fabricated scenarios, illegal surveillance and other infractions against liberty and the law to promote their goals.

We will most likely hear more sirens wailing and more Newts and Cheneys and Limbaughs pumping up the volume and trying to convince us to re-elect the party that has robbed and raped us and left us lying in the ditch. The longer doom eludes us, the more prophets thereof will howl.


  1. Let 'em howl, I say.

    Reasonable people feel put off by those crazy rantings. The crazier they sound, the easier Obama's job gets.

    I like watching their radicalism implode on them.

  2. I hope an implosion is what we're seeing, but I'm so used to being disappointed.

  3. I haven't been around long enough to have many opportunities to be disappointed. (Though George Bush counts as a pretty damn big disappointment.)

    Obama remains steadfastly popular. He so regularly preaches against the sort of hate-filled idiocy of the Newts (or is that newts?), his vision is taking hold more and more each day.

  4. Newt craves the limelight because it is a great way to impress the ladies and get laid.

    He has converted to Catholicism because he finally realized that confessions in the Catholic Church are done in private and does not involve calling into Dodson's show and getting forgiveness via the airwaves...

    Besides Dodson is retiring...

    The only reason he wants to be President is because he wants to pull a 'Clinton'

    Just another bright guy wasting his intelligence for an ego trip.

  5. So second cousin to a salamander wants to take us back to the Bush/Cheney years, 2001-2009:

    Political dissent zones hidden from press exposure,
    Caskets of war dead hidden from public view,
    The most secretive government in history devoid of Congressional oversight,
    Torture and secret rendition sites,
    Domestic surveillance,
    The smearing and jeering of former administration officials who dared speak,
    The outing of an undercover CIA agent whose husband dared to speak,
    The politicization of the DoJ,
    The impotence of Congress and the media to investigate abuses of power ...

    Wasn't Newt the one who wanted to limit free speech rights for the sake of fighting terror? And Newt has the nerve to call us … fascists? Speaking of mental illness … isn't this called projective identification?"

  6. "projective identification?"

    Whatever it is, it leads to projectile vomiting on my part. It's a strange little news item, but I remember way back when Newt was recorded by someone with a UHF scanner on his cell phone plotting some illegal thing or another.

    The result of the scandal was that Congress banned scanners that can receive the 800 MHz band. They're still banned although analog cell phones are gone - and of course Newt is still here. That was the first time in history building any radio receiver was banned by the Feds.

    They're fascists and nothing less and that's why they accuse everyone else.

  7. "He's just a witch hunter and like all of them, he invents the witches he uses to elevate himself to the powers he attributes to them."

    Have you read my new short story, The Dragon of Ingenoco? Because you just described it in a nutshell.

  8. Nay, I have not sirrah but shall venture to do so forthwith.


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