Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Arlen Specter, D-Pennsylvania

Extra - Extra

"Sources" are talking again and they assure us that Republican Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania will
leave the Republican Party and become a Democrat. That's good news in terms of giving the Democrats a filibuster proof majority, assuming that Al Franken gets seated before his term runs out.


  1. The GOP makes their downfall more inevitable each day.

  2. He's not going to win a re-election as a RHINO, that's for sure. So, he might as well switch. Although, how much good he'll do for your side, I don't know.

  3. Pamela, although it is hard to tell how much good Senator Specter will do for the Democrats, his departure does no good for the Republicans whatsoever.

    There was a time when Specter was considered a leader among Republicans, a party that also included Dwight Eisenhower, Barry Goldwater, Nelson Rockefeller, and Jacob Javits. The children and grandchildren of these Republicans are now Democrats. Anger and intolerance have driven away their progeny. How times have changed!

  4. Hell, if Pat Buchanan is signaling the death of the GOP ("We're nothing but a white party"), times yes they are indeed a'changin.

  5. Leave it to old Pat to insult white people by identifying them with Republicans.

  6. Although Arlen isn't perfect, some of us Dems in PA who generally vote for him are glad to have him on board.


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