"It's Time to Say NO to Biased Media and Say YES to Fair Play and Free Speech."is the curtain behind which they spew out biased interpretations as freely

"Why aren't white males being considered for the Supreme Court?"asks this fine publication today. Of course the court always has been and still remains mostly white male, but it's good for readership to get the skinheads and Aryan nation idiots in an uproar about their being persecuted. I really don't have the stomach for it, but I'm sure they're opposing intolerance here in some obscure fashion.
"attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought [and] expression,"are what they oppose as long as those thoughts don't include any objection to pointing an M1 Garand military rifle at Barak Obama and Jesse Jackson.

Coincidence? Only their psychiatrist knows for sure. Of course I've been thoroughly excoriated on right wing sites for suggesting that "heads should roll" in the hate radio business and it was interpreted in fair and balanced fashion that I was calling for the murder and ritual decapitation of Rush Limbaugh, so I really don't feel any inhibition when asking whether or not this is a subliminal thing, meant to make the bigots giggle and their trigger fingers wiggle -- or pure accident. It could be that, certainly and I'm being fair and balanced about it.
"white males"?!
ReplyDeleteAnd that pic sure looks intentional.
It's disturbing that Fox has so much influence. Any thinking person can tell the folks at Fox have bias spewing out their butts. Unfortunately there are a lot of non-thinkers in this country.
My friend Lizardbreath at Unfogged dot com nails it with this post:
ReplyDelete“ … to put it crassly, so long as Democrats have the black vote locked up, Republicans, even when the party isn't doing anything politically overtly racist*, have the racist vote locked up (…) the GOP is in the uncomfortable position of having a really ugly, unpleasant bird in the hand, and to make matters worse, they can't really tell how big it is. All they know is that if the GOP successfully breaks the identification of the Democrats as the only party for African Americans, it will lose a segment of its base that's now voting GOP for racial reasons. That's got to make it more difficult to work on attracting African-American votes, and I think worry about losing that part of the base explains at least part of the ineffectualness of GOP outreach. This dynamic can't last forever -- at some point the racist vote will have to be small enough not to worry about losing it.”
Meanwhile, the GOP is still the party of expat segregationists, racists, white supremacists, and neo-fascists that still hold the party in thrall. Until the GOP purges itself of these reprobates, we should expect more of the same.
Considering they've already removed it (Geithner's now pointing at Obama) and based on the format of the page, it looks like one of those coincidences.
ReplyDeleteBut don't let me stop you in your indignation. :)
Of course they removed it - the publicity was immediate, widespread and unpleasant and if you actually read my post you'll be aware that I made no decision of whether it was inadvertent or not -- but don't let me interrupt your snark.
ReplyDeleteNow about that conspiracy to keep white males out of power. . .
Capt: I didn't miss that part of your post, though it had mostly the taste of a disclaimer within a delicious snark tortilla, considering you spend post after post on every little real and perceived bias you can find about FoxNews.
ReplyDeleteBut I will endeavor to be more snarkilicious in the future. :)
So you spend post after post in a pathetic attempt at trenchant humor instead of writing anything worth reading.
ReplyDeleteSure, one has to look long and carefully to find any misrepresentation or fabrication on Fox News -- sure they do Pat.
You don't have an audience here and unless you're honing your skills as a twit impersonator, you're wasting everyone's time.