Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What we have here is a failure

Sarah Palin says Obama is driving the country toward Socialism, although she's not exactly sure what that is or how he's doing it.
"We’re borrowing more to spend more ... it defies any sensible economic policy that any of us ever learned through college."
said she to Insanity Hannity although that's been the main thrust of GOP economic policy since Reagan. Never mind that she didn't actually study economics in her long, picaresque romp through a series of fourth rate community colleges and hasn't any real idea of who owns what part of American industry. If she did, perhaps the failed beauty queen, failed VP candidate and desultory student would have to blush about Alaska's state ownership of oil and gas resources and her failure to bring capitalism to her state.

But that's OK. Former Speaker of the House and thoroughly dispicable human being Newt Gingrich says that whatever Obama may be driving us toward, President Barack Obama’s plan to fix the economy has “already failed” and “bowing to the Saudi King is not an energy policy.” Of course not, and Obama would agree. Playing basketball after hours isn't either, but neither is it supposed to be, any more than being a serial adulterer like Newt is a guarantee he means what he says. Of course none of us will get the chance to ask him whether Cheney's collusion with oil magnates about raising the price of oil is an energy policy either, but it helps that whatever Obama has been falsely accused of doing, he's failed to do it.

Rush Limbaugh isn't ready to call Sonia Sotomayor a failure yet, but he hopes she will be. Racist and hack yes, he's ready to say that, but as he does with our president and our nation, he hopes for a good, solid failure. And besides, of course, as with Michael J. Fox's Parkenson's disease, Ms. Sotomayor's recent broken ankle is certainly evidence of lack of character.
“Now, the question is, would a white, male judge have fractured his ankle in the same circumstances?”
No, actually the question is whether Rush can say anything at all without his racism and misogyny creeping through, but we won't embarrass him by asking it, not while he's back on the Vikes and babbling.

Drug addicted, draft dodging Limbaugh however, hardly compares with Gordon Liddy, the convicted felon/conservative radio host who thought it important to speculate as to whether the judge's menstrual cycle will interfere with her judgment.
"Let’s hope that the key conferences aren’t when she’s menstruating or something, or just before she’s going to menstruate,"
Liddy said in a conservative fashion.
"That would really be bad. Lord knows what we would get then."
Yes, Mr. Liddy, and the Lord knows that would be bad regardless of which Lord you mean, just like conspiring to overthrow democracy in the US and bragging about it -- which seems to be your main "conservative" credential.

Yes, 4 months is soon enough to talk about failure and face it -- who is more qualified to talk about failure than the Republicans?


  1. "We’re borrowing more to spend more ... it defies any sensible economic policy that any of us ever learned through college … We’re borrowing from China, and we consider that now we own 60 percent of General Motors – or the U.S. government does … But who is the U.S. government becoming more indebted to? It’s China. So that leads you to have to ask who is really going to own our car industry than in America."--Palin

    My father, who was an Italian immigrant spoke better English than does this born-and-raised (and educated?!)-in America woman.

    Her scrambled syntax is a sad indication of her inability to think clearly, or at all.

    The real horror is NOT that thousands of Americans believe she is qualified to be president, but that SHE believes it.

  2. And yet she speaks better than Bush and both their supporters saw that as a plus.

    Funny, but to me the idea that all the wisdom and honesty and truth in the world is the property of peasants is essentially Marxism with a bit of Mao.

    But I don't care any more. Sooner or later there will be an asteroid and I can't wait.

  3. But what does Joe the Plumber think?

    Or does he ever?

  4. I'm sure he thinks his ideas are simple and obvious and that there's a conspiracy of liberals to make things seem complex. That seems to be what most of the people in the movement Reagan started think.

    It's an anti-science, anti-intellectual movement that flatters the mediocre, the ill informed and the stupid and since they are the vast majority, it works.


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