Yes Sir, it's terrible how tasteless old far-left liberal David Letterman got away with some comment about the Palin family because the media is like you know all Liberal
and hardly mentioned the grievous offense. Why if some God-fearing Christian conservative were to
make some comment about Obama or his family? All hell would break loose, right?
You say you need evidence? Why how liberal of you, but look at how they're handling that really, really funny and tasteful picture of the 45th president of the United States that She

rri Goforth, an aide to state Sen. Diane Black (R-TN) sent out by e-mail? Why it's made international headlines, hasn't it? Well OK, at least it made
some blog called Raw Story, but that's more exposure than the Palin story got from being headline material on all the media for days, isn't it?
Besides, you know, showing Obama as a pair of googly eyes on a black background is the funniest thing since the minstrel shows went away because of Liberal Fascist censorship and it just proves that far left Liberals have no sense of humor anyway. I mean

none of us America loving patriots ever went beyond the bounds of truth or good taste by trashing Obama the Magic Negro and that only proves that it's
them behind all the hatred and racism they throw at us Republicans who are the real victims here.
Yup. That about sums it up.
ReplyDeleteI've generally been of the mindset that the media isn't intentionally conservative - they just aim for controversy and never ask tough questions which has the effect of benefiting conservatives.
But here we have two controversial happenings - Letterman's joke (which really shouldn't be that controversial - he's a comedian) and an extremely racist picture linked to a sitting senator, and only the issue that benefits conservatives gets any attention.
If the media is not intentionally conservative, they must be racist.
Let's not forget that buried somewhere in the news is the report about Michelle Obama being related to a gorilla.
ReplyDeleteForm the South Carolina GOP.
I just noticed the protester's sign in the pic you have. It made me laugh out loud.
ReplyDeleteIncidentally, I am also against baby-murdering Muslims for president - isn't it nice we didn't elect one?
I'm not sure, but I suspect that Muslims aren't particularly permissive of abortions either, so the sign is funny in more than one way.
ReplyDeleteI did mention the gorilla thing. I could have mentioned the "Terrorist fist bump" thing from Fox News too, but once I start, I'll find it hard to stop. . .
Ever since Clinton was elected, they've been trying to deflect legitimate criticism by calling it bias and by making false equivalences and they never tire of it.
You have to admit, the Palins are remarkably talented at keeping themselves in the spotlight, as well as making sure that the easily-misled conservative base continues to see them as the innocent "plain folks" victims of the mean ol' liberal elites.
ReplyDeleteThe problem here is that it comes from both side of the political spectrum and anytime one side brings up a slur, crude joke, etc. then the other side comes back with well, you did this too and yours was worse than mine.
ReplyDeleteWhen did it become okay to make crude comments or jokes about anybody? The tasteless picture in your post is not funny and either was Letterman's crude joke. Why does EVERYTHING have to be judged on what side you are on. Most of you know me and know that I tend to lean conservatively but that in know way makes the comments that I've heard from Rush or Anne okay in any way. Can't I be offended because I am a woman, not because I'm conservative. Can someone be offended not because they are liberal but because they are a woman. (Just speaking in general terms, not just the David ordeal) It truly is the extremes on both sides that can't seem to stop labeling each other that bring so much of the controversy and arguments.
Some things are just wrong no matter WHO said them.
Damn I was a bit long winded there.... :-)
If you haven't seen the video of the "Palin protesters," you need to. It's on my blog.
ReplyDeleteLetterman and Depass weren't doing anything political, they were taking cheap shots for laughs.
ReplyDeleteThey were rude and not funny. Some people want to turn these tasteless commentaries into political fodder, but every decent human being should be standing shoulder to shoulder denouncing such vile, ignorant vitriol. It really ocmes down to manners, civility and common decency.
The only vicitms here are those who must suffer the crass media attention; Chelsey Clinton, Bristol and Willow Palin and Michelle Obama.
Well said Rocky!!
ReplyDelete"It really comes down to manners, civility and common decency."
I bet Michael Steele, Chair of the RNC got a big laugh out of Sen. Black's (R-TN) Presidential Poster sent by her aide.
ReplyDeleteHe will probably get one for his office wall and another for the piano.
Or maybe not.
Jennifer and rocky - I agree that Letterman's joke was over the line. Like he said, he's told many a tasteless joke in his career.
ReplyDeleteBut what drives me crazy is that the Palins are using this as an opportunity for political positioning. Sarah Palin is as phony as you can get. She doesn't genuinely care about the injustice of Letterman's words - she's just trying to rally her base. She has welcomed the "crass media attention." Letterman may have made a bad joke and anyone is free to despise him for it, but Palin using her daughter for political gain, in my mind, is far more despicable.
Mind you, I don't want to downplay what Letterman said. It would be great if comedians didn't make cheap jokes like that. I just think the reason this has so many people riled up is because the Palins are dishonest people dishonestly using this cheap joke for dishonest personal gain.
Ok, my false equivalence alarm is ringing again. Leno gave us 8 years of tasteless Monica jokes, and where were the Republican taste police? Giggling in the corner, that's where.
ReplyDeleteLimbaugh has give us decades of nasty personal attacks on the innocent, Coulter calls politicians fags, widows of 9/11 bitches and thinks it's funny to recommend rat poison for a federal judge -- AND this is only a tiny sample. I'm sure as hell not going to listen to this prissy crap about Letterman until the last 16 years of sleaze and slime are answered for.
I'm sorry, getting huffy about some little joke and trying to take it out of the context of all these years of relentless Republican slime is not just hypocritical, it's disgusting.
Did Miss Miss manners get offended by the outrageous slander of Kerry's wife, accusing her of everything from treason to theft? Hell no!
This is like having a bucket of shit thrown on you and being chastised for a vulgar response and if Lyin' witch hinting Sarah
doesn't want to expose her family to what her party has been exposing us all to, then she should stay the hell out of politics. Did Letterman accuse her husband of being a terrorist? Then why does she get a free pass for telling Michelle hates America?
I ask you again, where was the outrage when Limbaugh called Chelsea Clinton the white house dog? There wasn't any - what we got was outrage that the damned liberals would pick on Saint Rush.
Answer this -- do you think Palin's campaign was defined by respect for others, scrupulous attention to the truth and a generally high tone? The hell it was.
Sure Democrats should all be Buddhalike and let the filth pass them by unremarked upon, but Republicans who have let their crusade of crap go by with little or no comment get no sympathy and deserve less.
That Palin has used this to optimize the media attention while Michelle Obama has not even commented on the equally deplorable Depass comment has not slipped my attention.
ReplyDeleteBut we the citizens do not need to feed into this dog and pony show and give it political credence. We should denounce ill manners and demeaning, tasteless comments.
By allowing it to take over our blogs and the news, we help elevate it to a much higher level of importance than it deserves.
Dave Letterman is no political powerhouse – neither is Rusty Depass for that matter. Why allow this to be an issue about Palin when the real objection is to Letterman taking a potshot at some kid. (14 yo or 18 yo, they’re all kids)
I've watched the protest vid making the rounds, I've listened to screed from both sides and I am disappointed at how society has devolved into an ill mannered, uncivil, inarticulate mass of screeching contorted faces.
And I don’t believe it is appropriate to connect every bad comment made to a political agenda.
Just because “they” are doing it, doesn’t mean “we” have to do it! Someone has to be the adults here – the children are watching us!
I have three daughters, two of whom I raised by myself as a single dad. When I hear sexist, tasteless jokes about women in general, and the children of anyone, it makes me want to ink the aquarium.
ReplyDeleteI do NOT have good things to say about Letterman, or Palin, or any of the aforementioned personalities that slime people in a cruel way. The transgressions of the rightwing do not grant any on the left the license to engage in similar transgressions.
What makes me more angry right now, besides the back and forth sniping, is the back and forth sniping. This tabloid stuff is a distraction when there are so many more important issues on the table ... like the economy, healthcare reform, North Korea, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, the turmoil in Iran, among others.
I blame our media most of all. They pander to this stuff, encourage it, keep it smoldering, give idiots an audience who don't deserve a moment of attention, and waste time when I hunger for hard facts and hard news.
Just listen to ourselves. We have fallen sucker to this tabloid culture. Finer minds should be attuned to finer subjects ... yet here we are engaged in nothing more than another Britney bash.
The 8pus hath spoken.