Monday, July 27, 2009


It's the biggest thing in America and Fox News is the dominant purveyor. Their sole purpose is to select, modify, slant and sometimes create stories to make you angry at people or things selected by their owners and sponsors.

Using animatronic devices like Britt Hume, whose synthetic skin hangs from it's metal underpinnings which in turn no longer have the ability to mimic human facial expressions, Fox sells anger and unlike our automobile industry they can come out with a finished new product in minutes.

The current angertainment opera has to do with President Obama's seemingly hasty and harsh comments about the Cambridge Massachusetts police force. That occurrence has been welded together with another twisted work of fiction in which he has been touring the world "apologizing for America" to come up with the logically contradictory premise that he is "arrogant" and too arrogant to apologize even though he apologizes too much.

The subtext is that the country never has done anything it shouldn't have and we are always perfect because of our military strength and number of privately owned Hummers and that of course is a position broadcasting megawatts of arrogance like some annoying beacon.

Of course that Obama actually has apologized and in addition arranged to mediate between the two contestants goes unnoticed by the corpse-faced Hume and to the Fox Flock who only listen to the Fox product, that never happened and so presto chango, the wimp Obama becomes the arrogant Obama all at the same time. It's all angertainment.

Who cares that self contradictory arguments based on little but manufactured tribal anger are by nature false and in effect are crippling and disuniting our country? It's angertainment and it makes money and it takes power and it feels so good to be part of an angry tribe with an enemy to be attacked!

“The president could have said ‘that was a stupid thing for me to say,’ but he can’t say that for some reason"
said Hume yesterday. It could also be that Obama's actions speak louder than Obama's words and it could also be tragically humorous since he follows the most arrogant president in our history who admitted no fault while dragging us all to ruin and lawlessness. Of course Hume and whoever runs his software never wanted you to be angry at Bush who apologized for nothing. They wanted you to be angry at his critics and they remain far too arrogant to sum up their entire malignant war on truth by saying "that was a stupid thing for me to say."


  1. Yes, our political debate has been reduced to sound bites and gotcha moments...

    We are so intent on bashing each other that we allow no time and no room for anyone to back away and or correct themselves...

    Its peddle to the medal attack mode on a 24/7 basis and I would have hated to see what kind of constitution we would have today if our founding fathers had to deal with the reality that our political system finds its self in today...

  2. Creating an enemy is a powerful marketing tool Captain. The first part of any action movie is to introduce a bad guy we can hate. Then the good guy has to be introduced. FoxNews has done a remarkable job selling itself to bigots, homophobes and idiots as the good guy while painting honest, hardworking America loving Libs like myself and President Obama as bad guys.

    As frustrating as it can be, I find comfort knowing that even a deluded idiot can influence deluded idiots. What Fox does is not that great a feat.

  3. No doubt ye olde Foxe News would have been against toppling a ruler chosen by God and deriving his power from the divine mandate. Plenty of colonists felt that way and feared the passions of the rabble and hated the secular intellectuals who were promoting the heresy.

    You're right, it's not so hard to delude a dummy. They do a fair enough job all by themselves. Fox's real mission is to focus the delusion and the anger away from teh kleptocrats and toward their prey.

  4. Whenever they (whoever the hell "they" are) start making better human beings, don't plan on seeing any net change in the foreseeable future. Octopus has always maintained that human beings are a garbage species.

  5. Watch that eight legs. Even here in the midwest we still can get calimari.

  6. T101: "Even here in the midwest we still can get calimari."

    Calamari is Italian for squid. Although octopi and squid are cephalopods, an octopus is NOT a squid. There is a squid who resides in the Swash Zone and may be offended by this remark, a very aggressive and dangerous squid, so be very careful when you venture into these waters. Very red nasty circular hickeys is what you'll get.

  7. I know. Calimari tastes like Long John Silver's fish which I like. I tried the octopus also. It was awful. I always wondered if you had something to do with that Octo.

  8. Octopus is hard to cook right, but when it's done right it's better than squid. It's most important to get one that doesn't blog because that makes them rubbery and tough.

    I suspect that if we called it something foreign sounding it would be much better. Give it a Hawaiian name or French or something. It works for dolphin and snails.

  9. It is said, human beings taste like chicken. I don't know if this is true or not since I never tasted one; but considering how they treat the planet, one would assume they taste more like pork.

  10. Actually I've read that in places where both were on the daily menu, Humans were called "long pork" -- because of the flavor.

    As you say, the comparison covers more than the taste.


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