Thursday, July 30, 2009

The sickness unto death

Dealing with the morning e-mail hasn't been a pleasure for a long time and it is certainly getting worse now that Obama is in office. Yesterday was something of a record for Obama Derangement Syndrome messages but remarkably, I got the chance over lunch to confront the jovial fellow who sent me a number of them. I had already sent detailed refutations of all of them and I asked him why he didn't bother to check out the fantastic claims before sending them to his large mailing list -- particularly after I had debunked virtually 100% of what he'd sent me over the last few months.

"I just don't like what this administration is doing,"

said he. Of course I don't either, but I'm sure we're talking about different things.

"Oh well, I've never heard of a N*gger keeping a job for 4 years anyway."

said he with a smile as we parted. I've known the man for years, a retired engineer for GM. You wouldn't think him a stupid man or in any other way unusual. Well anyway, I thought I knew him. What evil lurks in the hearts of men? If the Shadow knew, he'd commit suicide.

Among yesterday's viral outbreak was the story warning me about the "secret" House bill: HR1388 "they don't want you to know about." Shortly afterward the outraged notice that it had just passed (back in January) "behind our backs" and that Obama had added on (what?) a provision providing tens of millions to settle thousands of Hamas terrorists in the US. Of course it wasn't broadcast by the Liberal media, always trying to pull one over on us.

It's a small matter to look up the bill which actually was signed in April and read that it has to do with summer jobs for teens and veterans benefits, but who looks? Not the ODS sufferers.

Then there was the one about the millions and millions and millions "Queen" Michelle was wasting on various repugnant and narcissistic projects.

Next came the one on Henry Louis Gates, whose CV was blended together with W.E.B. DuBois' to show that Gates is a Communist Insurgent bent on a black takeover of the United States and of course the conclusions -- why should we care about his civil rights or the Constitution at all and why does Barak Obama love this man so much?

Then there is the nefarious Page 425 of the Obama health care bill which forces every citizen to undergo forced counseling about the suicide option so as to reduce the surplus population.

The rest of it? Well I have my limits. I deleted it all but I can't delete the feeling that The United States of America cannot survive. Certainly the party that creates this psychotic mythology and refuses to disown it doesn't deserve to survive, but what force can counter this kind of well funded and fanatical evil?


  1. Its more than bad; its fever pitch. I would suggest we return the favor by making up stories about "THEM." Real big whoppers such as: The Governor of South Chinalina is having an affair with an Argentine bomshell; an abstinence-only Congressman is having an affair with a 22-year old intern; the Senator from Idaho picks up liaisons in airport lavatories; a Senator from Nevada has his mistress and her cuckolded husband on the same payroll.

    But wait! You can't make up stories about "THEM" because the leering tabloid gossip is true. How do they get away with these hypocrisies and still manage to survive ... only to impugn Democrats and liberals with impunity?

  2. It seems the good ol' USA is not the only wellspring of idiocy. What is it about human beings that makes them so self-defeating?

  3. I wrote a blog on the topic of page 425 this morning: "HEALTH CARE REFORM WILL EAT YOUR GRANDMA"

    Not only has the meme been thoroughly debunked, it turns out Senator Collins (R-Hypocrisy) actually put forward an IDENTICAL piece of legislation this Spring.


  4. I sometimes lie awake at night thinking of ways to start some viral campaign to counter these things, but what can I accuse them of; conspiring in secret to start a war on false information, conspiring to destroy anyone who exposed the crimes of the administration? The horror is that it doesn't matter what they do, because it's tribal and not about facts.

    I could prove that George Bush did in fact eat your grandmother and it wouldn't matter at all.

  5. In what little time I have been blogging I have deleted my blog like three times...

    It is always over the same thing and that is the constant barrage of misinformtion that is fermented from some central command center.

    You just get tired of it and sometimes fearful of it when you come to realize that some people actually might believe this stuff.

    Glenn Beck has 10 million listeners, conservative bloggers have 70 or 80 followers (yes, and they are all the same) but you realize that either Americans have become very mistrustful and paranoid or we have become very stupid.

    I cannot help but believe that this country is on the cusp of something very frightening...

  6. This is why I try to avoid people who just email junk daily. Because when there are real things to not like about what Obama is doing if you're in the conservative camp (and I could conjure a list if necessary, being in said camp), inaccurate and stupid disinformation only hurts the side that puts it out in the long run, because it makes them look like idiots. I still get a few things through that reek of rank ignorance. And it gives those of us who disagree, but try to get our facts straight a bad name.

    Tao: ...conservative bloggers have 70 or 80 followers (yes, and they are all the same)....

    All of us? If it were all of us, I probably would be talking about the damned birth certificate thing right now instead of agreeing the the Capt.

  7. I think such people are self-marginalizing at a fantastical clip. The loss of power and responsibility at the national level seems to have liberated a minority of self-described conservatives into the lunacy we hear almost daily. It gives me no real pleasure to see them shaming what was once called "the Party of Lincoln" with this stupid, transparently hateful garbage.

  8. Ah, Patrick...

    If you look around you are going to notice that you have absolutely nothing in common with the vast majority of conservative bloggers out there (I have a real issue referring to them as conservatives but that is how they refer to themselves) do not hang out with or follow don't even follow the same talking points...

    Now, to someone new it would appear that you were the odd man out in regards to conservatism...not them....

  9. Maybe the country should be split in two - wing nuts on one side, somewhat sane people on the other. Why fight it? Give them their own country.


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