Monday, August 10, 2009


Ok, I give up. It's impossible to win an argument with someone as totally dishonest as Sarah Palin or Glenn Beck or as stupid as their followers. The relentless, rabid and utterly false accusations of forced euthanasia, "death panels" and health care rationing continue despite the fact that the most rigorous reading of HR 3200 reveals nothing of the sort - and indeed nothing of the other sorts of lies they're telling. You could go look, but you won't and if you're a Republican you'll read one thing and swear you saw another, just as I could roll up the president's birth certificate and shove it up your nose and you'd go on asking for it, insisting it wasn't there, you flat-Earth bozo with too few dendrites to make a synapse.

So go ahead you demented, perverted self-righteously dishonest enemies of everything good and true. Go ahead; sit in your mother's basement with the spiders and watch Fox lies. E-mail everyone you know and assure them Obama's going to murder your kids and eat your grandmother and take away your guns too because Beck says so. I don't give a shit. A country with ten people like you in it wouldn't be worth saving anyway. Take it all you deranged psychotic cretins - whatever's left. You deserve the kind of shithole country you are making this into and you can have it.

Sayonara, assholes! I'm elsewhere.


  1. Capt. Fogg,

    Well, don't give up altogether. If Obama manages to pull an LBJ and get some kind of health-bill passed, it will be a fine accomplishment, one that may lead to further improvements in coming years. What passes for an American Left is complaining about a supposed devil's bargain made by the Obama Admin with "Big Pharma," but it occurs to me that such a deal makes sense. The insurance companies are parasites, while at least the drug-makers provide something tangible. So if I had to cut a deal, I'd choose them over the insurers.

    I trust that Barack has a game plan and that it will come together in the next month or two, with him stepping in to move things along. He strikes me as a man who, like Lincoln, has a deep sense of time, a sense for the rhythms by which important things must be done. Let's hope I'm right....

  2. O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
    Rise up--for you the flag is flung for you the bugle trills,
    For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths for you the shores a-crowding,
    For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning ...

    Oh no you don't! You're not leaving without us. You promised to take the Swash Zone with you ... Octopus and Squid and Bloggingdino, and Rocky and the rest ... on Blue Moon ... into the blue ... into the sunset!

  3. Amen, brother.

    What are they thinking? I mean we have had a few Birchers and things who are lunatic to believe anything, but now they are everywhere, like cockroaches, and who even knows whether they believe what they are saying, or if they have just decided that there is nothing wrong with any lie they care to tell, if it gets them what they want.

    Maybe it isn't that likely, considering what pathetic losers they mostly seem to be, but this could really get out of hand, sort of 1928 Berlin style.

  4. We're gonna need a bigger boat...

  5. It seems there has always been a contingent in this country that takes pride in their ignorance. In the long run we have made great forward strides despite them or Barack wouldn't be sitting in the WH.

    That said, where ya headed for? Spain sounds nice to me.

  6. Righteous anger, Cap'n.

    But please, don't go.

    Where would I get my daily dose of reason?

    "When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on."
    ~ Thomas Jefferson

  7. Sayonara, assholes! I'm elsewhere.

    So go already and stop crapping up everyone's blog..who gives a crap

  8. You want to leave the fight for a good America to guys like me? I better get a pack a Camels and a few stiff ones man.

  9. Maybe I just won't write about the vandals and visigoths for a while. I'm serious about the comparison and I think you have to go back almost that far to find examples of such an outbreak of stupid savages trying to rise up against civilization. Yes, there was Germany - true.

    Then we have this "me said" dipswitch, too damned stupid to laugh at what leaving off the question mark did to his infantile sentence. No, I can't leave entirely while such idiots abound; reveling in their idiocy, measuring themselves by how much they can destroy, hoping that if they can destroy it all, they will seem smart.

    There's no ark big enough and no god to destroy them all, so somebody has to do it.

  10. It seems that everyday I go through the various stages of grief concerning the state of this country.

    I often find myself wanting to give up on this place and move to that great, "evil" bastion of liberalism--Europe.

    Then again, I think of how much I love this country and that I don't want to see it over-run by these radicals. America was never supposed to be a tyranny where people shout down anyone who disagrees with them.

    Yes everyone has their freedom to say whatever they want but I guess it's too much anymore to ask for civility and basic manners. I see all these older citizens trampling on someone else's right to speak at these town hall meetings.

    I have to shake my head because they are the same generation who constantly bitch that we youngin's (anyone under 65) have no manners.

    The fact that so many ask these leading questions but then shout down the congressperson when they actually try to answer them tells me that they were never really interested in their answer to begin with. They just wanted a platform to blast their screed from.

    When hearings and other business are conducted in the House or Senate they kick ANYONE out who disrupts them--Left or right. So why doesn't security escort out those who aren't interested in discussing in a civil way?

    And the ones who ask their question of the Congressperson or Senator but don't want to hear their answer unless it jives with their agenda. This isn't the America I was raised to believe in.

    I was always taught in school that one of the things that makes America so great is our civility in debating issues. Well, that has completely gone out the window.

    I must say that I'm quite shocked at how misinformed people are on this subject. I shouldn't be I guess. I know that there were going to be the oddballs here and there but I didn't count on mass hysteria and loss of rational behavior. I thought we have more pride in our country than to behave this way in a public forum.

    I have to admit that I'm quite let down, embarrassed and ashamed of America right now. Where does all this shouting and anger lead? I am really starting to worry about the sanity, stability and unity of this country. It would be such a shame and tragedy to see America fall again into a civil war of some sort.

    Yet I try to maintain my courage, strength, hope and energy to prevent any such disaster. I would hope that despite our disagreements that we don't let our country spiral out of control.

  11. I don't think the Civil War really ever ended. It just transmogrified into the Vietnam war and into a cultural divide that's as deep as anything that might have existed between Neanderthalers and the rest of us.

    I'm not an optimist.


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