In the interest of cultural exchange between species, your intrepid Octopus wishes to introduce you to the cephalopod pantheon. You didn’t believe me, did you! Well, here they are:
The Great and Mighty Igjarjuk:

The Servant and Adversary Triton:

In the room the women come and goTalking of Escargot.
Ye deny Great Cthulhu at your mortal peril.
ReplyDeleteHERETIC!! There is only one cephalopod god!
ReplyDelete"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. [In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu lies dreaming.]
And if he finds you when he wakes. . .
But it also written:
ReplyDelete"When Igjarjuk was alone he spoke thus to his heart: 'Could it be possible? This old octopus of the reef has not yet heard anything of this, that Cthulhu is dead!' "
Dead and dreaming - bet your tentacles Iggy can't do that!
ReplyDeleteCthulhu for President!
Under Bloggingdino’s recent post, Dinos and Darminists, your intrepid (O)CT(O)PUS left this comment:
ReplyDelete“Art, literature, music, religion, and science … these are innate to all thinking and feeling creatures.”
With profound egrets, I must offer this correction. It seems my appreciation for music is more inchoate than innate. Although an octopus has eight tentacles to tap arousing timpani, it seems we lack a tympanum … at least according to google.
From my beak to your ears could not possibly do justice to the words of this most honorary cephalopod, Wallace Stevens, who wrote:
Just as my fingers on these keys
Make music, so the self-same sounds
On my spirit make a music, too.
Music is feeling, then, not sound …
I hope this clarifies the butter of my embarrassment.