Friday, September 18, 2009


A mighty discussion we had earlier this week on mythy matters posted by our mighty Bloggingdino: Dinos and Darwinists, a worthy read.

In the interest of cultural exchange between species, your intrepid Octopus wishes to introduce you to the cephalopod pantheon. You didn’t believe me, did you! Well, here they are:

The Great and Mighty Igjarjuk:

The Servant and Adversary Triton:
Now, for some holy words from the Cephalopod Scriptures:
In the room the women come and go
Talking of Escargot.


  1. Ye deny Great Cthulhu at your mortal peril.

  2. HERETIC!! There is only one cephalopod god!

    "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. [In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu lies dreaming.]

    And if he finds you when he wakes. . .

  3. But it also written:

    "When Igjarjuk was alone he spoke thus to his heart: 'Could it be possible? This old octopus of the reef has not yet heard anything of this, that Cthulhu is dead!' "

  4. Dead and dreaming - bet your tentacles Iggy can't do that!

    Cthulhu for President!

  5. Under Bloggingdino’s recent post, Dinos and Darminists, your intrepid (O)CT(O)PUS left this comment:

    Art, literature, music, religion, and science … these are innate to all thinking and feeling creatures.”

    With profound egrets, I must offer this correction. It seems my appreciation for music is more inchoate than innate. Although an octopus has eight tentacles to tap arousing timpani, it seems we lack a tympanum … at least according to google.

    From my beak to your ears could not possibly do justice to the words of this most honorary cephalopod, Wallace Stevens, who wrote:

    Just as my fingers on these keys
    Make music, so the self-same sounds
    On my spirit make a music, too.
    Music is feeling, then, not sound …

    I hope this clarifies the butter of my embarrassment.


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