Thursday, September 3, 2009

School for Socialism

I agree with Florida Republican Party Chairman Jim Greer. President Obama, by going on TV and telling school children to work hard, stay with it and take personal responsibility for their education is spreading a Socialist ideal. Good republican families should teach their kids to kick back, drop out and stop listening to Socialists.
"As the father of four children, I am absolutely appalled that taxpayer dollars are being used to spread President Obama’s socialist ideology."
and there's nothing more socialist than getting an education. God (the fundamentalist one) only knows education is the enemy of everything Jim Greer and I stand for: school prayer, using the schools to preach that abortion is murder and that complete anarchy will allow a free market utopia.
the Democrats have no problem going against the majority of American people and usurping the rights of parents by sending Pied Piper Obama into the American classroom.
even when that majority seems to be less than 25% as concerns public health care.

Of course Greer and I part company at this point. He simply doesn't go far enough. Public schools are government run, which means they are much more expensive than private schools and they are supported by unfair graduated property taxes which hurts those who create jobs. They should be closed and the responsibility of brainwashing and restricting information should be left to the parents!

Public schools -- the next thing you know we'll be having public police, fire, EMT and even public government! All these things should be returned to the private sector just like George Washington would have demanded if he'd been psychotic Conservative.

The entire government should be run by a private corporation, the military by private corporations, the police, etc. That way it would cost less, the invisible hand of morality for profit would keep them all honest and we would all live happily ever after in the miraculous prosperity of the Worker's Paradise while the State withers away.



  1. What a gr8 idea! Think of all those missed profit opportunities. Once government moves aside, all those gr8 American companies can take over, cut wages, cut services, and make more mega-millions for their mega-millionaires.

    Fire, first aid, police? Think franchise. You can corner the market on fire departments and hold your neighbors hostage. Granny just had a heart attack? Watch as they deliver her to someone’s kitchen while a new refrigerator shows up at the emergency room, because there was a mix-up in the mergers and acquisitions department. And don’t forget: Rape kits can be turned into a profit center (just ask Sarah).

    And if all else fails: Outsource!

  2. Palm Beach County is now considering closing the schools so that kids won't be socialized by the deadly Marxrays of Obama.

    He's a "pied piper" says one commentator.

    But maybe they're right, look what happened when they let the idiot Bush read to the children!

  3. Recalling a public school on Jog Road peppered with commercial billboards, I would believe ANYTHING of Palm Beach County. But my question: Is there any political push back? Even the dumbest of the dumb think of public schools as their daytime babysitter. Or is there some mass psychosis in Palm Beach County that will soon infect the nation?

  4. I dearly hope that the people who post comments on such articles aren't representative. I've never read such stupid, ill-informed and irrational-to-the-point-of- dementia comments.

    In the Stuart Florida paper there is a story about Blue Cross cutting back drastically on medical facilities and doctors and suppliers they will accept. People are very angry, but the comments actually include idiots saying: "see, this is what will happen with Obamacare." Look at what's happening without it!

    Why would anyone consider insanity as anything other than the normal human condition?

  5. Meanwhile, the crackpots spout certitudes and platitudes about dependence on gummint, apathy, and morality. They forget about equality as in equal protection and equal treatment under law, equal opportunity, equal access to services such as education, fire, first aid, and police … and yes … even healthcare. But this is too much socialism for them.

    Modern economies are mixed economies. They forget why. Because a little socialism keeps angry men carrying guns and pitchforks from beating in their brains.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Privatization is always a good thing. That free-market stuff is ALWAYS the most efficient method of serving the population. I can't see the problem in getting a couple of bids before dialing 911 in the event of a life-threatening medical emergency.

    A penny saved...

  8. Good republican families should teach their kids to kick back, drop out and stop listening to Socialists.

    A good example of a good Republican family that encourages students to drop out of high school (Track and Bristol), and not using birth control while having teenage sex, would be the Palin family.

    The epitome of anti-Socialist, right-thinking, all-American family values.

  9. Folks, the key to Republican success has always been their 'anti-intellectualism.'

    That has a wonderful appeal to a certain segment of our society.

    Shaw is a 'libtard' because she...corrects their english!

    Now they got this over educated uppity black man talking down to them!

    Its not about policies, it has absolutely nothing to do with philosophy but rather 'how dare that black man talk to me THAT way!"

    That is the whole basis for the hatred...its racial and anti-intellectualism all in one...

    We respect and vote for a man for President because he appears to be a guy you could sit down and have a beer with at a bar....


    So, yeah, to Palin, Bachmann, and a whole long list of them...then you got that up and coming house member from Nebraska/Kansas...the "great white hope" women...her future is really bright!

    What ever happened to the concept of the Best and Brightest?

  10. The best and the brightest- we had them in the thirties. They gave us social security and federal deposit insurance and banking regulation. In the sixties they gave us medicare and equal rights under law.

    We can't have that sort of thing again. It already almost ruined the place.


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