The winner is ...

The time is 5:00 am (you guessed it - a bout of insomnia), and the news was announced just moments ago. Let us hope President Obama can leverage this award into more political cooperation at home and the achievement of peace abroad.
Holy Oslo! (O)CTO(0)PUS! I came here first thing this am and thought this was a parody.
ReplyDeleteAs I said in my post on this wonderful news in a message to the Limbaughs of this country: Apparently "the world" does NOT reject Mr. Obama.
PS. I understand the sound we will be hearing all day is that of a million certain types of heads exploding.
This certainly lifted my spirits!
LOL, Shaw! There certainly will be heads exploding. I wonder if the tea baggers, birthers and other assorted loonies are now planning a trip to Oslo...
ReplyDeleteI don't for a moment believe that the losers, the creeps, the sellouts, the psychos and the morons who comprise the Obama hating scum now chocking the air out of our little pond will feel anything but more contempt and be anything but be more cynical and paranoid.
ReplyDeleteTo win a peace prize is to be a "sissy," the kind of soft, effeminate, socialist, effete, decadent and probably gay wimp that populates Europe -- not a "real" American willing to bomb the bastards back to the stone age whether they're bastards or not.
Watch for the "Nuke Norway" signs coming soon to a Florida town near you.
OMG! Here I am, waiting for a client, and just nonchalantly logging on to kill the time... and this news pops up. Wow! (a huge grin)
ReplyDeleteIn your faces, wingnuts! What did you say, Olympics sumtin'...? :)
Awesome. Yes, heads will be exploding and we'll be hearing about how the Nobel committee is full of corrupt commies, who purposely omit such moral and intellectual giants like Bush, Cheney and Rush-Beck.
Ahh... It's gonna be a good Friday.
I wonder if the tea baggers, birthers and other assorted loonies are now planning a trip to Oslo...
ReplyDeleteLMAO! That would be a sight.
I think you're right, Capt. As if things weren't bad enough with the commie Peace Prize (Gore, Krugman, Obama -- need we say more?), Norway is the best country to live in the world, according to a recent UN Development Programme survey. Plus the pinko bastards have had legalized gay marriage for years. I've been working on a blog post about it for a week, maybe I'll finish it now.
ReplyDeleteLong story short, all the more reasons to bomb Norway, according to our pre-emptive doctrine of exterminating commies.
I couldn't live up in the arctic, but we've come a long way from my childhood when we all bragged that we had the highest standard of living in the world ( forgetting that much of the rest of it had been bombed into rubble ) and attributed it to the same policies that have now dragged us into the mud.
ReplyDeleteThe average wing-nut has a very distorted picture of how others live -- they need to in order to maintain the illusion. They just can't afford to see the truth and the truth is we're not "number one" in much of anything but number of H-bombs and we're falling further behind every day.
How long will it be before we have to start yet another war to show all those nancy-boy furriners just how number one we are?
Wingnut heads asploding.
ReplyDeleteFor Mr. Obama & those with whom he has found it so fashionable to agree:
ReplyDelete"Men have been taught that it is a virtue to agree with others. But the creator is the man who disagrees. Men have been taught that it is a virtue to swim with the current. But the creator is the man who goes against the current. Men have been taughts that it is a virtue to stand together. But the creator is the man who stands alone."
Perhaps it just feels more cozy to 'stand together' than, by showing courage, to have to stand alone.
But the creator is the man who disagrees.
ReplyDeleteBut the creator is the man who goes against the current
But the creator is the man who stands alone
Actually not - so easy to say, so impossible to substantiate unless you retreat into mythology like Ayn Rand or Hitler.
Captain Fogg, Ayn Randians are a cult. We must call things by their proper names.
ReplyDelete@Capt. Fogg
ReplyDeleteFascinating that you accuse one of the world's most evil fascist dictators as one who sunk into mythology. His monstrous, diabolical success was no myth.
One could also conclude that his influence was built upon hero-worship first (dare I insinuate cult-like savior-worship?), then indoctrination among youth, then the promise of a phoenix-like-rise of their nation in the world - to those under the spell...
tsk, tsk...sounds eerily familiar...You ignore these parallels at OUR nation's peril.
@Alisa Rosenbaum
ReplyDeleteHitler sold his nation on a return to some mythological golden age. American fascism comes wrapped in a flag, carrying a cross and prophesying doom.
Obama won the election with hope and change. So far, he seems to be delivering both as fast as Congress will go.
Reductio ad Hitlerum arguments break down to this: if you believe Obama is ushering in a dystopian future, then you must explain how the public option achieves this plan. Otherwise, the comparison is flatly silly. How, exactly, has the president installed a tyranny lately?
This charge, strangely enough, comes mainly from the LaRouche cult. You can see "LaRouche PAC" on the corner of those large tea party signs with the Obama photochop mustache.
Progressives and liberals are constantly accused of being atheists and/or anti-religious. I haven't seen anyone "worship" Obama, but I have seen kids pray to a cutout George Bush at "Jesus Camp."
@ MattOsborne
ReplyDelete"American fascism comes wrapped in a flag, carrying a cross and prophesying doom."
I beg to differ. American fascism comes 'Gradually' via educational indoctrination (viewed youtube lately? Checked the news in the NJ schools today?) and the 'Gradual' replacement of personal responsibility with Government support of greater and more minute facets of daily life.
'Civilian Defense Force - stronger than our Military.'
(Among all this, does Hitler Youth mean anything to you? "Silly?" I think not.)