Monday, October 26, 2009

Nothing too shameful

There are a lot of Facebook and web pages and blogs from all kinds of people and organizations and it's nothing all that unusual to find something racist, something disturbing something shameful in all the vastness: the enormity amongst the enormousness, for those of you who still make the distinction. I'm quite old enough to remember segregation, Jim Crow, miscegenation laws and even the outrageous Coon Chicken Inn, something that would shock most of us today, and I remember who supported the civil rights we now take for granted and who opposed it.

We have come a long way, or at least most of us have, otherwise there would be more widespread laughter at the audacity of the RNC Facebook page now showing off Susan B. Anthony and Abe Lincoln as GOP heroes. A few years back they were trying to sell Martin Luther King as a Republican hero and some continue to portray Jesus as a Conservative.

Neither audacious or shameful adequately covers posting racist pictures a short time ago, including this one of the President of the United States eating fried chicken and demanding repeal of Love Vs. Virginia that in 1967 locked the intrusive government and its God fearing Southern Conservative bigots out of deciding which races could marry which. It was only a few years after they were forced to stop telling us where we could eat or sleep or live or ride or swim or picnic or find a bathroom or go to school, based on our race. Obviously some Republicans haven't forgiven us for it. Evidently the GOP has done little to excommunicate or even to censure such people. Indeed many of the Republicans I know think such things are funny.

It remained up on the RNC site until those pesky and humorless liberals complained. Disgusting, but typical, and all the sniping from the snarky, snickering anonymous trolls won't change that fact.


  1. hideous disgusting racist bigots!! Do you allow cussing on this blog?? I could go much further but I will refrain and be a lady...

  2. Cuss away!

    This was cross posted to another blog and it's already drawn fire because I'm not attacking racism against white Europeans and black men rape white women and yada yada.

    Same people who complain they can't hate Obama without being accused of racism, no doubt.

    No, all Republicans aren't like that, but all people like that are Republicans - stupid, ignorant, hostile, packed with more foulness than a dog-shit burrito - and white. of course. When everything about you is worthless, you can always fall back on being white, right?

  3. What amazes me is, their assertion that they AREN'T racists. I am with you, I grew up with that shit, and spent a whole hellofa lot of time getting myself away from it. There may be Republicans who aren't racist, but I've never met one. Many just aren't quite as overt about it, as this trash.

  4. Any apology for or protestation by the GOP that this image is not representative of its ideology overlooks the fact that the person who posted this picture felt comfortable enough with his or her racism and that of the GOP to put this kind of racist shit on the site in the first place. He or she certainly knew where to go to find sympathy for his or her cause. And with its history of racism and race-baiting, the GOP hasn't earned the privilege to get the benefit of the doubt on matters of this nature. And the GOP wonders why it can't win the African American vote? Really?

  5. Capt. Fogg:

    " packed with more foulness than a dog-shit burrito -"

    I LIKE that! I think that is a wonderful all purpose jibe to be used with any number of the GOP's stalwarts' likenesses.

    Racist, anti-gay, anti-poor and anti-choice. What a pile of negative karma. I almost wish I believed in the concept of a GOD.

  6. If there were a god, we'd all be treading water by now.

  7. Not me, man, I'd be at the bottom of the Marianas Trench.

  8. The picture of Obama eating chicken is presently on this blog:

  9. Thanks but I'm afraid I'd catch something in a place like that.

  10. Anon, I went over and took a look at "Right is Right", where one ends up clicking on your link. Yep, I am in agreement with Capt. Fogg...had to get out of there when I realized my BP was all the way up to my eyebrows.


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