Thursday, November 19, 2009

The bow that shook the world

Actually it shook very little outside the Fox's den other than the behinds of the Wingnut Obama haters when President Obama did the traditional Japanese equivalent of the European handshake with the Emperor of Japan. Inside the borrow however, it was immediately dubbed the Bow-Gate in the tired old idiom of "let's get 'em back for what they did to Nixon."

Yes, we've all seen pictures of Don Rumsfeld bowing and shaking hands with Saddam Hussein, and we've seen too many pictures of George Bush lovingly caressing the Saudi Royals and all but making out with Prince Bandar -- not to speak of the Andrea Merkel supergaffe. What we haven't seen, except on blogs like The Reaction, is Richard Nixon bowing to Mao Zedong as though he were the Emperor of China.

Fox Folk may have short and selective memories, but the Internet remembers. To give him due credit, Nixon's little bow opened up an era of detente, increased cooperation and a liberalization of human rights in China. The internet remembers.


  1. This is an example of what I call "Gibson's Law," named for the author William Gibson. He made the argument way back in 2004 that the age of blogging had made it impossible for anyone, anywhere, to get away with things like this.

  2. THAT is one scary video....

  3. THAT is one scary video....

  4. I believe that is one scary video.

  5. That video brought back some memories Captain. My Dad was still in the Navy when Nixon put the forces on high alert.

    The choir singing "We love you President" was a riot. How come ther righties don't savage Nixon for that?

  6. Great post at Huffington, but what strikes me about the instant replay world we live in is how resistant the public is to accepting the evidence of their own eyes and how gullible when it comes to accepting the evidence-free banter of a Fox slime panel.

    Will Beck lose one fan because he's been caught being inconsistent or even exposed as someone who will say anything for a good sneer? Somehow it never seems to hurt the Coulters, the Becks, the O'Reillys or the limbaughs.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Thwap! That is one Grung_e_Gene troll eaten by a hungry cephalopod. Burp!

  9. The Founding Fathers didn't imagine that the American public was smart enough to elect a president directly. They were right as that gleeful cretin illustrates with his preposterous assertions.

    Unfortunately, and I think Joe Goebbels would agree, the more ridiculous and fact-free the proclamation, the more attractive it is to losers with a grudge against everyone and the harder it is to refute.

    Anyway, what you should have known about the Grunge Gene before eating him is that Grunge, related to human Atrophin-like proteins, has multiple functions in Drosophila development as well as paranoid delusions and mental retardation in humans. I don't know about octopi.


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