Notice this poster that equates Holocaust victims with national healthcare reform. Protestors displayed this poster today at a rally near the Capital steps, an event sponsored and organized by House Republicans. More than tasteless hyperbole, it goes far beyond all boundaries of civility and decorum. It is obscene to exploit the Holocaust to score a political point, and it offends me to the core! There are times when a non-violent Octopus would like to smack a tea bagger, and this is the time!
Here are the names of House Republicans sponsoring this insult:
Minority Leader John Boehner (OH), Minority Whip Eric Cantor (VA), Roy Blunt (MO), Jeb Hensarling (TX), Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA), Michele Bachmann (MN) -- a key organizer of the event, Virginia Foxx (NC), Ginny Brown-Waite (FL), Jean Schmidt (OH), Sue Myrick (NC), among others.One would think Eric Cantor, the only Jewish Republican in the U.S. Congress, would have shown better judgment than to associate with such shameful imagery. Noo! How do you spell s.c.h.m.u.c.k ? If any of these reprobates appear on our beach, drown them at once!
Oh, yes, Octo, good times are here again.
ReplyDeleteObama=Mao+Hitler, health care=Holocaust, and, in Rep. Boehner's words, the greatest threat to freedom he has ever seen. Yup.
Methinks the man needs to get out more often. And/or watch world news once in a while.
I don't even know where to begin - that there is absolutely no connection between Hitler and socialism and no connection between the concentration camps and healthcare is apparently lost to those riding the right wing crazy train.
ReplyDeleteThat these swine dare to use the horrific image of Hitler's victims while approving of behavior of their torturing, warmongering heroes also makes my blood boil!
These creeps are a disgrace not only to America but to the human race. Shame on them! I spit on their souls. Tpuwy!
Rocky and Elizabeth, there is a study that explores why certain people still hold the belief that there was a link between Saddam and 9/11, despite denials by the 9/11 Commission and the Bush administration. What does this have to do with healthcare reform?
ReplyDeleteAccording to this article, there is a kind of "motivated reasoning" that induces people to pursue information that confirms only what they want to believe while discarding evidence to the contrary. It explains why some folks gravitate toward partisan cable news, even if such journalism ranges from dubious to demonstrably false.
The term “motivated reasoning” seems to be synonymous with “self-validation.” In any event, if you wonder what drives delusional thinking, self-sabotaging behaviors, or irrational thoughts that fly in the face of reality, it seems tea-baggers make good study subjects.
Understanding quirks of human behavior is beside the point. An honest political debate is one thing. Cheapening the Holocaust to score cheap political points is where I draw boundaries. This insults me. This is unforgivable.
I simply can't understand the kind of pyschopathic disconnect from the horror and pain of human suffering that image represents. I certainly do not want people like that living next door to me and, unfortunately, I live in Virginia Fox's district and for the life of me I cannot fathom what the people around here were thinking putting that vicious, ignorant hag back in the House.
ReplyDeleteThese people who disgrace the Holucaust and glorify torture and killing belong in an asylum for the criminally insane.
I'm glad you made reference to Cantor regarding this. I almost sent him a note on Twitter about how he could fail to address this particular image and not condemn it. The image is bad enough, but for someone who would've been the true object of the crimes this image conveys to not criticize it is completely unconscionable. You'd think he of all people would see the danger in conflating healthcare reform to extermination camps. Disgusting.
ReplyDeleteThe obscene picture was chosen on purpose, of course, for the greatest shock value, damn rational thought or conscience. I agree, Rocky, that it shows an insensitivity bordering on psychopathic.
ReplyDeleteThe imagery (and vocabulary -- e.g., death panels) of death and destruction associated with the health care reform and Obama in general is something that teabaggers revel in, for some deeply disturbing and disturbed reason. Universal health care = death? I mean, really?
It is sick and bizarre (and then some) as a reflection of their worldview.
I would like to hear what the families of Dachau victims have to say about this poster and comparison of the concentration camp to universal health care.
In some office someplace some zealous young person came up with the idea for this really 'awesome' sign.
ReplyDeleteWith no understanding of the historical relevance and with absolutely no thought that there are boundaries.
Of course this same young person will find themselves out of a job in a few days...
Outrage? There will be none because at best we will get some soundbite about inappropriateness.
What is really just so ovewhelming is that this is all so commonplace today....and there is no outrage because items such as this are so common...
There is no truth and there is no honor.
A copy of this post and that poster needs to go to every member of congress with a note from their constituents--especially to the spineless Democratic "leadership".
ReplyDeleteKnow who came up with the "Obama = Hitler" meme?
ReplyDeleteLyndon LaRouchies. I'm not kidding.
The victims of the holocaust have never been so insulted.
ReplyDeleteThis kind of propaganda is worthy of Geobbels himself.
"Delusion, if delusion be admitted, has no certain limitation." Said Dr. Johnson and there are certainly no limits to this delusion. It's been growing a long time and they long ago learned that the more ridiculous, absurd, preposterous the accusation, the better it works. Say he's a bad administrator and people will want evidence; say he's the devil and they don't need any, don't want any and won't listen to any.
ReplyDeleteHealth care is mass murder - mass murder is defending "our freedoms." What the hell can you expect from a country that stupid?
There's no evidence for what most people believe about most things, but the unintended consequence of the Republicans selling this kind of shit is that they now are inclined to drop the "it never happened" idiocy. I'm hoping that there really is a limitation to just how much the saner fraction of the population will take before they disgust themselves into a modicum of reason and turn on these vermin.
It's a small hope though, what with the 24 hour, hot and cold running madness being pumped out by pox and fiends.
Cantor repudiates Obama-Hitler comparisons.
ReplyDeleteThat's not quite good enough. He knows better.
I know it's a small point, but Joe Lieberman is an IINO, he reeks of GOPee.
Democommie, I am sorely tempted to launch into profanities about Senator Joe but my Swash Zone colleagues have put a governor on me. Not the former governor of Alaska, but a check on my behavior. If I step out of line, they will confine me to an aquarium.
ReplyDeleteSince I am cruelly oppressed by the community standard, this is all they will allow me to say: “Joe Lieberman reeks of marsh mud at low tide.”
Yes - alright - this comment is about 10 days late - really sorry to be only now getting to it -
ReplyDelete- BUT - I just had to confess, Octo, that when last I left a comment on another post of yours re Lieberman - I had to restraining my fidgety, raging fingers from typing some "heated" (cough) descriptors into my comment - like you thinking - "no, squid, we aren't supposed to speak so on the zone."
The man sends me into orbit whenever he speaks - is that gentle enough?