Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A right wing bigot owns our media

Well there you have it. With Fox News, it starts right at the top. He's not sure if it's valid to compare President Obama with Stalin, he says, but he certainly is a racist and Glenn Beck was right in saying it, says Rupert Murdoch.
"But he did make a very racist comment. Ahhh…about, you know, blacks and whites and so on, and which he said in his campaign he would be completely above. And um, that was something which perhaps shouldn’t have been said about the President, but if you actually assess what he was talking about, he was right,"
he said on Australian TV. Well ahhh and um, anybody who can look at Barak Obama in the context of early 21st century America; stand him against Murdoch's race-baiting bogus journalism and call him a racist is either deranged, dishonest or stupid. I don't rule out that Rupert has hit theTrifecta here.

Of course Murdoch denied being aware that Beck had compared our President with Joseph Stalin even though, of course, he did just that and of course Fox in general is engaged in an often self-contradictory orgy of slanderous invention deceptive video editing and stealing rumors from disreputable blogs without investigation. If Murdoch isn't aware or doesn't understand, it argues strongly for the deranged and dishonest. If we're looking for the reason behind Fox's loyalty to someone who is loosing advertisers and making our country and much of its media a laughing stock, here you have it: Rupert Murdoch thinks Glenn Beck is right and I don't mean far Right.

Obama may not hate white people, admitted Beck, but he has a problem with "white culture" and I suppose that might be true if you define white culture as Glenn Beck's kind of loathing for anything smelling of decency. Indeed lumping together the "white" people of the world into one culture is in itself an act of idiotic, deceptive and ugly racism, but do we need to need to explain Glenn Beck or do we need to boycott every and any Rupert Murdoch enterprise until he feels it in his swollen bank accounts?


  1. Unfortunately, his media voice, FOX, is already being boycotted by those of us who know better. Not going to happen with those who don't. I bash both of these dicks at every opportunity.

  2. As whites quickly become the minority in our society, I suspect we will hear a lot more of this.

    I suspect it is already behind some of the rise in bigotry in the last few years.

    It will get worse as those in power, will do and say anything to keep power.

  3. Now, you need to update this post to include the new revelations about the NEW YORK POST...another Murdoch owned media outlet...

  4. I agree, it's going to get worse. I don't have the stomach for The Post, especially not right after breakfast.

    Boycotting Fox sponsors does get their attention and I hope we can keep the pressure on.

  5. Hello all,

    Did you see the nutty quote from Pat Buchanan a few weeks back in this vein?

    Moreover, the alienation and radicalization of white America began long before Obama arrived...

    Referring to the white working-class voters in the industrial towns decimated by job losses, Obama said: "They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

    Yet, we had seen these folks ["Good white people..."] before. They were Perotistas in 1992, opposed NAFTA in 1993 and blocked the Bush-Kennedy McCain amnesty in 2007.

    In their lifetimes [ie, the lifetimes of "Good white people..."], they have seen their Christian faith purged from schools their taxes paid for, and mocked in movies and on TV. They have seen their ["Good white people's..."] factories shuttered in the thousands and their jobs outsourced in the millions to Mexico and China. They have seen trillions of tax dollars go for Great Society programs, but have seen no Great Society, only rising crime, illegitimacy, drug use and dropout rates...

    They watch on cable TV as illegal aliens walk into their country [the country of "Good white people..."], are rewarded with free educations and health care and take jobs at lower pay than American families can live on...

    Neither they ["Good white people..."] nor their kids ever benefited from affirmative action, unlike Barack and Michelle Obama...

    America was once their country. ["Good white people's" country...] They sense they are losing it. And they are right.

    While it's not surprising that such idiotic and racist talk would come from Buchanan, it does strike me as a bit surprising that he would just out and admit it like this.

    (the source for the quote is the good white folk at Wing Nut Daily, not surprisingly...)

  6. Thanks for that quote, Dan. It's clarified, for me, the mysterious lament from the right: "We want our country baack!"

  7. Yep, Elizabeth, now they find the President (not to be confused with the traditional 'our President' is black, they find that their wives are making more money than they are and are less likely to be laid off...which means the 'great white macho man provider' has become a dependent.)

    Thus at 5 pm they turn on Fox News and until 10 pm they sit glued to their televisions where their frustrations get reinforced and they find out that all their problems are due to "liberals"

    Its comforting....

  8. Yep, Elizabeth, now they find the President (not to be confused with the traditional 'our President' is black, they find that their wives are making more money than they are and are less likely to be laid off...which means the 'great white macho man provider' has become a dependent.)

    Thus at 5 pm they turn on Fox News and until 10 pm they sit glued to their televisions where their frustrations get reinforced and they find out that all their problems are due to "liberals"

    Its comforting....

  9. It's amazing what they see as the good old days. We had more freedom to segregate, lynch, dominate, ostracize and dictate -- and we liked it!


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