Friday, December 18, 2009


(O)CT(O)PUS will be away for the rest of the month … visiting my cephalopod brood and celebrating Fishmas.

Bloggingdino gave me permission to open my presents early, and this is what I got. It means I will be able to keep in touch while away, although posting and comments will be light.

Since I am pressed for time (packing the OctoMobile and getting ready to leave), here is a brief message from MoveOn.Org:


  1. Oh, this clip is priceless, Octo. Yes, Joe sure knows how to draw attention to himself. And today it's Ben Nelson's turn, thanks to his stance on abortion. What a bunch of... American senators.

    Have a happy Fishmas with your octo-brood. (BTW, what's the deal with asking Bloggingdino for permission to open Fishmas gifts -- does it apply to all Zoners?)

    And could you send a pic of the Octomobile (does it have 8 wheels)?

  2. Elizabeth: (BTW, what's the deal with asking Bloggingdino for permission to open Fishmas gifts -- does it apply to all Zoners?)

    If you don't ask Bloggingdino's permission, the ground will tremble and shake ... followed by a tsunami ... and there will fishes and loaves everywhere ... what a loathsome sight!

  3. Now, that's a perfect vehicle for... schizophrenics, if I may say so myself. ;) Where can I get one?

  4. Oh my, such awesome powers (of BD with respect to Fishmas). Makes me glad, for once, that I'm not getting any gifts.

  5. 8pus is leaving! Party on the beach tonight!
    Really, (O)CT(O), do you think it wise to leave us unsupervised all that time?
    Have a nice Fishmas with all your cephlapod brood.

  6. Elizabeth: a perfect vehicle for... schizophrenics, if I may say so myself. ;) Where can I get one?"

    I don't recommend it. It was a custom made "bipartisan" model but, as events indicate, it hasn't worked out very well. It doesn't go anywhere no matter how high you rev the engine. I was thinking of slamming the garage door on it and letting it suffocate to death.

  7. Not so fast, Rocky. I'm leaving you in charge.

  8. Not so fast, Rocky. I'm leaving you in charge.

    Swell. So, Rocky, when and where do we meet? And who brings what? (I don't do alcohol, btw, but will be happy to supply it to those who do, if needed -- yeah, I'm that generous!)

  9. Oh, good! I have a partner in crime. For a minute there I thought I was going to have to be all responsible...
    I guess we can do our bit and make sure we bag all our bottles and cans and there's plenty of sand to throw on the bonfire.
    Now if I can just find those directions to 8pus' place... ;)

  10. Rocky, it works out perfectly, no? You've wanted to move South before the next snow storm -- why, let's go!

  11. Have yourself a merry little Fishmas,
    Let your heart be light
    From now on,
    our troubles will be out of sight

    Have yourself a merry little Fishmas,
    Make the Neap-tide gay,(Yes! Why not!)
    From now on,
    our troubles will be miles away.

    Here we are as in olden days,
    Oceanic days of yore.
    Octo friends who are dear to us
    Gather near to us on shore.

    Through the years
    We all will be together,
    If the Tides allow
    Hang a shining starfish on the highest bough.
    And have yourself A merry little Fishmas now.

  12. Bloggingdino apparently has many powers, some of which he didn't even know he had. Well, tis a season of signs and wonders....

  13. Bloggingdino, you said I could open my Fishmas precious. You did, you did. You said it here:

    Octo (@11:14 AM, December 11, 2009): “May I open my presents now?

    Bloggingdino (@1:18 PM, December 11, 2009): “Open your presents, Octo.

    I keeps my Fishmas precious. You said I could.


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