Wednesday, December 2, 2009

God hates freedom of religion

He hates yours anyway, you heretic.

I don't know if the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, but the road to Heaven is once again being resurfaced with fresh slime. The Family Research Council, which purports to be a Christian organization having something to do with families, is really a lie factory with the objective of fomenting a civil war pitting fundamentalists against our religiously neutral constitution. They've now launched yet another campaign against the rest of us, claiming that the President plans to "silence Christianity" and "Impose homosexuality." It's the kind of thing that requires dementia, stupidity and ignorance to believe but in 21st century America, the very air stinks of it.

I really don't wonder that such people are obsessed to the point of mania about homosexuality or that for them, the purpose of what they call Christianity is to bring about a fundamentalist state that will enforce their sexual and social taboos. It's not so much that people hiding behind a false name are at war with secular democracy or at war with religious freedom or at war with private consensual sex, these are people at war with their own wet dreams.

"It's hard to make this stuff up" says Stephen Webster at Raw Story. Not for them it isn't. Their four-page letter, available here howls, shrieks and lies like the Devil himself about Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which would guarantee gay, lesbian and transgendered Americans the right to work just like other Americans without fear of reprisal by the employers due solely to their sexual orientation or appearance. No, it does not force churches and their businesses and their schools to hire anyone they don't want to but FRC lies and says it does. No, limiting the free exercise of religion does not extend to giving any group the right to force their practices on anyone, but they say it does. The FRC has been lying about a lot of things for a long time and the rest of us have let them do it no matter how many people have to suffer. America gets weak and spineless every time some one crosses two sticks and pretends to speak for God.


  1. wow this is simply horrendous and I'm speechless! The religious holier than thou fanatics are an abomination. They will see Satan.

    I wonder how many of these "Christian men" sleep with little boys? Sick MF'ers!!

  2. Hello Capt. Fogg,

    Yes, the essence of the argument seems to be that not having their position acknowledged as supremely valid is arrant discrimination against them; the other side of the coin is, of course, that merely acknowledging the humanity of some group targeted for despising amounts to granting that group special status.

  3. I don't know how many christian men sleep with little boys but I do love to read all the right wing blogs tearing down Tiger Woods today...calling him a 'moron' a 'pervert' and all sorts of things....

    Good ol, Christian conservative bloggers....are really feasting on Tiger Woods....

    Yet, never a word from them about the infidelities of a republicans pol when they are uncovered...

    Not one word.

  4. Aren't these the same people who said the ERA would force us all to use unisex bathrooms?

  5. I heard about Tiger today and all I thought was, “It’s between him and his wife, leave them alone.”

    As far as the Family Research Council dissecting ENDA; I read HR 2981 and it CLEARLY states that Religious Organization are EXEMPT. It also says that employees have to adhere to the employers dress codes, UNLESS they are undergoing or have undergone a sex-change; which makes sense, duh. So, I’m not sure what the ruckus is about.

    The only potential problem I see with this bill, which is ONLY 21 pages, and if I understand it correctly, is the “facility usage”. This could pose a problem because the employer must make it known upfront what their facilities are. So, if a person “perceives” himself to be a “she” he would then have to tell his employer he’d rather use the “ladies room” and that would have to be worked out prior to hiring. Also if a person is undergoing a sex-change the employer has to make arrangements for the employee; exactly how far this could go, I’m not sure. In my opinion, whatever “plumbing” you have, that is the restroom you should use, and in the case of a sex-change, until it’s complete use the bathroom according to the “plumbing” you are equipped with at the time. We need to be considerate of the other occupants of the restrooms as well. Or, just have “one person” restrooms when possible.

    My feelings on this are that we DO need to consider how GLBT FEEL being discriminated against; because it DOES happen. They have a RIGHT to a non-hostile work environment. And for the Rep. Tim Price to say: “Just let your mind run wild and see the consequences: They are remarkably negative.” I suppose HE’S a prophet now. What a bigoted, pessimist!

  6. I've come to expect the savage drumbeat of people looking for some offense at Christmas time.

  7. Got to have somebody THAT YOU LABEL A THREAT so you can rally the 'troops' around the cause and shake the money tree.....

    Without threats, without hate, without fear...some causes wouldn't exist and a lot of people would no longer be able to afford their lifestyles...

  8. I have never understood why there is so much hate coming from a group that supposed to stand for peace, love, and forgiveness.
    Why are religious people so afraid of death? You would think they would look forward to it.
    If Jesus already died for all our sins, what's the problem?
    Why are religious people the strongest supporters of the death penalty?
    What happened to the good old days when people who claimed to talk to God, were hauled away by the guys in white coats?
    I suppose they are giving donations to the Ugandan "kill homosexuals" crusade.

  9. I watched Sean Hannity and Michelle Maulkin discuss Tiger Woods this evening...

    THAT was a true obscenity...when two people who have no obivous claims to the achievements they enjoy in their lives ridicule someone who has worked, and worked very hard, for what he has achieved in his life as Tiger Woods has...and to believe that they can ridicule him in the manner they did...

    Just obscene

  10. "and to believe that they can ridicule him in the manner they did..."

    That's why they appeal to the loser class. That's what most trolls are about - mocking people so that they don't have to feel that they are the losers.

  11. Of course the fact that Tiger Woods has trumpeted the sanctity of marriage and worked hard to marginalize teh GAY... um, wait. I'll get back to you on that.


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