Last year, the American Humanist Association ran an ad asking "Why believe in a God?" They did it again this year with No God ...No Problem signs on city buses and the point of the slogan Be Good for Goodness Sake although certainly not out of line with most religious teachings, can according to the slimy logic of Bill O'Reilly, not only be a direct slander against God, but worse; an attack on the poor, helpless, little baby Jesus.

"How do you sell Atheism by running down a baby"asks lyin' Bill so glibly that he can hope that the right people won't notice that being a good person, having compassionate and kindly humanist values, isn't likely to run down anyone's baby.
Blindingly blond and botoxed Margaret Hoover and Gretchen Carlson grinned in frightening fashion during last Thursday's "Culture Warriors" episode although the 85 year old O'Reilly couldn't seem to remember which was who. Perhaps the beauty pageant grins were as sewn on as they looked or perhaps the grotesque lengths Fox has gone to demonstrate the dangers of freedom simply amused them, but Grinning Gretchen opined that
"This is a direct and deliberate smear against Christianity. Do you think they would do this ad in July?"Well, St. Swithyn's day seems hardly worth the effort and after all, December is in some vague and fact-free fashion "the most sacred month" Easter notwithstanding. There's little of ritually sacred nature in July that needs to be forced down the throats of heretics, while December contains other holidays of other religions and the birthdays, of Horus, Mithra, Constantine's favorite Sol Invictus and other Jesus predecessors -- but never mind. She managed to sneak in the proposition that not being Christian, not loudly professing faith that Jesus was born coincidentally on the same day as the Roman and Persian gods he replaced and not in April as their Gospels state, is an attack on our established State Religion.
"Do you think they would do it against Allah on Ramadan? I don't think so! No."said Lyin' Bill in turn and nicely adding the subliminal hint that the growing secularism of the Western world is actually to be laid at the feet of our Islamic President.
"Why does the American Humanist Society want us to be 'good for goodness sake'? Why do they loathe the baby Jesus? He's just a baby."What a marvelous way to heap fallacy upon fiction upon fraud and turn it into a call to battle. Is it really offensive to anyone's religion to recommend that in doing good unto others, one should not do it for reasons of prestige or self elevation - or that being a good person without doing it from fear of a vengeful son of a god is not really good?
Allowing people to believe or doubt or disbelieve anything they like can only be offensive to a religion that seeks only to convert and control and not to improve mankind. That's just the kind of religion and perhaps the kind of politics O'Reilly and his attendant familiars would be advocating if they really were advocating anything rather than fabricating reasons for rage in those whose mental capabilities don't extend to debunking a train of logic leading from "we don't have to believe in your god to be good" to "Why do they loathe the baby Jesus? He's just a baby."
The real questions of course are about why the two-bit Torquemada clones at Fox News loathe people who aren't fundamentalist Christian Conservatives, why lying and bearing false witness in the service of a myth is not loathsome while freedom of thought is an offense to the "baby Jesus."
Perhaps it is because I grew up in a very diverse, strongly immigrant community where, at this time of year,you were as likely to see a Christmas tree in one house's window and then a menorah in the window of the next house and maybe a shrine to Buddah in the next house. We were like a UN experiment; Greeks, Eastern Europeans, Cubans, Lebanese and Syrians and later Viet Namese and Cambodians.It was great to be part of a community with so many different flavors and languages and customs. Even if we didn't completely understand each others' traditions, we certainly respected them. I am at a loss to understand this obession with bending everyone to conservative Christian views.
ReplyDeleteI know they have this evangalizing edict,but I was always under the impression that this involved sharing their faith with WILLING listeners - not trying to beat the unwilling over the head with it.
I love the poster you have pictured; not only does it include everyone in its message but rather than loathing Jesus, it actually supports his message of being good to one another as he poignantly illustrated in the story of the Good Samaritan who acted for goodness sake.
Maybe they should spend more time pondering Jesus' message about picking the log out of their own eyes before attempting to pick the sliver out of their neighbor's eye.
So many professed "Christans", so much ignorance...
"Atheists hate baby Jesus! HATERZ!!1!"
ReplyDeleteWhy do they loathe the baby Jesus? He's just a baby.
ReplyDeleteThat's a hilarious quote. Straight from the Palinist propaganda textbook: idiotic, inaccurate, and inciting hatred, while pretending to defend something that passes for a noble ideal or such in the vast paranoia-filled desert of a right-winger's mind.
Of course every self-respecting right-winger knows that libruls hate babies in general, and baby Jesus (and Palin's baby) in particular. If it were up to them (them libruls, that is), those -- and any and all -- babies would be aborted in the mad rush to quench the libruls' insatiable thirst for blood, gore and all things unholy.
BTW, I like that poster, too -- first time I see it. I can't fathom what could be offensive about it to any open-minded religious person (ha ha, I know, I am sometimes unintentionally funny on Monday mornings).
But, Rocky, that saying about picking the log out of your own eye before you start on the sliver in your neighbor's -- it's from the nasty and perverted librul version of the Bible that's, thankfully, being retranslated into its proper conservative kind. In it, Jesus firmly instructs all his followers to go after that sliver in the other's eye with an ice-pick and a hatchet, regardless of the size of the log in your own ocular cavity.
Actually, conservative Jesus sez, I think, that the larger the size of your own log, the more ferociously you should go after that sliver in your neighbor's eye -- just in case you miss it, yanno, not being able to see so well with the log 'n all.
I can't wait for the conservative Bible to come out. Oh, what joy will that be! :)
I'm not at all surprised by conservative bigotry, but I am surprised ( and fully disgusted ) by the logical process by which one gets from virtue as its own reward to loathing baby Jesus. That's not fallacy, it's insanity - and of course it's the handmaiden of evil.
ReplyDeleteIt's also rather humorous to note that Lyin' Bill doesn't give a flyin' shit whether anyone else's religion is insulted, only the one he pretends to be defending.
I'd love to discuss with him, just how something can be the Lord of the Universe yet be in jeopardy because someone doesn't think so and I'd love to discuss the fact that the divinity of Jesus was a rather late and far from universal belief in the first 5 centuries - and still in some circles. Does he hate the Unitarians, for instance?
Above all I would like to ask him why it's so terrible to deny medical care to a little baby who doesn't have the benefit of immortality all because some corporation might not make a buck on it and why that wouldn't be offensive to his adult, destroy the world Jesus.
This, my friends is why we do not have a state religion and why this is not supposed to be a Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Jain, Hindu or Zoroastrian country.
Capt. Fogg said... I'd love to discuss with him (Bill-O)...
ReplyDeleteI think he'd cut your mic.