Saturday, January 16, 2010

Glenn Beck is Satan incarnate

So if Rush Limbaugh is the worst person in the world, what does that make Glenn Beck, whose latest excretion regarding Haiti rides on Limbaugh like a rocket on a big fat booster stage? What did he say, you ask? He said that Obama is dividing the nation by responding too quickly to the apocalypse in Haiti.

I like to think I have a foul-mouth vocabulary second to none, but I'm nearly speechless.
"I also believe this is dividing the nation…to where the nation sees him react so rapidly on Haiti and yet he couldn’t react rapidly on Afghanistan. He couldn’t react rapidly on Ft. Hood. He couldn’t react rapidly on our own airplanes with an underwear bomber…it doesn’t make sense. [...] Three different events and Haiti is the only one. I think personally that it deepens he divide to see him react this rapidly to Haiti."
Yes, the divide is clear: it's Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson on one side and everything good, compassionate or concerned in any way with humanity on the other. This is simply the voice of smug, self-satisfied evil; snickering, whining, mocking evil.

And the Foxes are talking about running him for president. The other side of the "divide" would like to run him out of the country on a rail.

This Just in:

Iowa Representative Steve King has a brilliant idea. Instead of giving Haitian illegals in the US an extra 18 months to stay here rather than recieve what is today a death sentence, King would have us deport them immediately. Presumably that would entail pushing them out of an Airplane, since there's no place to land or walking the plank since the seaport is destroyed. Need I mention that King is a Republican.

Hey God -- are you listening to this shit?


  1. And I am deeply disturbed to learn that Glenn Beck's producer Gresham Striegal has left Fox for MSNBC.

    There should be some penalty for working for that wacko, like not being taken seriously by the legitimate media.

  2. What it really says about Beck is pure and simple. The Haitians are black, Obama is black, Obama only cares about helping Black People. This is really what Beck wanted to say, but didn't want to APPEAR racist. He is a slime ball, he is scum.

    Thank God the underwear bomber did not blow up the plane and kill hundreds. But the earthquake is real, hundreds of thousands are dead. But yet the rightwing nuts just have to talk, why do they bother, and why do we care what they say? They are irrelevant. God hears.

  3. I've been on the radio a good part of today. The Salvation Army was doing a beautiful job of communicating with the couple of makeshift amateur stations on the island and didn't need my help, but the stories you get from the big media don't give you a picture of the real chaos. They stay in safe places surrounded by security.

    I've been hearing from these two missionaries out in the countryside, one needed insulin fast, but was afraid to give his exact location because he was being hunted by men with guns who would grab it and sell it and probably kill him.

    I think we need to send Mr. Beck to Haiti.

  4. The evil teabagging conservatives, the elected Republican hooligans and Fox News muck dwellers declared Obama must do everything they say whenever they say it and if he doesn't they denounce him for being unwilling to compromise.

    Then having established their position the conservatives implore their vegetative supporters threaten violence and assassination...

    It's a great strategy and classic Republicanism; Do exactly as we say or we'll have you killed.

  5. The minds and hearts of these people are incomprehensible. They are what make me believe that there are truly evil people in this world who don't care about anyone but those in the wagon with them. I don't care if they just do it for the money, to formulate those thoughts and spew them should, in a fair and reasonable and balanced world, make them outcasts of our society, not the ring masters they have become.

  6. Capt: The sad thing is, if the missionary doesn't get his insulin he could go into a diabetic coma and die anyway.

    If anyone has been strugling with their faith, I would think these comments would tip them over the edge. I also think, and hope, that decent Americans who have an ounce of humanity - even the ones leaning to the right - would have second thoughts.

  7. But see, the right to life ends at birth.

  8. Sometimes I think the right to life should end with voting Republican. (watch some meathead claim that Liberals want to kill the Republicans)It's a joke, assholes.

    Being a conservative means, by definition, that second thoughts aren't all that likely.

  9. I think we are witnessing the, um, compassionate conservatism in action. Yet again.


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