The first I heard about the earthquake in Haiti was a communication from the ARRL, which represents Amateur Radio in the US, asking us to keep certain emergency frequencies open and to listen for any communications coming out of Haiti. I heard nothing myself, although the Caribbean is at my doorstep. There was nothing but background noise on 14,300 Mhz -- the Intercontinental Assist

It's been reported that the UN peacekeeping force headquarters building has collapsed and may have killed everyone inside including the UN envoy. About 150 U.N. staff members remain unaccounted for and 22 are confirmed dead.
It may be a while before any final death toll can be determined. In a country of such massive poverty people will continue to succumb to disease, starvation and dehydration, but it will, no doubt be a very large number. France has airplanes on the way and the US has arrived and secured the airport so that emergency aid can land safely. President Obama has pledged $100 million in relief and has assured what remains of the Haitian people that they will not be forgotten. The Red Cross is actively soliciting funds with telethons and operators are standing by as you read this.
Rush Limbaugh wasted no time weighing in on the suffering of millions, on the slow, sordid, lonely deaths of countless children, on the agony of those crushed by fallen buildings:
"This will play right into Obama's hands. He's humanitarian, compassionate. They'll use this to burnish their, shall we say, "credibility" with the black community--in the both light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country. It's made-to-order for them. That's why he couldn't wait to get out there, could not wait to get out there."Yes, Rush is a heavyweight in more than one way. Limbaugh, who lives in barely imaginable luxury simply doesn't want another damned thing done for those ungrateful "light-skinned and dark-skinned" people, dying of thirst, hunger and disease. As to private donations to the Red Cross? Forget it!
"we've already donated to Haiti--it's called the U.S. income tax."
Of course Rush cares about some people, particularly when he can use their deaths to defame anything he defines as liberal: things other people call decency or charity, or humanity, or compassion. We're supposed to be outraged in perpetuity at the death of any American citizen at the hands of Muslims - White citizens preferred of course, but Rush doesn't give a damn or a dollar for anyone else.
Remember that the next time you listen to him, the next time you think it's so cute how he lampoons his shoddy straw men. Remember the next time you patronize his sponsors. This is the man who looks into the eyes of a bereaved mother, a dying child and says "screw you and screw anyone who gives a damn."
I wonder why Rush has not come up (yet?) with the most obvious conclusion: that Obama caused (yes) the earthquake in order to show off his bleeding-heart empathy and divert everyone's attention from his grave responsibility in the real and hellish disaster of the one dude with his underpants on fire.
ReplyDeleteThough the day is still young and Rush's lips are still moving...
Years ago, Limbaugh wouldn't have lasted but two days as a broadcaster for his contemptible rhetoric on Haiti's catastrophe. But the country has become inured to the daily sewage that spills from his prodigious maw.
ReplyDeleteIt's like watching a train wreck day after day after day. Eventually one becomes immune to the horror of it all and begins to accept it as part of daily life.
That is how I see someone like Limbaugh. He continues to keep his audience of ninnies and they continue to think he has something of value to say, when in fact he mocks them by filling their ears with useless, empty yawping. It is, afterall, what comes from his mind.
thank you for saying this. I thought having chest pains indicated that Rush had an actual heart. Now I know better.
ReplyDeleteShaw, it just fascinates me the number of people who tune into Rush Limbaugh for their daily dose of vicious anti-everything...
ReplyDeleteIts a fix they get Monday through Friday hours of the bombastic negativism toward everything that is worth being compassionate about...
Then on Sunday's these people head off to church....
I'm sure the chest pains came from eating too many cute puppies and cuddly babies -- and maybe from that awful burden of paying taxes to support the one and only country that would allow him to make 100 million a year preaching evil.
ReplyDeleteYes, he may be the only man on earth ( at least I hope so) that can see a dying child scream for help and make some wisecrack about Liberals, complain he doesn't have enough money, advise us not to help and then howl about how Christians are being persecuted by Liberals.
So OK God, here's your chance. Want me to think you're not a cruel joke? Want this atheist to sing Hosanna in Excelses? He's at 1495 N Ocean Blvd Palm Beach, FL -- you know what to do.
ReplyDeleteYou got the whole wrong image of Rush...he doesn't eat puppies...
Rather, he sits at home on his sofa in a chiffon muumuu under a black velvet painting of Elvis while popping bon bons in his mouth....
Excellent post that breaks the heart more than ever. Just listened to an NPR interview with a Haitian businessman. More heartbreak. He said the people are leaving the city and going up into the mountains. He said there were small pockets of rescuers looking for buried survivors but that's all. He finished with, "enough is enough."
ReplyDeleteRL and Robertson are dispicable and make me so angry I want to scream. I would love to boycott their sponsors. What else I'd like to do to them is not fit for polite society.
For demagogues like Limbaugh, the "right to life" ends at birth. My determination to subject Limbaugh to "walling" and waterboarding has just redoubled.
ReplyDeletePat Robertson has actually surpassed Rush in saying something that is most heinous. Either way, they are both sacks of shit.
ReplyDeleteSeems that even some far right voices are calling Limbaugh over the top and I'm not hearing the usual "what Rush really meant to say was. . ."
ReplyDeleteOne of these days his ego is going to be his downfall.
Gee thanks for the image - I almost lost my breakfast.
There is at least one practical response to Limbaugh's remark. Today, I redoubled the donation I made yesterday.
ReplyDeleteBTW, here is a link to that asks readers to petition the credit card companies, who are making money off our donations. In some cases, they take 3% of the donation as a transaction fee.
ReplyDeleteThe petition will be forwarded to the CEOs of major credit card companies demanding that they waive processing fees for charitable donations.
Best tweet of the night:
ReplyDelete"Right-wing knee-jerk response to Haiti was very Ayn Rand: Assholes Shrugged."