Friday, February 12, 2010

Decision approaches in Uganda

The Ugandan Parliament now looks likely to pass the draconian anti-homosexuality law which has recently been widely discussed around the internet. According to

The bill proposes life imprisonment for anyone convicted of having same-sex relations and imposes the death penalty for “serial offenders”. NGOs working to prevent the spread of HIV could be imprisoned for up to 7 years for “promoting homosexuality”. Even members of the public face up to three years in jail if they fail to report homosexual activity to the police within 24 hours!

It is still possible that international condemnation could deter the Ugandan government from passing this. Avaaz's petition is here.

Thanks to DemWit for the information.


  1. Thanks for keeping this in the news, infidel.

    I am beyond words to comment otherwise. This situation is so disturbing I have been having trouble processing this for weeks. Esp. knowing the "help" the situation has had from American religious conservatives.

    utterly despicable

  2. Horrible beyond words! Next question is, what kind of international response? A UN resolution? Sanctions? Political asylum for the persecuted?

  3. Octo, you beat me to it. Despite their protestations of innocence and belated opposition, the GOP/C Street connection is behind this law.


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