Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dawn of the Palin

Oh God no - please don't let Sarah Palin have a TV show where she takes us around Alaska while entertaining us with her faux folksy youbetchaisms. Variety posted yesterday that the Discovery Channel will be paying a million dollars per episode for the rights to Sarah Palin's Alaska and if it airs, I'm going to have to boycott my favorite family of TV channels.

I wonder if we'll be treated to action shots of wolf strafing, holy rolling, turkey slaughtering, Russian Island watching and witch hunting with Pastor Muthee. All in rougue style, of course.


  1. I doubt Sarah has any idea what she's asking for. A reality show would have cameras on her and the family 24-7 and penetrate that Facebook bubble she lives in. No, I don't think she has any idea, so I say bring it on.

  2. You need to see what the twit twittered yesterday:

  3. She'll probably be strafing Russian turkeys. Look at it this way -- nobody has to watch it, but she'll be putting in unguarded hours in front of a camera and putting more and more idiotisms on film which will all be fair game if, Satan forbid, she does actually run for President someday. I don't see much of a downside, unless you own stock in the Discovery Channel.

  4. I get a chuckle out of the Palin Paroxysms that grip the left.

    Why do we like her? Because she seems like one of us, and by all accounts, she probably is. She also seems sincere, as politicians go. Lord knows the woman has been investigated up, down and sideways.

    Having said that, I pray she doesn't run for president. Although more qualified than Obama when he ran, she is still not qualified.

    Also, in 2012, Obama will be the experienced candidate, making her look even more amateurish.

    And finally, Capt Fogg, of all the crap on tv is this seriously the most offensive?

    I turned off the boob toob years ago. Other than Sponge Bob, South Park and the Simpsons, it's all a waste of time...

  5. Oh it gets better. Think of all the wonderful promotional tie-ins at those Discovery Stores in every shopping mall in America, the games, the field guides, the T-shirts and posters, all featuring pictures of Sarah in front of a wild Alaska backdrop -- the very wild and scenic splendor she'd like to despoil.

    Yeah I'm gonna hopey-changey the channel on that one. It's stupefying to me how little Mark Burnette & Discovery recognize what a polarizing (no pun intended) figure she is.

  6. Matt,

    From what I've read it's not a real reality show, unscripted and warts and all. Heavens to mergatroid, the Queen of Wasilla couldn't allow that. No, it's more like a travelogue.

  7. Swash Zone,

    I just have a quick question for you but couldn't find an email so had to resort to this. I am a progressive blogger and the owner of the mahablog. Please email me back at when you get a chance. Thanks.


  8. "Why do we like her? Because she seems like one of us.."

    Not anymore. She's a multi-millionaire celebrity. Remember how the McCain/Palin people made fun of Mr. Obama cause he was a "celebrity--elitist?" Now Sarah is one. She can't be, as you call her, "one of us" anymore, since she's one of the moneyed elite, like David Letterman.

    "She also seems sincere, as politicians go."

    I'm trying to understand how she could "seem sincere" when it was proved beyond any doubt that there were absolutely no death panels in the health care reform bill, yet she continued promoting that lie. A sincere liar, perhaps?

    "Lord knows the woman has been investigated up, down and sideways."

    As has every politician who has run for office--especially in the age of the internet, twitter, etc. That's what keeps the media in business.

    I don't think Palin's been treated more unfairly than has Hillary Clinton, or Michelle Obama, for that matter.

  9. I am not a member of the PalinNation, I just thought I'd perform a public service...

    So she's become a superstar... When she arrived on scene she was a breath of plain-spoken fresh air to conservatives. Her life looked like the lives of ordinary Americans.

    As for the death panel thing, are you seriously going to hold that against her in this day and age? When people campaign on crap like "I won't have any lobbyists in the White House!" and then hire a bunch of lobbyists once elected?

    I'm not attacking Obama, just pointing out how political rhetoric is 99% BS...

  10. "When she arrived on scene she was a breath of plain-spoken fresh air to conservatives. Her life looked like the lives of ordinary Americans."

    LOOKED. How many Americans enjoy a $5 million advance on a ghostwritten memoir?

  11. I have to wonder if the Discovery Channel is reading her Facebook page these days -- and what they think of her euphemistic "targeting" of House Democrats -- with crosshair graphics! Nothing like a little symbolism for the heavily-armed nutjob demographic.

    I realize Discovery Channel has gone downhill on the slippery Reality TV slope, but do they really, really want to go all the way to Sarah "don't retreat, reload" Palin?

  12. Oh come on, now -- while I find it impossible to hate such a lovely lady (we male dinos are suckers for a pretty human face, I admit) as Sister Sarah, there's no real comparison to make between her and ol' B. Hussein -- the latter's an intellectual and quite erudite on lots of matters; "Teh Sarah" clearly isn't, though I don't find her lacking in basic intelligence.

    I also don't think it's cute or sincere of folksy of her to be fabricating near-genocidal "kill granny" motives and then attributing them to Barack, who definitely doesn't want to kill granny. That isn't the same as making dubious, unrealistic claims about not having lobbyists in one's new administration. Sarah needs to stop that sort of thing if she wants anyone other than the 'Baggery to take her seriously, even as a tee-vee star.


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