Sunday, March 28, 2010

No need to fear November

It has become conventional wisdom to expect serious losses for the Democrats in this November's elections, but I'm not worried. While the Democrats will very likely lose a few seats -- that almost always happens to the party in power in midterm elections -- there are important factors working in our favor.

(1) HCR is a plus, not a minus. Polls already show a modest bounce in its approval rating since it was passed. Many who opposed it did so because they felt it didn't go far enough, not because it went too far. Many who oppose the package actually like the individual programs that make it up -- they object to the bill because they are misinformed about what's in it. And some of its provisions will take effect before the election. Voters will then be judging the reform by what they see it actually doing, not by horror-fantasies about death panels and Communism.

(2) The biggest factor influencing the vote will be employment. The job-loss data don't lie -- losses have decreased almost every month since Obama took office. Recent economic growth has been stronger than expected, and although employment is always one of the last indicators to recover after the end of a recession, it will do so. The hopeful-sounding predictions by the administration's enemies that the economy will slide back into recession have the air of an increasingly-desperate clutching at straws. They will come up empty. And Congress has plenty of options for acting to stimulate job growth.

(3) With enemies like these, who needs friends? The Republicans' relentless obstructionism on HCR and their bitter-end negativity may be energizing to the worst of their base, but they can't be appealing to the broad center, which is where elections are won. And Republicans' failure to condemn or even quite acknowledge last week's rash of violence and threats against Democrats is even uglier. Intemperate statements now will turn up in campaign ads later. And don't forget the NY-23 syndrome -- hard-line rightists undermining more electable moderate Republicans. An example is teabagger JD Hayworth's primary challenge to John McCain in Arizona, which has pushed McCain into a series of increasingly extremist statements in an effort to out-loony Hayworth for the sake of base primary voters. Either Hayworth will win the primary and (probably) lose the general, or McCain will prevail, but as damaged goods in the eyes of centrist voters and still viewed with suspicion by the base.

(4) A President should be a strong leader. During 2009 Obama's fixation on bipartisanship, futile in the face of the Republicans' intransigence, made him look weak, dithering, and unable to get things done. Since January he seems to have realized that such efforts were pointless, and the change has affected his image as well as the actual results achieved: Working with Congress to get HCR through despite the lack of Republican support, and using recess appointments to fill essential posts despite Republican obstruction, not only is strong and effective leadership, it also looks like strong and effective leadership. There will be more, and it will all help in November.

It's always possible, of course, that some unexpected major event could happen and change everything. But barring that (and such an event might be one that favors rather than harms our side), I don't think November's going to be all that bad.

Update (29 March): Arthur Greene has more detail on why HCR will probably help the Democrats in November -- benefits for critical groups like the elderly and the middle class will already have taken effect. Greene is a conservative and writes from an anti-HCR viewpoint, but his points on this are solid. Blogger DemWit also e-mails:

The Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act, otherwise known as CLASS Act, provides for a national insurance program to help cover the cost of long-term care -- something 70 percent of people over 65 will need at some point along the way. The premiums will be much lower than those for private plans, and you won't get screened out because you've already had some health problems.

Class act indeed. So much for the death panels.


  1. I left a comment on your blog, so don't have much more to offer. I think Obama acted with the best of intentions when he called for bipartisanship. I don't think he or anyone else ever dreamed that the Republicans would build a Maginot Line.

    They will continue to be obstructionists. When the Democrats outfox them at their own game, they will cry foul of course, but who really cares.

  2. I think we are back on track...we should hit Immigration and Jobs with a vengence right about now...

  3. Republicans will suffer losses in November, too. A little problem with the media's storyline about Democrats is that there are plenty of Republican incumbents who have decided not to run for re-election too -- and then there are those Republican incumbents facing Tea Party challengers. The Tea Party is not popular nationally, it's actually hurting the Republican Party, forcing expensive and bloody primaries with the Republican incumbents winning over the wackadoodle fringe Tea Party.

  4. Republicans will suffer losses in November, too. A little problem with the media's storyline about Democrats is that there are plenty of Republican incumbents who have decided not to run for re-election too -- and then there are those Republican incumbents facing Tea Party challengers. The Tea Party is not popular nationally, it's actually hurting the Republican Party, forcing expensive and bloody primaries with the Republican incumbents winning over the wackadoodle fringe Tea Party.

  5. it...that is a new one.

    Look, I like the discourse here, you seem like decent folks.

    Are you not concerned at all, even a little, with the news that our interest payments, medicare, and medicaid without the HCR bill will be 90% of GDP by 2020; or the fact that there are portions of the bill which seem so clearly unconstitutional?

  6. Yes, the dynamics of the November election are worth following -- as you all say, it is more complicated than "the Demos are gonna lose seats" And no, I don't believe for a minute that the Health Insurance Reform Bill will sink the Democrats -- far from it.


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