Thursday, March 4, 2010

Where I've Been

I'm now the southeastern correspondent for The H.O.R.N., the Head On Radio Network. Here's a rant last night by host Bob Kincaid:

Bob doesn't make a pretense of being a journalist, but his live streaming of the Families USA conference in Washington, DC caught an incredibly important and little-known fact about the health care bill:

Mind you, ending Medicaid means testing is no wonky arcanum. In states like Alabama, this is literally the holy grail of reform advocates.

Bob also has interesting guests:

The H.O.R.N. is a listener-supported liberal talk media that has already outlasted the Air America experiment, proving that you cannot support liberal opinion with a right-wing revenue model.


  1. I dunno, I thought Michelle Bachmann was already off in orbit around Pluto somewhere.....

  2. Infidel, my sources in Minnesota tell me that Bachmann is on the electoral ropes. A very exciting possibility.

    Also, as Zirgar said at the YouTube site: "the Republicans can all go live around the gas giant known as Rush Limbaugh."

  3. It's a riot, but I listen to Air America every day on XM.

  4. It would definitely be exciting to see Bachmann out of Congress and on the job market.

    If any more mass is added to Rush Limbaugh, he will suffer gravitational collapse and become a black hole. Not sure how much difference that would make.

  5. Matt Osborne - H.O.R.N what a great find (for me).

  6. Michelle Bachmann...Idiot Extraordinaire. What do they put in the water in Minnesota?

  7. Captain, the failure of liberal talk radio was set in stone when they tried to borrow the right's revenue model and get to profitability in just a few years. The wingnuts have had 40 years to build their radio hate machine, and they didn't worry about profits. Until the left understands that you must fight the fear factory on your own terms, there will be no successful liberal talk media organization.

  8. Holte Ender, please tell me your last name is an invocation of Mr. Wiggin.

  9. Congrats to Matt -- it sounds like an excellent venture, and I'll be sure to listen in.


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