Saturday, April 17, 2010


Marlene Griffith, the widow of one the 29 coalminers killed in a West Virginia mine explosion earlier this month, has filed suit against Massey Energy, the same operator cited for over 3,000 safety violations (background story here).

The lawsuit accuses Massey Energy of aggravated conduct above and beyond the level of ordinary negligence, citing unlawful working conditions and a history of safety violations.

Yesterday, Nathan Coffey, a spokesperson for the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), ridiculed Marlene Griffith’s lawsuit with this Twitter message:

Everyone wants free money! // Widow
of miner killed in explosion in WV sues
owner Massey Energy alleging

Who the heck is ALEC?  It is a non-profit front group representing major U.S. corporations whose mission and purpose is to influence state legislatures and push corporate interests.  It advocates the end of consumer safety enforcement, equal rights for women in the workplace, worker safety regulations, and environmental protection, as examples.  It's hidden agenda is to influence legislation without risking criticism by keeping its membership safely outside the public eye. These are some of ALEC’s benefactors and members (complete list here):
American Express, American Petroleum Institute, Amoco, Amway, AT&T, Bank of America, Baxter Healthcare, Boeing, Cargill, Cendant, Chevron, Coca-Cola, Coors Brewing Company, Exxon Mobil, Ford, General Motors, Heritage Foundation, Koch Industries, Kraft Foods, McDonalds, Microsoft, Shell, Texaco, National Rifle Association, PhRMA (Bayer, GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly, Merck, Pfizer), Olin Foundation, Peabody Coal (subsidiary of Massey Energy), Philip Morris, Reynolds Tobacco, State Farm, Verizon, Union Pacific Railroad, United Airlines, UPS, Wal-Mart Stores.
I find it especially offensive that this front group, shilling for America’s best known corporations, can demonstrate such a callous disregard for widows.  Marlene Griffith lost her husband just shy of their 33rd wedding anniversary.  How does a wrongful death lawsuit constitute free money?  Please join me in a boycott of ALEC's members.

H/T to Lee Fang of Think Progress.


  1. This is basically the corporate equivalent of a Tea Bagger throwing dollar bills at a Parkinson's patient. And by the way, as far as THAT story is concerned, what rarely gets published is that said Parkinson's patient was a nuclear engineer who had to leave his job when his illness got so bad. You know, not some lazy dropout druggie looking for a handout (that would be Rush Limbaugh).

    This is just further proof that the conservative movement has deteriorated into a bunch of intolerant haters who seem to think they are the only ones entitled to the American dream.

    When did conservatives get so mean? What ever happened to the "compassionate conservative"? Turns out it was just a talking point, a bumper sticker slogan.

  2. I just hope the courts are more compassionate than this jackass. I also hope someone starts a fund-raising campaign for her and that she wins big time. The fact that this company has had 3000 safety violations should be an indication of their careless disregard for the welfare of their employees.

    I'm surprised Comcast isn't on that list.

  3. Okay, Okay, Okay...

    I have seen both sides of this issue...

    When I first started my business workers comp was a very expensive part of my business: But it didn't take me long to realize that by running a clean and safe workplace saved me alot of money in a very short time. I am very proud of the fact that we have not had an injury in over 12 years!

    Now, about 6 years ago OSHA stopped in for a surprise visit...and by the time that asshole got done I was sitting at a total of $32,000 in fines for what he called 'life threatening' violations (I asked him in court why did he consider a paper cut a life threatening violation because the reality was everything he cited me for involved paperwork).

    Now, I went to court and ended up paying $1,200 because I had to acknowledge that I did not have 3 posters displayed.

    I do admit I pissed off the OSHA inspector because he wanted everything in three ring binders and I have everything in folders! I also told him that I spent most of my time focussing on safety not filing....

    Now, with that said...

    I will add that my dealings with OSHA and the EPA leave alot too be desired, most of these people have no common sense and they have a chip on their shoulder and are out to prove a point...

    From time to time some inspector from the EPA stops in and wants to review our hazardous waste...we have none because everything we use is water based, eco friendly...but just last year they decided that one of our screenprint dryers needs a smokestack (come looking for hazardous waste and decide to settle for a smokestack).

    After documenting the emissions for six months I haven't heard a thing from them...

    Don't find one thing they find another...

    But, at the same time most business owners I know believe that they are safe enough and if someone gets hurt its because they wanted to....

    Which isn't all that logical! Like I say, one workers comp accident is going to cost you $10,000 and how many $10,000 claims can you have before you realize that safety pays?

    I found that by getting personally involved safety and moral does attendence and production...

    But if you want to sit in your office and belong to organizations like this then be my guest but I would rather put my money into effort that pays me a dividend not to politican action groups like this....

    Personally, I would be ashamed to belong to this organization...

  4. In general I am not real enamored with lawsuits, especially things like a smoker who coughed and hacked through 30 years and now has cancer wanting a payout from the tobacco companies - that first time you took a drag and coughed your brains out didn't set off a red flag that this probably wasn't good for you? Really!?
    Or some idiot shooting himself in the foot because he didn't engage the gun's safety and now wants the gun company to pay him for his stupidity.
    But when you have men with little else to depend on for their survival except going into a dangerous occupation and the company they work for repeatedly ignores their well-being as is the case with Massey, well,the question is would this man still be here to provide for his family if the mine company was being safety conscious and responsible?
    Of course the real issue presented in this post is why do we still have these demented lobbists amongst us and when will Congress do the right thing and rewrite lobbying laws? Certain lobbying activities are not necessarily a bad thing but when allowed to operate without constraint, we are faced with special interests obtaining their desires by corruption and graft. And the lobbists feel so protected that they will come out and publically trash a widow.

  5. Blood is cheaper than coal, and more easily replenished.

    Free money... What a disgrace.

    These men were slaughtered (yes) and I hope their families sue the owners for the last penny of their bloody profits.


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