"you can't beat your wife, you cannot murder your children if you think they've committed adultery or something like that, which they do practice in these other countries."Of course there's some truth to it. Such practices do go on, but that they don't go on too often in the US, is hard for me to attribute to the ennobling influence of fundamentalist fire and brimstone Christianity of the Franklin sort. You've seen the statistics about the so-called Bible Belt and I think they show that such crimes are bred by ignorance and poverty and alcohol not by Sunday Sermons. I would challenge anyone to show that Atheists for instance, are more likely to murder their daughters - or anyone for that matter.
None the Less Franklin missed the opportunity to teach about the brotherhood of man and our universal failings and frailties as well, and chose instead the traditional tribal posture of moral superiority in an attempt to rally the Christian faithful by riling the Muslim faithful. He also missed the opportunity to speak at the Pentagon on the National Day of Prayer - when the Bill of Rights goes into hiding and we pretend we're back in George II's Merry Old Christian England, being told when, how and to whom to pray -- just like old Tom Jefferson wanted.
Some might find that puzzling since Billy Graham, famous for agreeing in a taped conversation with Richard Nixon, about how "the Jews" were ruining the country, that "the Jews" had a stranglehold on the American media, seems still to be in favor amongst presidents needing to show how Christian they are, including Mr. Obama and the randy Mr. Clinton. The Elder Graham did of course do a great deal of grovelling and talking about his record of not trying to convert Jews and being a friend of Israel and it seems to have worked. I'd have to take exception to the former claim, however, since I've met him and still have vivid memories of one of his associates pummeling me on the ches

Anyway, this is the USA where things are felt first and rationalized later and Billy is still one of the most admired men in the country and Mr. Obama apparently seems to feel the need to be seen praying with the wealthy country gentleman. Maybe they make needles with camel-size eyes these days.
Perhaps that need is real since the viral, Republican generated e-mail hoax insisting that he's canceled the National Day of Prayer has achieved orbital velocity and doesn't seem to be slowing down even after colliding with the facts. We can't forget just how many Republicans and takers of tea insist he's a Muslim Fundamentalist either. I guess he needs to be seen on his knees with the right someone, grovelling to no one and not bending over too far to shake hands with non-Christian foreign dignitaries half his height. Frankly Mr. Franklin, I hate to see a president on his knees for any reason.
Greetings to one of--oh, maybe--five liberals in Nashville from one of four in South Carolina. My son lives in Smyrna and works in Nashville; he'll be happy to know about you!
ReplyDeleteAlthough they've gained enormous gratitude from Israel, it was my snarky understanding that the Evangelicals who courted a coalition with Israel were trying to hasten The End Times so they could get all this piddly stuff over with, inherit the Earth as promised, and take their rightful place by the Throne. In other words, enact one of the most cynical agendas the religion known as Christianity has produced in about seventy years.
Remembering that they dragged the President over the hot coals when he went to Rev. Wright's Church for 20 years, proving he's Christian, I don't him being a Delusional Christian will make a spit of difference to them...he's black...he's a foreigner and he's a Muslim. That's enough to circle the wagons and make his agenda fail.
ReplyDeleteYup! What Teeluck and Nance said...Agreed. Every word.
ReplyDeleteSo Capt. Fogg -- great post -- did you indeed feel the spirit of Jeeeeeeee - zus - uh entering your too too rational hide?
ReplyDeleteI've always found the NPB rather strange -- wherefore a National Prayer Breakfast? Why not a National Prayer Brunch? Or Dinner? Or Pot-Luck Supper? Or Snack?
I say that if ye knew what was good for ye, ye would all pray to Great Father T-Rex and the entire Dinosaur Pantheon on Mount Gondwana. For theirs is the Kingdom, saeculum per saeculorum.
Its that damn moral order thang that authoritarian conservatives espouse:
ReplyDeleteGod has dominion over human kind
Human kind has dominion over nature
Adults have power of children
Men assert moral power over women
The rich have superiority over the poor
Some nations are superior to other nations.
And curses upon anyone who dares question the hierarchy ... especially the word of God, the authority of fathers over wives and children, and the good ole USA as the greatest blah blah blah in the whole wide world.. A traitor is what they call you if you challenge the hierarchy ... err patriarchy ... whatever!
In their narrow moral order, there can be no other valid or sensible worldview. IOW, "thou shalt have no other demagogues before me."
Great post, as usual, Captain.
ReplyDeleteA couple of things along the Did you know? lines:
1. Yes, they make needles big enough for camels.
2. A brief history of Graham crackers:
Sylvester Graham, who believed that masturbation was both sinful and dangerous, invented the Graham Cracker as a food designed to dampen sexual desire. (Think of that the next time you eat one.)
Yessum - it's about the "end times" and no that's not a newspaper for proctologists. It's when the Godda love kills a few billion people ( and especially the Jews) just for not believing in one particular crock out of many.
ReplyDeleteOf course he's a muslim and a commiefascist. He'd be more than that if they had a bigger vocabulary. Actually I'd rather have a non-Christian for once - a Rastafarian perhaps.
A National Prayer bathroom break maybe? Always a great place to think about priorities and pecking orders and the like.
Hey maybe if they used Graham wafers it would end some of the church's problems?
Where have you been all of my blogging life? I'm so glad that you stopped by my place or I never would have sought out yours.
ReplyDeleteAmong the disturbing aspects of what passes for Christianity in America is worshipping at the altar of superiority. Far too many Americans find it impossible to imagine that we are not more advanced than all other societies in all aspects, including religion. Graham the younger spoke directly to that belief. As for Graham the father, he has been elevated to such a degree among many that it is dangerously close to idolatry. Where is Moses when you need him to destroy the golden calf?
Where have you been all of my blogging life? I'm so glad that you stopped by my place or I never would have sought out yours.
ReplyDeleteAmong the disturbing aspects of what passes for Christianity in America is worshipping at the altar of superiority. Far too many Americans find it impossible to imagine that we are not more advanced than all other societies in all aspects, including religion. Graham the younger spoke directly to that belief. As for Graham the father, he has been elevated to such a degree among many that it is dangerously close to idolatry. Where is Moses when you need him to destroy the golden calf?
As I've looked around a bit more, I realized that I was hearing different voices and it wasn't just in my head. I came here after a thoughtful comment on my blog from one of those voices who writes under the nom de plume of Octopus. I find all of your voices to be most interesting and I shall return.
ReplyDeleteCertainly self-worship is a big part of American culture. We pass it off as Patriotism and it's a big part of religious and political feeling for many people. My God is tougher than your god, we Baptists are better than you Methodists and we're both better than those Jews, Muslims, and atheists. It's all really a lot of puffed up, loudmouth bragging, which in my opinion suggests a lot of hidden insecurity and feelings of inferiority.
ReplyDeleteI think it is in fact, a kind of idolatry.