Monday, April 12, 2010

Inglorious bastards

I never thought the Confederacy would take health insurance reform lying down; accept it any more than they willingly endured integration, voting rights for women or their former slaves, equal rights and opportunities for "cullids" and Jee-Yews and anything else that interfered with good, old fashioned, plantation feudalism. They're against anything those Yankees do even if in the long run insurance companies will profit from it and undoubtedly show their gratitude to the Gucci shod rebels in Tallahassee and other red state Capitals.

Even though the ten thousand or so of my county's uninsured residents that now overwhelm the capacity of community outpatient clinics and emergency rooms are a liability and expense to me similar to uninsured motorists, the former are victims of Northern aggression while the latter do need to be forced to have liability insurance. Why? Well because a Yankee Democrat proposed it and Democrats did some of what the public elected them to do.

OK, it's not quite a volley of cannon fire at Fort Sumter yet, but that was then and today's attacks on the concept that the government has any function beyond shocking and awing third world countries and keeping the slaves in line are more insidious. What else would you call slipping a rider into an innocuous and popular Life Insurance bill that declares the new Federal Health Insurance legislation unconstitutional. I know, I know, that's hardly the job of the Florida Legislature, the same distinguished body of statesmen who last year balked at adding an exclusion to a bill outlawing the observation of and participation in animal sex if it was for purposes of animal husbandry, because -- wait for this -- some Representatives thought animal husbandry referred to women marrying animals. But the spirit of Southern freedom isn't about the government standing up for freedom, it's about leaving us alone in our fantasy of primitive self sufficiency where we can do as we please and damn everyone else.

Likewise the protection against being discriminated against by health insurers and protection against the public's indirect funding of health care for the uninsured must be about
"defending the rights of individuals"
as Rep. Ryan Nelson, R-Apopka told those assembled representatives of Florida Crackers, Swamp rats and toothless road-kill eaters called the Florida House of Representatives.
"every person within this state is and shall be free from governmental intrusion" in selecting health insurance coverage,
says the amendment. What nasty things might escape from that Pandora's box should this thing be passed into law! After all, keeping companies from dropping you when sick or weaseling out of legitimate claims by stalling until you die or your daughter dies is "intrusion." isn't it? Making you take responsibility for staying off the welfare rolls and clogging up the hospitals or walking around spreading TB is just egregious "intrusion." Let's give absolute immunity from the law to insurers and all in the name of individual freedom. Massa knows what's best and what's best is that you only shop at the company store.

What's more, the Florida Attorney General shall have the power to sue the Federal Government on behalf of any neo-Confederate who thinks I have to pay when his diseased ilk inflate the local hospital operating costs because he doesn't believe in health insurance - sue at the Taxpayer's expense, of course.

I don't like slippery slope arguments and I'm not saying that this will lead to revolts against mandatory car insurance or boat insurance or any kind of required liability insurance, but the principle is indeed the same: "Damn Gummint cain't tell us what to do" even if that government is elected to do what it's doing by a majority of voters who presumably still have the right to decide such things: a right not inferior to the right of corporations to do as they please. The principle is the same: government is about what we the people want, not what we the voters want. Upside down elitism and corporate feudalism at it's purest.

Yes, I'm surrounded by people who tell me that the 1861 revolt, or "the War of Northern Aggression," was about "freedom" without any sense of irony and they feel likewise about almost anything that requires any funding, except of course farm subsidies and special tax breaks for Exxon Mobil. Their revolt is about the same kind of "freedom" I guess. Sometimes that's my freedom, not theirs, since they're concerned about my heirs' inheritance taxes while theirs won't pay any, and a couple of percent more on my income taxes while more than half of them won't pay any this year or ever have incomes anywhere near the top 10%. Of course their freedom to go about uninsured Makes my outrageous health insurance premiums more outrageous, but it's the thought that counts, isn't it?


  1. "Florida Crackers, Swamp rats and toothless road-kill eaters called the Florida House of Representatives."

    You say it so nice!

  2. Well, at least they're consistent - no guessing how they'll react to, well, anything the President, his administration or any democrat in Congress endorses,proposes or enacts.
    The party of NO is also the Obstructionist Party.
    It will be an uphill battle to 2012.

  3. Yes, you can make a teabagger's head spin right off his neck and explode trying to explain how the mandate works without a penalty for dodging it. "But why is the IRS hiring 16,000 new agents?" They ask; when you reply that this number is entirely made up, they disbelieve you. The Grand Old Party said it was true, therefore it must be true.

  4. Captain - Florida Crackers, Swamp rats and toothless road-kill eaters called the Florida House of Representatives ...

    Yes, I like that phrase too. The Florida legislature is also called the Road-Kill Grill ... and famous for serving flat fat cats and rigor mortis tortoise. This is a formerly confederate state, you know.

  5. some Representatives thought animal husbandry referred to women marrying animals

    Hard to blame'em. It's easy to get confused, especially when you have such a rich animal life as you Floridians do.

    Octo: serving flat fat cats and rigor mortis tortoise

    And for dessert...?

  6. "And for dessert...?"

    Antacid ... right wing toad a la mode can be hell on your stomach.

  7. Speaking of the confederacy - some third string troll tried to accuse me of slander when I associated the teabaggers and the ultra right with confederates.

    I'm so proud of my response which proves that we "Libs" are just soooooo angry!

  8. Angry libs -- I've never met one. Generous, tolerant, and humane are the words that come to mind -- the ones you'll most likely find as dictionary definitions of the adjective "liberal."

    The Olbermann/Righties comparison came up recently on our blog. Here's the difference: KO sometimes caricatures and makes a lot out of a little; the right-wing talkers simply make things up. Out of thin air. Caricature is for smart people; straw men are for unintelligent people. And let's face it, there really aren't any liberals so dumb that they think "animal husbandry" means someone's claiming it's good for humans to marry animals. The right has a monopoly on that kind of stupidity-just-short-of-outright-insanity.


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