Monday, April 19, 2010

Three Questions For Octopus

1) Why would you infringe on a diver's free speech rights? Or was it the spear gun you were after?

2) Why didn't you turn the camera around and get video of the diver instead of trying to eat it?

3) It was brave of you to mess with an armed diver, but do you really think it was the wisest choice?


  1. Please note: No human was harmed or mistreated in the making of this film.

  2. Gasp! Octo, how could you! You scared that poor fella out of his scuba gear -- and for what? One measly spear gun? You have a whole collection of them already in your coconut garage!

    Unless you just wanted a free ride... It looks like fun, really.

  3. Elizabeth, what can I say! There is no riding roughshod over this cephalopod.

  4. OMG OMG OMG I saw this story on the CBS Morning News and I thought Jeeebus they are coming for us and they have 8 legs and tentacle thingies and just OMG OMG OMG ...

    We're all so screwed.


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