Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Joe the Dumber

Senator Joe Lieberman is a cheap, pandering whore without a principle in his head and without much concern for history. Instead of being able to come up with some means to combat and prevent acts of terrorism, he's still looking for ways to make a criminal organization into a superpower complete with Army, Navy, Air Force and probably nuclear missiles. Any one working for a foreign terrorist organization should be stripped of his rights as a citizen. He doesn't bother to clarify whether that's before or after a fair trial, but I suspect the whole idea of a fair trial is anathema to his sort of Neanderthal conservatism. What an idiotic response to a failed truck bomb: attack the cornerstone of American liberty.

I wonder if he stops to contemplate how the Jews of Europe were suddenly deemed by the German government as being agents of a hostile foreign power and stripped of citizenship -- allowing the confiscation of their property and their exile to death camps.

No, someone willing to kill hundreds of people at random in Times Square is going to be deterred by a subsequent withdrawal of his citizenship? The shade of Mohammad Atta is laughing in Hell. What about domestic terrorist/murderer Tim McVeigh? Oh, that's OK, he wasn't working for foreigners.

What does Lieberman hope to accomplish other than to give hope to the barbarian Right that we can do as we like to anyone who isn't a citizen? God only gave rights to Americans, you see.

Whether he doesn't bother to or doesn't have the brain power to dismiss that worthless gesture of idiot rage is something not worth speculating on, but it's obvious that Joe Lieberman is all about Joe Lieberman trying to get attention by once again trying to rattle the cage of the ignorati instead of adding anything worthwhile to an important effort.


  1. I think he and McCain are falling into the same senile cess pool.

  2. I recall not liking Lieberman even back in 1999 when Allosaurus Gore chose him for his running mate. The man wears his religious sentiments on his sleeve, and I can't stand politicians who go around parading their faith and implying that they have some kind of duty to set an example for the rest of us in moral conduct. They are paid public servants, not moral exemplars, and to me, such behavior is a sign that the politician in question doesn't understand his or her proper relationship with the people.

    Sen. Lieberman, in my view, has again and again shown himself to be a shallow, vain opportunist -- his conduct and remarks during the health reform debate were a low point, even for him.

  3. I can never make up my mind.

    Which is the slimiest, most egregious, groveling politician of my age?

    John McCain or Joe Lieberman.

    Back and forth. Both are admirable for the absolute conviction with which the most transparent lie is uttered. Both are studies in equanimity while performing the most robust flip flops and dodges. Both are capable of conveying a sense of profound wisdom which in actuality is a mask covering up (not too well in Joe's case) an astonishing contempt for those he professes to serve.

    But which is worser?

    This clinches it for me. The absolute groveliness of all time.

    What better demonstration of 'principle'? Well done John! Forget the vile smears against your children. Forget the attacks of an even more unprincipled man than yourself (no small thing). When it's time to line up and swallow what little pride one has John McCain is at the top of that game.

  4. You know things are bad for Joe when even Glenn Beck, in a rare moment of sanity, disagrees with him.


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