Monday, May 10, 2010

Teh Great Wall-Off Mexico

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. So when John McCain ignores the overwhelming empirical evidence of human history and insists that massive federal spending on a barrier will work this time, you know he's lost his mind.

Also: I'm trying to win a Netroots Nation scholarship, and all you have to do to help is click a couple of times.


  1. Voting for you done, Matt!

    Buona fortuna!

    I've also sent it around to all my relatives and told them to vote!

  2. {{{Matt!}}} I wondered where you've been!
    My vote is in - I tried to vote twice but the system outed me :(

  3. I cast my vote yesterday and will try to sneak in another. The home team is cheering for you.

  4. Voted twice so far ... stuffing the ballot box for ya (but if you win, I get an extra plate of steamed crustaceans)

  5. I saw McCain's nauseating ad this morning. Yup, it made me madder than hell. What you've done with it is sheer artistry. And as you know, I voted for you already - wishing you luck.

  6. Even the dinosaurs are voting for Matt. Now how is that possible? They have no opposable thumbs!

    As for immigration, yes, the J-Mac ad is preposterous. I reckon that about as many people are here illegally as want to be here, in spite of the laws we already have. And they're working, not harming the country; for me, it's not an issue. Building "Teh Great Wall" isn't going to make any difference and it's just a function of reactionary paranoia -- those angry white folk who "want their country back."

  7. I have a feeling -- more than a feeling actually, that if AZ's law stands it's going to do great harm to their economy. Newsweek ran a story about the millions and millions of Mexicans who come there to shop and the end of that, along with the lack of people doing the kind of work Immigrants have been doing is going to give them their state back and they're not going to know what to do with it.

    Taking their country back indeed. Now what if the people they stole it from were to say the same thing?

  8. Howsabout the dinos take back THEIR planet from those persnickety, pesky mammalians who stole it from them, especially after that Xixulub asteroid impact? How'd that be? That's what I say to the Inevitable White Men of Arizona.


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