Thursday, June 3, 2010

Premeditated violence

So whether you agree with me or not that Israel's attempt to enforce the blockade of Gaza by boarding a ship which refused normal inspection procedures and the attempt at self defense of the IDF Navy when attacked, was not the outrage it was meant to look like, do you agree that it's all Obama's fault? Sure it was says John Bomb-Bomb McCain. If Obama hadn't insisted that Israel freeze it's West Bank settlement construction, this wouldn't have happened. (insert WTF here!)

Michael Savage tells us that Obama "pressured" Israel into it without offering any of the evidence one would desire to back it up.
"As far as I know, it was Obama's administration that told them how to do this attack. It was probably one of America's peace-loving generals, who knows which one of them did it."
The use of probably by a Fox News member of course is as good as proof to the willfully Foxed, as is "as far as I know." Probably means 'definitively' to the Savage audience. Only a Liberal would question it. Only a Liberal would wonder why "peace loving" should be the equivalent of stupid, duplicitous and incompetent -- if not treasonous.

Of course knees are jerking in the Liberal camp as well, as Dennis Kucinich has written to President Obama suggesting that the country needs to "redefine its relationship with Israel" in the wake of the Gaza flotilla "raid." I'd ask him his opinion on redefining the US Coast Guard's daily practice of stopping and boarding ships with armed gunboats and armed inspectors as "raids." I'd ask him if an attack on the Coast Guard by a vessel refusing to stop and be inspected in wartime or peacetime, would be supported by him or excused by him because we're certainly doing it now in the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Caribbean. I'd ask him whether our entire drug interdiction and human smuggling interdiction policies are " reckless, pre-meditated violence waged against innocent people." I'd try to do it without calling him an idiot and a hypocrite, but I doubt I could manage.

So if you still feel this was "premeditated violence" even when the violence occurred only after the "peaceful passengers" tried to kill the inspectors and threw one overboard, ask yourself what the US should do if a flotilla from Iran attempted to enter Iraq with an unspecified, un-inspected cargo, refused to be inspected and brutally attacked our Navy when our Navy attempted to examine that cargo and passenger list.


  1. Just what we need right now: another holy-crap, complicated, divisive crisis moment in our nation's recent history.

  2. I blame George Bush...

    Because of his policies we wasted our time in Iraq and in Afghanistan when we could have been attacking Iran.

    Then his deregulation policies have financially strained this country and weakened us...

    So, now our adversaries are stronger and we are weaker...

    So, Israel was set up and there is not much we can do about it...

    Like they used to say in the good ol' days, "Keep Your Powder Dry" well, that is what we should have done rather than run around thumping our chests and screaming about the axis of evil...

    So now we are bogged down in Afghanistan, Pakistan is a mess, and Iran has turned Iraq into a province of Iran...


  3. I blame Bush too. He let Israel believe they could go on building settlements on the west bank and virtually anything else they liked with no repercussions -- that's why the Republicans are insisting Obama was behind the expansion: because George did it.

    Of course George the Warpresident was looking for war and perhaps Israel's hawks and their batshit religious right are looking for one too, so that either Jesus or Jahweh depending on your brand of guano will step in and kill everyone but the Christians or the Jews, depending, once more, on your brand of fertilizer.

    And if we ever needed a lesson in the danger of mixing religion with ANYTHING else, there we have it. None of the three Western religions will stop until they can fulfill their goddamn ecstatic, apocalyptic, end-times, eschatological insanity and take us all down with them.

  4. Of course, the avalanche of attacks on Israel is a monument of human hypocrisy, but let us not forget that the Israeli government is currently led by a Bush/Cheney style right wing warmonger who, like his many counterparts in the U.S. will take any opportunity to act like a five year old throwing a tantrum.

    I have lived and worked in Israel and am a strong supporter of the country. It's just my opinion, but just like with Bush, the longer they Israelis keep Netanyahu around, the more disasters he is going to cause.


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