Friday, June 11, 2010


Wow seems like just this week the right wing was in a tizzy over Helen Thomas saying she thought the Jews should “get the hell out of Palestine.” Thomas paid for her insensitivity swiftly and severely: she lost her job, was dumped by her speakers’ bureau, and basically had her long, groundbreaking, 60+ year legacy in the media destroyed in a matter of days.

Anyhoo, with that little controversy fresh in everyone’s minds you’d naturally think the right wing would be offended by this blatant racism from Cato Institute scholar Michael Cannon:
Responding to a tragic story about a New Orleans area sheriff asking federal authorities to investigate reports that undocumented workers are involved in the oil spill clean up, Cannon tweeted that undocumented workers “are very absorbent.” View a screen shot below:

Yes, it was clearly meant as a joke which failed horribly. But beyond the blatant racism, it is especially insensitive when one considers the highly charged atmosphere Hispanics face right now, thanks to Arizona’s immigration law. But not to Dave Weigel of the Washington Post, who rallies to Cannon’s defense:

You have to put on blinders to miss the fact that Cannon is joking about what he sees as craziness in Louisiana.

Umm, really? So it’s a slam on those crazy Louisiana people? How do you figure? And if you DO figure, how do you figure that’s any better?

Look, I realize conservatives are missing whatever thread of DNA it is that includes a funny bone, which explains lame “comedians” like Dennis Miller and Victoria Jackson (in all fairness, I find Victoria Jackson hilarious, however that is because I am laughing at her, not with her). So a Cato Institute scholar Tweeting a joke which lands with a massive thud is as predictable as the sun rising in the east.

That fellow conservatives like Dave Weigel would rally to his defense is also, sadly, predictable. This is the same columnist who rushed to defend Rand Paul, not once but twice. Just as conservatives lack a sense of humor, they also seem to lack any sensitivity where issues of race and tolerance are concerned. And this, too, is no surprise, since so much of the conservative movement is an obvious backlash against "political correctness." It is, at its core, a movement born out of a desire to be intolerant and not be called an asshole.

Well, nice try Dave but no prize for you. This was obviously not a joke made at the expense of those “crazy Cajuns” or whatever you are trying to pretend here. It was a joke made at the expense of Hispanics who, I’m sorry to say, have received a good bit of this offensive stereotyping disguised as humor of late.

Check out the Ohio radio station which thought it would be soooo funny to have a contest where you can “spend a day hunting illegals” in Phoenix. Ha ha absofucking hilarious. Yeah those illegals, they put their lives at risk and break the law and all that just cuz, they’re funny that way, must be all the tequila and hot sun, ha ha. I mean, forget about the grinding poverty that forces people to leave their homes and families to come here in search of a better life in the first place. Forget the American economic policy so addicted to the crack pipe that is cheap labor that businesses happily ignore the law and provide jobs for these folks, sometimes even hire contractors to cross the border recruit this cheap labor. But hey, these immigrants are illegal and what part of illegal don’t we DFH’s understand? Yeah I get it.

You know, it just seems there’s no racist comment that could come from a conservative that won’t push the Dave Weigels of the country way out on a limb to defend them. It’s always, always, always OK if you are a Republican.


  1. Yeah, about as funny as that member of the SC senate calling the GOP frontrunner a "raghead."
    Good post.

  2. Southern Beale - American economic policy so addicted to the crack pipe that is cheap labor that businesses happily ignore the law and provide jobs for these folks

    Herein is the core of a giant Republican hypocrisy, the part that galls me the most. A job involves a transaction between a buyer and a seller, and Republicans have always been hell bent on granting all possible favors to business while ignoring the huge social injustices. Republican policies create market conditions that attract cheap labor; then subject the disenfranchised underclass to discrimination and vituperation. This is a classic exercise in VICTIM BLAME!

    Worst of all, instead of prosecuting employers who hire underground labor, they criminalize the laborers … or in the case of Michael Cannon … at least turn them into objects of derision and scorn. Of course, the so-called 'honorable employers' always get a free 'Get of Jail' card.

    I am so sick and tired of this ugly hypocrisy, I am ready to go after Republicans with a pitchfork.

  3. Tree Octopus:

    I think that Republican hypocrisy actually reveals a split in the conservative coalition. Corporate Republicans are happy to advocate for things like temporary worker programs for unskilled labor and expanding legal immigration quotas: things that maintain the flow of cheap labor. But this puts them at odds with a big chunk of their base, the blue collar conservatives who have seen their jobs either get outsourced to foreign countries or go to the cheap labor immigrants.

    So while the Tea Party may rant against immigration, the establishment GOP is actually in favor of it. But woe be it to the conservative who steps out and says so; they will find themselves kicked out on their rears by the Tea Party monster they created.

  4. By the way, this is why I've always advocated a Living Wage Law. Let the immigrants come, and let them compete for American jobs alongside Americans who can actually live on the wage that's paid. Then we'll find out if it's true that there are jobs Americans won't do. I don't happen to believe it.

    Will we pay more for things? Yes we will, but we're paying in other ways already.

  5. Republican damage control is always so shallow and stupid. Though I must say Daddy Paul was doing a pretty good job of deflecting some of the heat directed at his son with the size sixteen foot in his mouth.

    It was a folksy story about no chores, no curfews, no unreasonable demands placed on the Paul children. A libertarian permissiveness, if you will.

    LOL or gag me with a spoon?

  6. FJ:

    Wonder how well that message plays with the "spare the rod or spoil the child" crowd?

  7. Capitalism can't survive without cheap labor. With the demise of the evil institution of slavery, unscrupulous businesspeople have found every way possible to keep enough cheap labor around to make businessmen stay wealthy. Right now much of the cheap labor is from illegals.

    Ironically, to stay wealthy said businessmen need to write laws, thereby requiring politicians who favor big business. Yet, to get elected, politicians need the masses, ie blue collar workers. So, over the years, businessmen and their cohort of evil politicians have convinced many blue collar workers that the cheap labor, whoever it may be at any particular time, is indeed the enemy of the good ol' American working class. And, of course, the good old sleazy businessman is the worker's friend.

    We need to be better salesfolks, to sell the truth about the situation to our growing conservative followers.

  8. Excellent post and comments. The intestine reasoning on the Right is difficult to unravel precisely because it is a mass of switchbacks and double back-flips that defy logic. I am always amazed that there are so many blue collar Republicans, just as I am flabbergasted by the notion of reactionary feminists...even when one of them tries to walk me through their thinking.


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