Sunday, June 6, 2010

Top Kill, Bottom Kill

As Jeff Foxworthy might say, "you might be a liberal if you've ever taken extra trash bags on a two-day canoe trip just so you could pack out other people's trash." I have just arrived home sun-burnt, exhausted, and mentally recharged from a nice float down the Buffalo River. I needed it after completing this video of a bipartisan discussion on the BP oil spill. Enjoy!


  1. Matt,

    Enjoyed the video, thanks. The speaker seems to be giving "for it before I was against it" an exciting new twist: "for it while I was against it."

  2. I just find it interesting that a sort of bipartisan consensus emerges in both of us and in the viewership. The conversation is finally changing. What it comes down to is that while this incident is awful and we absolutely need to change, you can't get away from oil fast enough to stop drilling. But we need to get there.

    If that sounds an awful lot like Obama's nuclear disarmament ideas, you are not wrong.


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