Thursday, August 5, 2010


A conjunction of tea bagheads,
yellow kids, and solar flares.

Click on image to enlarge.


  1. Speaking of solar flares, I'm being bombarded, not with charged particles from space, but with spacey hysteria about this being a period of intense, out of control solar activity.

    Several years ago, this was predicted to have been near the height of solar cycle 24, which has yet to begin. We're in the middle of the longest solar minimum in over a hundred years -- yet the bozohood is putting on tin foil hats in panic and jabbering about an apocalypse.

    Interesting, and as you may know, prolonged solar minimums are associated with prolonged cold weather and as this is is a period of record heat, I wonder how it will be, if as is now predicted we'll have a modest peak in 2013.

  2. Hot in the shade, and hotter under the collar ... my predictions for next year.

    About that condo you were talking about ...?

  3. 2013? Haven't you heard the world is ending in 2012? I read it on the Internet so it must be true. Prepare for the rapture.


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