"All Jews share a particular gene, Basques share a certain gene that sets them apart,"said Thilo Sarrazin, a board member at The Bundesbank, Germany's central bank and a former finance minister of the city state of Berlin. It's not the first time he's pu

"In every European country, due to their low participation in the labour market and high claim on state welfare benefits, Muslim migrants cost the state more than they generate in added economic value. In terms of culture and civilisation, their notions of society and values are a step backwards."Sounds familiar to me, but perhaps that's only my special Jew gene talking. You know, the gene for remembering. Is he only stating the truth despite "political correctness" or is he just another one the Inglorious Basterds missed? Depends on how much tea you drink, I guess. Of course he doesn't exist in a vacuum and there are Germans who applaud his audacity, if you can call it that. There are even Thilo T-shirts available on line.
"I don't want my grandchildren and great-grandchildren to live in a mostly Muslim country where Turkish and Arabic are widely spoken, women wear headscarves and the day's rhythm is determined by the call of the muezzin."I guess he won't be resettling in Detroit or the Borough of Queens, but even there, it's a long way from where we are to sullying the ethnic/religious purity of the Vaterland or good old USA either. Germany of course was once a place where Jews once made great strides toward blending in socially, professionally and even religiously and we see where that got them. Its conceivable that Muslims might make the same effort to become echt Deutsch, but will they see it as being worth it with Schmutz Taschen ( if you'll pardon my calque) like Sarrazin roaming about the beer halls and board rooms? Perhaps certain Muslims of my acquaintance will re-examine their strongly held assertion that Germany wouldn't have done what they did when they did it, when the thought arises that they might be next. I doubt it though.
Of course it's not going to come to that. Germany learned a lesson we're still refusing even to do the homework for and Sarrazin will have to find other employment: politics, possibly. I wonder how good his English is.
Oh fekk. I can't keep up with the miscreants in this country, now I have to deal with this meshuggener?
ReplyDeleteIt's hot. I'm in a brick building. HINT: pizza is best baked in a brick oven. I look like a Neapolitan slice of Margherita. Earl is on his way. Another blow-up in the Gulf.
It's too damn hot. Can someone give me a good reason not to jump out of my first floor apartment window?
I've been saying it for years now, the downfall of society is non others fault but.....Bagels yeah with loxs
ReplyDeleteMy Country for a good bagel. See them Jews how they worm themselves in.
I wonder what the Muslims offer...
Sarrazin's words sound way too familiar. I'm reminded of a line from a protest song from my youth, "When will we ever learn?" This is how the descent into horror always starts, with words that dehumanize, marganilize and objectify some group based on its shared characteristics. Once we have created the "other" then we embark on generating the solution. Philosopher Martin Buber says this far better than I do. Every holocaust, every mass genocide has a starting point.
ReplyDeleteListened to talkback radio here this morning with some hick farmers who are concerned because investors from Dubai are buying prime farmland in Australia...
ReplyDeleteIf they aren't getting kicked around for "low participation in the labour market and high claim on state welfare benefits" in Germany, for daring to claim freedom of worship in the USA, then they are getting kicked around for economic success in the Asia-Pacific.
Hell, it's hard to get a decent bagel even in NYC anymore. Rural Florida? Fughettaboudit. they want to sell you these huge fluffy pieces of Wonder Bread instead.
ReplyDeleteMuslims? Well, if you're in Beijing and you're an American and you really want some sweet dessert after dinner, you head for Muslim town. I love middle Eastern food.
"words that dehumanize, marganilize and objectify some group based on its shared characteristics."
And if those putative characteristics are invented solely for the purpose, so much the better. You're absolutely right, Sheria. Remember the voice of the Rwandan radio announcer intoning "cockroaches?"
Rush and Ann and Beck and all the other apocalyptic horsemen are playing the same game. Liberals who hate America, socialists who want to take your money, commies who want progressive tax rates, lazy, dirty immigrants, sneaky Jews, fanatical terrorist Muslims -- uppity, ungrateful black people who get welfare and drive Cadillacs. . . . All we have to do is get rid of them and all will be well, right?
I grew up admiring the King of Denmark for having donned a yellow star when Hitler mandated it. Turn's out it never happened, but in the same spirit, I'm thinking of converting to Islam just because I hate these bigoted bastards so much.
And by the way, although a number of Jews have a certain haplotype that suggests at least one ancient ancestor was a Cohen, you can't identify someone as a Jew genetically. Hitler tried hard, but failed. I believe I read in Nature that the closest genetic matches to surviving modern groups of Jews was to Cypriots. But you know those Cypriots, sneaky lot and always plotting to take over the banking system and deflowering your Aryan women.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure that research shows that the Basques do not share any identifying genetic marker, only a language.
Where there's a will, there's a way and when bigots will, they'll find one.
My sister signed me up for Family Tree DNA testing and tracks all the results and generated correspondence with great enthusiasm.
ReplyDeleteTurns out I have the haplotype leading back to a Cohen.
Me, a nice protestant boy from Seattle. Oy.
Go figure.
I'm fighting the impulse to burst into 'We Are the World'.
Hmmmm - is there an impulse to make high interest loans or to subvert the economy?
ReplyDeleteThese people so desperately want to make Judaism into a genetic thing they make fools of themselves. Sure, one ancestor, 2000 years ago who makes up an infinitesimal part of your genome is determining your characteristics -- sure. That ain't Darwin, that's Dumbass.
Well anyway, Shalom dude.
I still can't get one of my entertaining meals ever in New York out of my mind though.
The condiment bottle of schmalz on the table certainly helped.
Once every ten years or so.
I have a heartburn just from looking at the picture.