Friday, September 10, 2010

Masturbation, Mutilation and Tea

Apparently, my feelings about the Tea Party are very funny over in Trollhattan, because I'm regularly accused of stupidity and dishonesty and the entire list of standard calumnies when I mention the evidence of insanity in the house of Tea. "Proof" is the usual demand of the rightly accused and of course there's never proof of insanity; but not only do most people know it when they see it, they also know the preponderance of evidence when they're drowning in it.

Take Christine O'Donnell -- please. Masturbation, says the Delaware Tea Party Express candidate soon to appear on primary election ballots, is the same as adultery and as "proof" she offers the Bible. Yes, the same book that tells us that a cheeseburger is an abomination and damnation results from using cotton thread to sew a linen shirt.
"the Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery. So you can't masturbate without lust."
Of course when she says "the Bible" she's referring to a Gospel and it's inclusion under the biblical rubric is a matter of dispute and a matter in which proof has no place. It's also a document which, like the Koran, has no legal status in our country, yet she rolls on with rapturous certainty:
"When a married person uses pornography, or is unfaithful, it compromises not just his (or her) purity, but also compromises the spouse's purity. As a church, we need to teach a higher standard than abstinence"
she told MTV, some years ago. Of course we're a secular Republic and not a church, but can you think of something of a "higher standard" than abstinence that doesn't include genital mutilation? I can't, but one does not expect the words of a Tea Party candidate to mean what they say any more than one expects Biblical cosmology to reflect reality.

One does expect however that when one refuses to list one's place of residence while running for Representative, using the excuse that her house was broken into, when in fact it wasn't, one will be called a liar as well as a nutjob. Please feel free to do so with my blessing.

Again, I'm sure I'll be called names and "proof" will be demanded. I'm sure I need not remind you that it's the guilty party that demands proof of their guilt, while the innocent often has more faith in the evidence. If there are more nuts in that misbegotten party than in the fruit cake you threw away last Christmas, perhaps this will serve as one more chewy bit of that evidence.


  1. Nice to see that Sarah Palin has endorsed this candidate, even as some of the more thoughtful GOPers run for the hills.

    If those can be found in Delaware.

    Hills, or thoughtful GOPers.

  2. Extremely excited to see what quotable moments come out of the 9/11 Anchorage Beck-Palin lollapalooza. More ammunition, Captain! Righteous, as usual, here.

  3. Christine O'Donnell is right, you know. If you’re a Republican engaging in a menage a'moi, you always end up feeling guilty for impeaching the Bush and stroking the Newt.

  4. I wonder how Christine feels about Leviticus Chapter 20 verse 10: And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death. (King James version)

    How many peole do ya think would have to be put to death? Do we execute them all at once? I think I should write Ms. O'Donnell and point this verse out to her. Clearly she is a moral and upright moron.

  5. "Clearly she is a moral and upright moron."

    That's the thing. Morons don't think they are morons -- they think smart people are morons.

    I don't know that it isn't apocryphal, but a famous Supreme Court judge was quoted as saying

    "Morality is not the government's business - it's God's business. God can handle it."

    But with these pea brains, everything is their business.

    I can't say the opinion is unique to the religious right. I've heard from MADD that public intoxication while not driving should be punished equally. We hear that looking at a photograph of a crime is the same or worse than committing the crime and from people self-identifying as liberals. Still it seems to be the people with the Right wing stuff who call oil platform safety rules intrusive but want to peek through your bathroom keyhole.

    Anyway, if masturbation is the same as adultery, then there are a lot of 12 year olds to punish and that any non-married person can be an adulterer is a conundrum that only a true idiot like Palin can understand. I mean it's OK for the teen age daughter to get pregnant, by some other teen age loser, but it's a SIN to touch yourself.

    Jesus! if you're not too busy, we could use a little help here.

  6. I'm sorry, but I have to comment on a deleted and anonymous reply to the above:

    "And she's going to clobber the democratic cantidate in November. I guess masturbation is a misdemeanor (da more ya miss, da meaner ya get) compared to joblessness and a terrible economy with no real "hope and change".

    The dems will be spanked like Paul Reubens' monkey."

    First of all, there are traces of redeeming wit, assuming can'tidate wasn't an accident and the misdemeanor thingie, but what I cannot understand is the assumption that the results of human stupidity, bigotry and pessimism are justification for anything.

    I'd like to ask why he has such an antipathy toward hope and if he's so interested in change why change is a laughable concept and the status quo preferable when that status is so bad?

    I'd really like to know why hopeless stagnation is to be wished for or whether these things get said in the spirit of mindless opposition.

    But maybe he said it himself - and a little wanking might be just the sticky ticket.

  7. According to this, the Teabator wins the GOP primary on Tuesday but loses to the Democrat in November. Can't be all bad as WC might say.


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