Tuesday, September 21, 2010

N Y Times Slams Koch Brothers

In 2006, in a bipartisan vote unheard of today, the California Legislature passed AB 32, a "landmark clean energy bill that many hoped would serve as a template for a national effort to reduce dependence on foreign oil and mitigate the threat of climate change."

Striking terror in their moneyed hearts, a "well-financed coalition of right-wing ideologues, out-of-state oil and gas companies and climate-change skeptics is seeking to effectively kill that law." They are contributing big bucks to ensure the passage of Prop 23 which would kill AB 32 and California's dreams for reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gasses by 80 percent by the middle of the century.

Among the contributors to the $8.2 million Prop 23 lobbying effort are Charles and David Koch, who have forked over the obscene amount of $1 million, and two Texas based oil giants, Tesoro and Valcero. The Koch brothers are worried, "partly about damage to the bottom line at Koch Industries, and also because they believe that climate change is a left-wing hoax."

They have argued that the law will lead to higher energy costs and job losses, arguments that resonate with many voters in a state with a 12.4 percent unemployment rate. But this overlooks the enormous increase in investments in clean energy technologies — and the jobs associated with them — since the law was passed.

The Kochs and their allies are disastrously wrong about the science, which shows that man-made emissions are largely responsible for global warming, and wrong about the economics. AB 32’s many friends — led by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California — have therefore mounted a spirited counterattack in defense of the law.

Who wins if this law is repudiated? The Koch brothers, maybe, but the biggest winners will be the Chinese, who are already moving briskly ahead in the clean technology race. And the losers? The people of California, surely. But the biggest loser will be the planet. (emphasis mine)
The American people who fear big government should be far more afraid of these giant oil industries and mega corporations. They do not care one stitch for the welfare of the United States or for the American citizens or, for that matter, the planet. Their only loyalty is to unlimited amounts of green but not the kind you find in clean energy.

Koch Industries, Inc.: "A Kansas-based conglomerate that operates oil refineries in several states and is the company behind brands including Brawny paper towels, Dixie cups, Georgia-Pacific lumber, Lycra fibers and Stainmaster carpet. Forbes ranks Koch Industries as the second-largest privately held company in the U.S. — and the Koch brothers themselves? They're worth billions." (NPR)

The following information is provided by Hoovers.

Valero Energy Corporation: Named after the Alamo (the Mission San Antonio de Valero), the company is the largest independent oil refiner in the US. Valero refines low-cost residual oil and heavy crude into cleaner-burning, higher-margin products, including low-sulfur diesels. Ranks # 26 by Fortune 500. 2009 Sales (Mil): $68,144.0

Tesoro Corporations: Produces gasoline, jet fuel, diesel fuel, fuel oil, liquid asphalt, and other fuel products. Ranks # 139 by Fortune 500. 2009 Sales (mil) : $16,872.0


  1. If any state needs cleaner air it is certainly California. I hope the people there can look past the propaganda and vote intelligently but I'm not getting my hopes up.

  2. In North Carolina, today marked the 84th day of temperatures over 90 degrees in the central part of the state.

    In Cumberland County alone:
    "The dry weather is affecting crops across the state. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, 30 counties are currently experiencing drought conditions, including three northeastern counties, where severe drought has emerged." Crops have taken a huge hit this year.

    NC is my home state; SC is my state of residence currently, and it is not better here.

    I have taken to calling this the Desert Southeast.

    As a liberal, I sincerely apologize to the entire rest of the planet for having fabricated the notion of global warming and perpetrated the hoax of climate change.

    Denial has never been so expensive.

  3. "I hope the people there can look past the propaganda and vote intelligently but I'm not getting my hopes up."

    Money and the propaganda it buys usually win. See recent history in Calif. and the anti-gay marriage vote in 2008.

  4. Sadly for the rest of us far too many Americans make their political decisions on based bumper stickers and 30 second radio & television spots which reinforce their existing 'ideas'.

    At the very least in this age of corporate 'free speech' and the unselfish efforts of 'real Americans' to 'take back our country' and 'free us from tyranny' it should be absolutely clear who pays for each and every commercial message we're subjected to.

    And while we're at it the 'leftist press' could do a bit better job of identifying who those bright things fouling our newspapers with endless op-ed pieces really work for.


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